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Active vocabulary to remember

Читайте также:
  1. A. Active Reading for Better Retention .
  2. Active Levers
  3. Active vocabulary
  5. Active Vocabulary
  7. Active vocabulary to remember
  8. Active vocabulary to remember
  9. Active vocabulary to remember


1. artificial [,a:ti’fi∫l] - искусственный
2. to construct - строить
3. to contain - содержать в себе, вмещать
4. to create [kri’eit] - творить, создавать
5. to display - показывать, демонстрировать
6. entire [in’taiэ] - полный, целый
7. a law [lо:] - закон
8. to locate [lэu’keit] - определять место, располагать
9. to occupy [‘оkjupai] - занимать (пространство, время)
10. to represent [,repri’zent] - представлять, изображать
11. to serve - служить
12. a site - участок, место, местоположение
13. a skyscraper - небоскреб
14. to support [sэ‘pо:t] - поддерживать, помогать, содержать
15. a temple - храм



Pronounce correctly.

abbreviate [э‘bri:vieit] organ [‘о:gэn]
America [э‘meriэ] Pacific coast [pэ‘sifik‘kэust]
Atlantic ocean [эt’læntik‘эu∫n] pilgrimage [‘pilgrimid ]
bury [‘beri] plateau [‘plætэu]
Columbia [kэ‘lΛmbiэ] sculpture [‘skΛlpt∫э]
column [‘kоlэm] sky-scraper [‘skaiskreipэ]
court [kо:t] soldier [‘sэuld э]
event [i’vent] stripe [straip]
George Washington [‘dζэ:dζ ’wо∫iŋtэn] supreme [sju’pri:m] tomb [tu:m]
item [‘aitэm] United States [ju’naitid’steits]
Mall [mо:l] various [‘veэriэs]
Maryland [‘meэrilэnd] Virginia [vэ‘d iniэ]
moment [‘mэumэnt] Washington [‘wо∫iŋtэn]
navy [‘neivi] wax [wæks]

Express in one word the meaning of each of the following phrases. All the words required are in the Text, you are given the first letter of each word and the number of letters in it.


1. a devotional trip - (p_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)

2. a place where particular activity happens - (s_ _ _)

3. a band of colour, among one or more other colours - (s_ _ _ _ _)

4. to make a word shorter - (a_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)

5. control over others - (p_ _ _ _)

6. a building for public worship in certain religions - (t_ _ _ _ _)

7. a very tall city building - (s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)

8. a written copy of a piece of music - (s_ _ _ _)

9. as a whole, altogether - (a_ _ _ _ _ _ _)

10. a happening, usually an important one - (e_ _ _ _)

11. to put into the grave - (b_ _ _)

12. a rule that is supported by the power

of government and that governs the

behaviour of members of a society - (l_ _)

13. to provide with something necessary or useful - (s_ _ _ _ _ _ _)


3. Put in the words omitted in the following: the sentences are all in the piece you have just read.

1. Washington was _____ in 1791.

2. Washington was _____ to be the seat of the USA government.

3. The USA flag has fifty stars on a blue ____.

4. Each of these stars ____ one of the fifty states.

5. Washington ____ the District of Columbia.

6. The name of Washington always _______ the abbreviation D.C. not to be mixed up with another Washington.

7. The White House was ____ in 1792 – 1829.

8. Washington presents different ____ from New York.

9. Low buildings and a lot of trees give Washington a ____ aspect.

10. The Congress library is ____ in the capital.

11. The Congress library ____ a lot of books, manuscripts and a lot of other items.

12. The library serves the ____ governmental establishment.

13. Washington ____ world-known art galleries, museums and monuments.

14. The Navy Museum _____ historic American moments.

15. The National Gallery is ____ by the US government.

16. The Lincoln Memorial is set high on an ____ plateau at the end of the Mall.

17. The Arlington National Cemetery is the _____ of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.


4. What would you say if you took part in the following dialogue? Act it.

A.: When was the capital of USA founded?

B.: ….

A.: What does each star of the USA flag represent?

B.: ….

A.: Why does the name of the capital always go with the abbreviation D.C.?

B.: ….

A.: Where is the District of Columbia situated?

B.: ….

A.: Where are all organs of power situated?

B.: ….

A.: Is Washington, D.C., an industrial city?

B.: ….

A.: What is the White House?

B.: ….

A.: What is the Capitol?

B.: ….

A.: Why are all buildings low in Washington, D.C.?

B.: ………

A.: What can you say about the Congress Library?

B.: ….

A.: What museums and galleries is Washington, D.C., famous for?

B.: ….

A.: What is the Arlington National Cemetery?

B.: ….


Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 109 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

The capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | The Tower of London | Fill in the missing remarks of the dialogue. | The system of Higher education in Great Britain | Universities and colleges | Oxford University | UNIT 10 | Active vocabulary to remember | Choose the synonyms from the right column to the phrases given in the left one. | New York |

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