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Clay Pigeons

These cards are used for Sea King and Plague Ogryn to be the target of their Snipe ability, which does 2000 damage to the card with the lowest HP. A good clay pidgeon ideally has resurrection to add stability while you get them in place before a recycler can get them back up, and have lower hp than all your other cards. Low wait (e.g. 2) is also ideal so that if they are reincarnated or resurrected instead of reanimated, they can get out fast enough to take the next snipe before one of your important cards are sniped. Like guard cards, there are many “secrets” to DI decks surrounding these, and I’ll leave it up to you to find these out on your own. Because there are no required abilities for a clay pigeon, it is a loose definition that any card with low hp can fill (including cards under level 10), but here are some common ones:



Fire Mage (FM) - Most common clay pigeon. Readily available in gold packs, and has a high chance of resurrection (65%), this will be the most common clay pigeon, and the clay pigeon used for almost all starter decks.



Blood Lotus Nymph (BLN) - One of the best clay pigeons. Can be evolved. She works well with Fire Mage because it has slightly higher HP so it is last to go among your clay pigeons, and although the wait is a bit lower, she deals 360 damage per turn that she is alive via mana corruption, and if she happens to come out in front of a demon first, she gets a little extra bonus with Backstab. It’s important to note that her 60% chance to res compared to FM’s 65% can hurt a deck’s stability a surprising amount. Also can be used as a sniper!


Goblin Chemist (GC) - A great low cost card to take advantage of the craze glitch. It wont cover the full craze amount for a craze cerato, but it will for a craze Butcher or a plain/bloodthirsty Cerato. If all you need is for your clay pigeon to cover the craze amount, GC can be the best because of the low cost. However it doesn’t add any other utility. It’s very low HP makes it very easy to use as a clay pigeon as all DI cards have more HP than it.


Taurus Guard (TG) - I thought it’d be important to show an example of an evolved clay pigeon. TG needs to be evolved to be used because it doesn’t have swamp force by default, but once you give it swamp force, it is the lowest hp card that can have Swamp Force 5 or 6 as well as Swamp Guard. Swamp Guard is important because it acts as a heal for your tank. This makes TG an effective clay pigeon for demons like Plague Ogryn because every time he is reanimated (which should be every turn), he heals your deck, so you only need 400 regeneration for your support cards instead of 400 regeneration and an additional 110-150 healing for

your tank.

Swamp Rider (SR) - Can be used at level 0 to cover 125 per turn for the craze glitch. This is enough to cover craze cerato and craze butcher. It has the lowest hp and cost of any card with Swamp Force 5. If your deck permits, you can level it to level 10 (assuming all other cards are higher hp than SR at L10) and evolve it with another ability. Desperation/Quick Strike abilities can work well on clay pigeons since they’re meant to die every turn. If you need Swamp Guard and Swamp Force, it’s usually better to use Taurus Guard because it has less HP than Swamp Rider at level 5.



There are lots of other options for clay pigeons. Anything with Force buff can active the craze glitch, and sometimes snipers or recyclers can also be the best clay pigeons. This is where you have a chance to get creative with your deck building.



6) Snipers/Damage Dealers

These are cards that do damage to the demon beside your tank. All cards can be snipers as they can be evo’d with Snipe, however the most effective snipers will have Mana Corruption, and Resurrection doesn’t hurt either. These are most necessary for dynamic stacks and for Mars stacks. Mars mostly because your primary tank will have all of its attack leeched, unless you’re lucky enough to have a resistance Light Paladin. Here are some common examples:


Thunder Dragon (TD) - One of the most common, and most effective snipers. The combination of a high chance of Resurrection and a high level of mana corruption makes him very useful in dynamic stacks. Resurrection can also be useful in Mars stacks in place of a resistance sniper (such as AL, below) where he can be targeted by Destroy





Arctic Lich (AL) - Perfect for Mars because he has Resistance and can’t be taken out by Destroy. Having resistance on your snipers allow you to have a stable deck with non-resistance cards where you may not have them, such as recyclers. Can be evolved with prayer.



Skeleton King (SK) - Doesn’t use mana corruption, but it’s high level Snipe makes it a good contender among sniper cards. Has all the same abilities as Blood Lotus Nymph in the previous section, but with higher values (aside from trading MC for Snipe), as well as higher Atk and Hp. Backstab and Resurrection makes it an excellent candidate for Dynamic Stacks.




Pharaoh - Very similar to TD. The only difference in their abilities (in terms of DI) is a 60% chance to resurrect vs TD’s 65%, which as stated in BLN’s description, can make a fairly significant difference in deck stability. The only other noteworthy difference is that he can be evolved with mountain-only skills, and can activate mountain runes.



Voodoo Scarecrow (VS)- Again, very similar to TD, though instead of sacrificing 5% chance to resurrect, you sacrifice 60 mana corruption damage, which is usually a better sacrifice. Similarto Pharaoh with mountain, he can be used for swamp only evos and swamp runes. This can actually make him better than TD because he can activate Dirt, one of the best stabilizing runes. Voodoo Scarecrow’s High ATK and HP are another advantage over other snipers.


Dragon Summoner (DS) - one of the strongest, if not THE strongest, damage dealers. Mana corruption by both the summoner and his dragon coupled by base prayer makes him one of the most effective damage dealer cards. Also, even though he and his dragon don’t have resurrection, the fact that it is 2 cards still helps stability because it allows other cards to build up behind this card. So while his TD is being killed that gives you an extra round to get another card out before you take damage. An excellent card for dynamic stacks, and occasionally useful for static stacks as well.


Beetlelisk (Beetle) - has two strong damage dealing abilities, as well as reflection. This makes him a potential candidate to do damage in Pazuzu decks, however in practice I don’t find much use for him in Pazuzu. Additionally, because he has no stability adding abilities, beetlelisk is usually best left out of your deck unless you already have an incredibly stable deck. Though if you do have a very stable deck already (like a dynamic stack with 2xDeath Knight), he can still be useful.



The Don - like DS, he’s one of the best damage dealers. In addition to building a stack with his THREE summoned cards, he has snipe on his own as well as 2xSwamp Force and 2xSwamp Guard from his 2 Swamp Riders. The Don’s usefulness comes mostly from his ability to create a small stack with just a single card. After you play the don you usually have 2-3 rounds before you must get another card out to prevent your hero from taking damage. This adds a LOT of stability to dynamic stacks, especially those that can benefit from his swamp riders’ Swamp Guard.


7) Leechers

These aren’t a regular component of most stacks, however they deserve a mention. Since Wicked Leech (e.g. Light Paladin, Queen of the Dead/QotD) works on cards with Immunity, these cards can reduce the attack damage of demons, improving deck stability, and making it possible to tank demons in ways you wouldn’t have previously thought possible. Queen of the Dead is one of the most useful leechers, but this category is one that is experimental, and can be rewarding, so if you can think of a spot where a leecher may be useful, I urge you to test it (via simulator) and see how it works out. I personally have designed very effective decks this way, and this is another subject that a lot of DI “secrets” revolve around.


Types of Runes for Stacks:

1A) Heals/Absorbs

These runes heal your cards, and more importantly, give them absorbs (spring breeze). Absorbs allow your cards to get more than their max HP. Adding healing runes to a deck will help you add stability so that your cards can be healed while they get in place, and while your card healers are still getting into place. They usually won’t increase your max merit, but they will increase your MPM by increasing your average MPF.


Spring Breeze (SB) - This is one of the best healing runes because it allows you to have more than your max HP. So cards that couldn’t survive a hit with their normal HP can potentially survive a hit with Spring Breeze active. Requires at least 2 forest cards, ideally 3 or 4.





Clear Spring (CS)- Simple healing rune. It’s the weakest of the healing runes, but it can still be vital towards stabilizing certain stacks. One situation where it is particularly important is building early stacks that use Taiga Cleric instead of Leprechaun (tundra vs forest)


Blood Stone (BS) - Stronger healing rune. Higher healing than Clear Spring, but since it requires mountain cards, it can only be used in SK/PO decks where you use Fire Mage or BLN as clay pigeons. One advantage to Blood Stone is that it occurs after a card’s turn, instead of at the beginning of a round, so it activates after a card is damaged by poison (such as on PO), allowing it to heal the damage it is dealt by poison.


Red Valley (RV) - Can be useful if using multiple swamp cards. Swamp cards tend to be somewhat of a rarity in DI decks, but can be one of the better healing runes if you can use it, so if you’re using 2 or more swamp cards, it’s definitely worth considering.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 92 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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