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After you have read

Читайте также:
  1. After Ray Bradbury
  2. After the Cold War
  3. After you click OK, you can click Change time zone to select another time zone or use the Internet Time tab to synchronize the system to an Internet time server.
  4. Answer the questions after reading the text.
  5. Bolshoi Theatre to reopen after major refit
  6. Come round, not run out of, come across, look forward to, look for, come back, take after
  7. Discharge and After-care in Prisons
  8. Infinitives after modal verbs
  9. Italy declares Friday official day of mourning after migrant ship tragedy

Translate the following questions into English and answer them

1) Кто такой Бернерз-Ли?

2) Что произошло 25 декабря 1990 года?

3) Чем занимается Бернерз-Ли в настоящее время?

4) За что он был возведен в рыцарское звание Елизаветой II?

5) Где и когда родился Тим?

6) Кто его родители?

7) Какое образование он получил?

8) Каковы основные вехи его карьеры?

9) Где был создан первый веб-сайт?

10) Когда он вступил в действие?

11) Какая информация содержалась на этом сайте?

12) С какой целью был создан W3C?

13) Почему Бернерз-Ли возглавил кафедру университета в Саутгемптоне в декабре 2004 года?

14) Какую религию исповедует Бернерз-Ли?

15) Где он живет в настоящее время?


Topics to discuss

1. “You cannot hope to build a better world without improving the individuals. To that end each of us must work for his own improvement, and at the same time share a general responsibility for all humanity, our particular duty being to aid those to whom we think we can be most useful.”

Marie Curie

· 2. “I am one of those who think like Nobel, that humanity will draw more good than evil from new discoveries.”

Marie Curie

· 3. “A scientific man ought to have no wishes, no affections, - a mere heart of stone.”

Charles Darwin

· 4. “Science knows no country, because knowledge belongs to humanity, and is the torch which illuminates the world. Science is the highest personification of the nation because that nation will remain the first which carries the furthest the works of thought and intelligence.”

Louis Pasture

Topics for reports / presentations

1. The history of the most important inventions that we widely use today.

2. The coming advances of the 21 century.

3. The inventions bearing the names of their inventors.

4. The most prominent scientists in the field of computers / transport / electricity / architecture, etc.



Unit 1

Task 3

1 – doctor, 2 – workman, 3 – architect, 4 – cook, 5 – tailor, 6 – shoemaker

Task 4

1. Let each tailor mend his own coat.

2. Every man is an architect of his own fortune.

3. The shoemaker’s son always goes barefoot.

4. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

5. Every cook praises his own broth.

6. A bad workman always blames his tools.

Task 7

1– career, 2 – job, 3 – occupation, 4 – profession,

5 – job, 6 – profession, 7 – career, 8 – jobs

Unit 2

A 1-5 2-7 3-6 4-4 5-3 6-1 7-2
B 1-4 2-6 3-5 4-2 5-7 6-1 7-3


Unit 3

Task 9

A 1-24 2-56 3-12 4-43 5-61 6-35
B 1-22 2-64 3-51 4-16 5-43 6-35
C 1-54 2-46 3-61 4-22 5-33 6-15


While you read (p.15)

They were asked: “What was the most important or biggest change in the engineering profession over the past 80 years?”

Unit 4

Page 17

Engineering means – 1) техника; 2) технология; 3) разработка, проектирование, конструирование; 4) машиностроение; 5) строительство

Unit 5

Match the date and invention

1-6 2-4 3-8 4-1 5-3 6-7 7-2 8-6


Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 83 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

TOPIC PRESENTATION | Vocabulary | Vocabulary | Top Ten Most Popular Careers for 2011 in the UK | Before you read | While you read | Modern era | While you read | JAMES WATT | THOMAS ALVA EDISON |

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