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Craze Glitch

These next two sections may be a bit controversial because typically these are considered “secrets” of EK, but nowadays pretty much everyone knows about them, so all they do is make it harder for new players who don’t know them to play to their full potential.


If you’ve seen someone use Goblin Chemist in a PO deck, or Goblin Warrior with Swamp Force in a DT deck, then you’ve seen how the craze glitch is used. Normally, when a card with a force buff dies, it subtracts the buff amount from all the affected cards. However, when one of those affected cards has gained attack via Craze, part of the buff given by the dying force card will stay behind. The max amount of force buff that stays behind is equal to the craze amount gained by that card. So if a swamp card has gained 100 atk via Craze, and then a card with Swamp Force 6 (+150atk) dies, 100 of that 150 will stay behind, so only 50 will be subtracted instead of the usual 150.


To utilize the craze glitch, you need a card with force buffs that dies regularly.

Dark Titan decks can utilize the craze glitch via guards (e.g. Goblin Warrior-SF6).

SK/PO decks can utilize the craze glitch via clay pigeons (e.g. Goblin Chemist).

Mars decks can utilize the craze glitch via guards (e.g. GW-sf6) and non-resistance cards.
Deuc/Panda decks can utilize the craze glitch via non-dexterity cards (e.g. Rose Nymph)

Pazuzu decks can utilize the craze glitch via non-reflect/immune cards (e.g. Rose Nymph) and guards (e.g. Omniscient Dragon-ff6)


It’s important to note that the max benefit is equal to the craze amount, so using 2xGoblin Warrior with Swamp Force will not give you twice the benefit, and having a higher force value than the craze amount also wont help much. Having higher force, or double force, will help the craze glitch bonus “catch up”, but eventually it’ll end up giving the same atk growth per round. So for example if a swamp card gains 200atk via craze and 50atk per round after that, and then a Swamp Force 4 (+100atk) card starts to die, the full 100 atk from the buff will stay behind for 4 rounds, and then it’ll go back to only 50 atk per round. If that same swamp card that gained 200atk via craze at 50atk per round after then has a Swamp Force 3 (+75atk) card that starts dying regularly, 75atk would stay behind for 8 rounds, and then it would go back to only 50 atk per round. The end result after 8 rounds is the same, but with the Swamp Force 4 card, it would reach that result sooner.


BLOODTHIRSTY WILL NOT ACTIVATE THE CRAZE GLITCH, so for example, a craze 7 Butcher can only gain a maximum of 70atk/round from the craze glitch, because Bloodthirsty 9 doesn’t make the craze glitch work. Hence why it’s called the CRAZE glitch.


Now, for those who are mathematically/programmatically minded (such as myself), let’s explain it in another way. Let’s say you keep track of base atk, current atk, and buffs. What’s happening is that Craze increases current atk by the craze value, but increases base atk by twice that value. That way when you set current atk after removing a force buff, it considers base atk + buffs as the minimum atk that it can lower it to. Bloodthirsty however, increases base atk and current atk by the same amount, which is why it doesn’t work. So let’s look at an example:

Start with Card A, a 200 atk swamp card, with no buffs on the field
(BaseAtk: 200, CurrentAtk: 200, Buffs:0)


Card A gains 50 atk via craze, so current atk increases by 50, but base atk increases by 50*2=100
(BaseAtk: 300, CurrentAtk: 250, Buffs:0)


Card B, a card with Swamp Force 8, enters the field, increasing current and buffs by 200.

(BaseAtk: 300, CurrentAtk: 450, Buffs:200)


Card B dies, removing 200 atk from current, or lowering atk to base, but no further

Current Atk = Minimum(BaseAtk + Buffs, CurrentAtk)
Current Atk = Minimum(300 + 0, 450) = 300

(BaseAtk: 300, CurrentAtk: 300, Buffs:0)


so in this scenario, the card gains 50 atk from craze, and 50 atk from the craze glitch, increasing atk from 200 to 300 with only a craze value of 50.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 111 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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