Читайте также:
1. сapillary fringe | A. откачка |
2. overwithdrawal | B. оседание почвы |
3. drawdown | C. безнапорные воды |
4. watershed | D. режимная скважина |
5. permeability | E. капиллярная зона |
6. subsidence | F. напорные воды |
7. discharge | G. разгрузка |
8. unconfined aquifer | H. водоупор |
9. water table well | I. проницаемость |
10. artesian aquifer | J. понижение уровня вод |
11. confining layer | K. уровень подземных вод |
12. water table | L. водораздел |
Match the terms with the definitions.
1. artesian well | A. a place where ground water naturally comes to the surface at the intersection of the water table and land surface. |
2. consolidated rock | B. a valley in the water table. |
3. spring | C. the vertical drop of the water level in a well caused by ground water pumping; also, the difference between the water level before pumping and the water level during pumping. |
4.cone of depression | D. the spaces between particles within geological material (rock or sediment) occupied by water or air. |
5. subsidence | E. the process by which over-pumping from an aquifer creates a flow imbalance within an area, which results in salt water encroaching into and contaminating a freshwater supply. |
6. drawdown | F. a well whose source of water is a confined aquifer. |
7. ground water aquifer | G. all the land area and water within the confines of a drainage divide in which all surface runoff will pass through an identifiable outlet, such as a stream or river. |
8. pores | H. this rock must contain interconnected pores or fractures to serve as an aquifer. |
9. salt water intrusion | I. the sinking or depression of the land surface as a result of too much ground water withdrawal. |
10. saturated zone | J. all water beneath the land surface. It includes water in the saturated and unsaturated zones. |
11. underground water | K. the subsurface zone in which all pores in the aquifer are filled with water. |
12. watershed | L. a water-bearing layer of rock or sediment capable of yielding usable quantities of water |
Listen to the text where a commentator is talking about a hydrologist job. You will hear it twice. Answer the questions by saying whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).
Mark it on the answer sheet. You have 30 seconds to read the questions.
Hydrologists use various techniques and sophisticated equipment to monitor changes in water cycles. | |
The work of hydrologists is not so significant in flood control. | |
One of the crucial area in the work of hydrologists is environmental preservation. | |
Experienced hydrologists spend little time in the lab. | |
Certification in hydrology is recommended for most advanced employments. |
Listen to the text once again. For questions 1-10 complete the gaps. You can use no more than 3 words. Before you listen, look at the sentences and try to work out what kind of information you will need to listen for to fill each gap.
Water is one of the resources.
Hydrologists are scientists who study the water in our
as work in Katrina showed flooding is a
in parts of our country.
They use
and equipment to monitor changes in water cycles.
The work of hydrologists is especially important in
They study
is another crucial area.
tend to spend much of their time in the lab.
Here they conduct tests,
, record results and compile data.
in hydrology is recommended for most advanced employments.
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