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Demonic Imps


Demonic Imp - This will be an early introduction to Mars, since that’s the only demon where HH/WEA decks don’t work well. The reason is because in addition to his 1000 damage curse that directly damages your hero, he casts Destroy on a random card. If you use HH/WEA, that leaves you open to taking direct damage from his attack and his curse. If you use cards with resistance, you can last much longer, taking 1000 damage only per turn instead of 2200. Demonic Imp is a particularly useful resistance card for Mars because it has Concentration, as well as Resurrection. Concentration works just like Headless Horseman’s Concentration, a 50% chance to boost damage (but by 100% instead of 140%). The important part of Resurrection is it allows you to use fewer cards in your deck, which both makes the deck easier to build, and decreases your cooldown between attacks. Demonic Imps cost 1987k gold to level to level 10 if using gold packs, and 407k if using feasts. Lurker Assassin, a 3* card with Resistance and Backstab (no resurrection) can sometimes be used as a weaker resistance card for Mars.


Demonic Imp Runes


Fire Forge - Because Mars uses Destroy, and it will fail, Mars is one of two demons (Dark Titan and Mars) where your cards are killed by the demon’s attack, and not an ability, so counterattack runes become useful here. This will eventually add 840 damage/merit per fight, but Demonic Imp decks usually won’t have enough imps to take full advantage of it, but it’s better than using an empty rune slot.


Leaf - like before, adds a total of 960 damage/merit per fight.


Lore - Like before, you need to be a higher level to last long enough and have enough imps to take advantage of it (needs 3 imps in the cemetery), but it can drastically increase their damage towards the end of the fight.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 78 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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