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Читайте также:
  1. Active Vocabulary
  4. Active vocabulary
  5. Active vocabulary to remember
  6. Active vocabulary to remember
  7. Active vocabulary to remember
  8. Active vocabulary to remember
  9. Additional Vocabulary

Task 1: Study word formation patterns

-er farmer -or doctor -ess actress -(y)ist therapist -ic mechanic -ian technician -ant accountant -ect architect


-man mailman -woman policewoman -maker shoemaker -player chess-player -smith blacksmith -guard bodyguard

Task 2: Distribute the profession names according to their patterns

Politician, taxman, manager, fireman, linguist, lawyer, sociologist, designer, engineer, librarian, ambassador, miner, physician, assistant, analyst, postman, tailor

Task 3: Fill in the missing professions in the following proverbs

1) An apple a day keeps the __ away. cook
2) A bad __ always blames his tools. shoemaker
3) Every man is an __ of his own fortune. tailor
4) Every __ praises his own broth. workman
5) Let each __ mend his own coat. doctor
6) The __’s son always goes barefoot. architect

Task 4: Give the English for (use the proverbs of the previous exercise)

1. Не за свое дело не берись, а за своим не ленись. 2. Всякий человек своему счастью кузнец. 3. Сапожник ходит без сапог. 4. Лук семь недугов лечит.

5. Каждый купец свой товар хвалит. 6. У плохого мастера плохая пила.


Task 5: Make up sentences to answer the question:What specialists does our University train?” (matching technique)

The Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering   trains programmers process engineers lawyers machine engineers designers sociologists automobile engineers architects electronic engineers civil engineers economists
The Institute of Transport
The Institute of Technology
The Institute of Law
The Institute of Finance and Economics
The Institute of Sociology and the Humanities
The Institute of Information Technologies

Task 6: Study the USAGE of the words given in the table

Job Work Occupation Career Trade Profession Vocation Post Position  


What you do to earn your living is a your job, your work, or (more formal)

your occupation: Please state your occupation on the form. Post and position are more formal words for a particular job: He was appointed to the post / position of lecturer in English at Newcastle University. A trade is a skilled job in which you use your hands: He is an electrician by trade. A profession is a job such as that of a doctor or lawyer, for which you need special training and a good education. Some professions such as teaching and nursing, are also called vocations, which suggests that people do them in order to help others. A career is a job that you hope to do all your life, with more and more success: Her political career began 20 years ago.

Task 7: Fill in the correct word (profession, job(s), career, occupation)

1) Her __ as a dancer came to an end when she broke her leg.

2) My father has been unable to find a __ for the past two months.

3) You must write your name, age and __ on the application form.

4) Peter is a doctor by __, and has his own practice in Brighton.

5) Julia got a __ soon after she left school.

6) Although he is a lawyer by __, he knows little about criminal law.

7) She started her __ as an actress at the age of 18.

8) He has applied for several __ but hasn’t got one yet.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 83 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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