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Evolution Strategies

×èòàéòå òàêæå:
  1. Challenge of Diversity. New Strategies and Language Patterns
  2. Culture Speeds Up Human Evolution
  3. Devolution to Scotland and Wales
  4. Employee Communications Strategies and Tactics
  5. Evolution
  6. Evolution of Land Plants
  7. Industrial revolution
  8. Revolution in France and the Napoleonic Wars

A lot of people are curious about what skills to choose, and when to stop evolving if aiming for certain skills. First, decide what you’re going for. Use the Evolution Skill List to determine what skill you’re after, and what color it is (purple/gold), and double check the Evolution Skills by Kingdom List to make sure that skill is available in the Kingdom you’re evolving. You cannot evolve two attack multipliers on one card! This means a card with warpath (e.g. Reindeer Warrior) CANNOT be evolved with concentration! MORE ON THIS ON NEXT PAGE
Going for Gold:

Evolve until you get it. Continue past +5 if you need to.

Going for Purple:

Evolve until +5. If you don’t see it, start over if you have a card to start over with. The exception to this is if you won’t be able to get enough cards to start over and see purple skills again.


Beyond that, I know of one, very minor strategy that works. Because you’ll never see the skill that you currently have as another evo option, you should choose a skill that is the same color as the one you’re aiming for (unless it’s a downgrade for what you already have). This is because it keeps a skill of that color from appearing in possible options. For example, if there are 25 purple skills, and you’re looking for 1 on your 5th evo, you have a 3 in 61 chance of finding it. If you choose one of those purple skills already, you have a 3 in 60 chance of finding it. Nothing major, but it’s a slight improvement.


All other evolution strategies, such as evolution paths (new choices dependent upon previous choices) seem to be based on superstition. You can choose to believe them if you want, but they have no factual basis as far as I’m aware.

(7th evo:
6 gold &
2 purple)

Evo Conflicts

Thanks to Mario, a member of the EK team for translating this evolution conflict chart from the Chinese version for me. This chart tells you which skills are impossible to get through evolution if the base card has the skill on the left:


Exile and Teleport have the same conflicts. Cards with Quick Strike: Teleportation and Quick Strike:Teleportation also have the same conflicts.


There are a few problems with this list, so don’t take it for 100% fact. There are a few known and suspected conflicts that aren’t covered by this list:

Ice Dragon (which has dodge) can get Parry (Confirmed)
Red Banded Dragon & Fire Dragon Turtle (which have Resurrection) can get Resurrection (Confirmed)



1) Community Forums - EK.Arcannis.com

This is where I got my start. Though Arca doesn’t keep the website updated anymore, the forums are still active and you can get good advice there. I started after Arca stopped updating the website, so I can confirm that the information on the forums is relevant.

This post on the forums I found particularly useful and it’s where I first learned a lot of information included in this guide.


2) Card List - Ekfaq.com/cardlist

Use this website to search for cards. Many images in this guide come from there. In addition to searching by name, you can search by ability (e.g. Reincarnation if you wan’t to see all cards with reincarnation), not all cards are available on every server, but they likely will become available at some point if they aren’t already, and it never hurts to plan ahead. You can also sort by stars and kingdoms. It’s also useful for finding out what a card’s alternate evolution card is, and it often has the correct card for that before the card is released on any server.

An alternative to ekfaq with all the same information (and more) is this excel spreadsheet that I use. It has all the same info, with a little extra, including decks on each map space, map rewards, runes, and skills. It isn’t as pretty (no images), but you can sort columns A->Z or Z->A. The most useful use for it that I know of is using it to find what cards are in the KW store, FoH store, drop from mazes, drop from thieves, drop from warlord packs, drop from warrior packs, and drop from fire tokens.


3) Evolve Skill List - Ekfaq.com/evolveskills

Has a list of all possible evolution skills. They are color coded so you can see at which evolution level (+1/+2/+3/+4/+5) the skill is potentially available.


4) Evolve Skills by Kingdom - gammiesden.com

Has a list of possible evolution skills by kingdom. So you can see that Craze/Bloodthirsty/Counterattack are swamp only, and Resurrection are mountain only for instance. It’s wise to check if the skill you’re after is available here before wasting resources trying to get an impossible evolution skill.


5) Line - Line.me

The most popular chatting app. Available on all platforms. Any and all serious players will use it to communicate with their clan, as well as groups devoted to DI, FoH, Simulators, and any topics people decide to make groups for. It is superior to in-game chat because you can read conversations that were had when you weren’t online, so you don’t miss anything, and is great for linking images, such as deck/card images, and keeps you up to date on the most important EK news. If you need help finding chatrooms to start out on Line, feel free to add me. (Line ID: Lightja)


Peppa's / EK-Fanatics (Very User Friendly) - Link


Peppa’s ‘EK-Fanatics’ simulator is one of the most commonly used simulators. The reason I’m listing it first is because it is very user friendly. It has an understandable GUI that is pretty self explanatory. It doesn’t require command line input or editing of any ‘.txt’ files, it’s just a simple process of open, pick cards/runes, and run. Because of how user-friendly it is (compared to the other simulators at least), I recommend this to anyone who’s learning their first simulator, but I encourage everyone to also branch out at some point and try the others. So here comes the picture-guided tour of how to get started with Peppa’s EK-Fanatics simulator:


1. Go to http://peppa84.com/ and download the latest version
(highlighted in image below with a red box)


(continued on next page)



2. Extract the folder to wherever you want to use it from. Your desktop should be just fine, that’s where I put it personally.




3. Open the ‘EK Fanatic’ folder from wherever you extracted it (for me, my desktop)


4. Run the ‘Elemental Kingdoms Fanatic’ application.


5. This is what the simulator should look like. Image below. For this example, we’re going to test against Dark Titan, so in the top left click ‘Opponent’, then ‘Demon >’, then ‘Dark Titan’. This will select Dark Titan as the demon we’re testing against.



6. With Dark Titan Selected, click the ‘Edit Attacker’ button (highlighted with red box below). This will show a Headless Horseman and Wood Elf Archer deck. Feel free to go ahead and click the ‘Simulate multiple’ if you want to just see how the test runs and the results will show up underneath the simulate button. But for this example, we’re going to test a better deck. Right click the top-left square (highlighted with blue box below) 10 times, and this will clear the deck so that we can choose the cards we want to test with. Then left click the same blue box to choose our first card.



7. This will launch the ‘CardSearcher’ window. Inside this window, you can start typing the name of a card in the ‘Name’ text box (highlighted with red underline below). Start typing ‘Cerato’ and this will narrow the cards that you see in the below box until Cerato is the only one you see. Once you have Cerato selected click ‘OK’. (highlighted with red box below)



8. Just like we did with Cerato, add 2 Leprechauns, 2 Statue of Lights, and 2 Omniscient Dragons.



9. Just like we did with the cards, right click the top left rune slot (highlighted with red box to the right) 4 times to empty runes. Then left click the red box to open the ‘RuneSearcher’ window.


10. Just like we did with the cards, add ‘Leaf’, ‘Tsunami’, ‘Clear Spring’, and ‘Spring Breeze’



11. Once you have all your runes selected, run the test by clicking the “Simulate multiple” button (highlighted with red box below). This will make the results appear below the simulate button (highlighted with green box below). If you selected the correct cards and runes you should get the same results as you see below. Your results might be off a little bit, but mpm should be within a few hundred at least.
merit: 5620 - 108200
mpm: 14400
mpf: 64920



Crystark's / EK-Battlesim (My Favorite) - Link


Crystark’s ‘EK-Battlesim’ is my personal favorite simulator. Everyone’s preferences and experiences are different, but in my personal experience, Crystark’s simulator tends to provide the most reliable and accurate results. It’s also very powerful. It has pretty much any mode you could think of (each demon, thief, hydra, KW, arena, FoH) and has the most options. Most notably, is its ability to test multiple decks at a time, namely with the -vs option (which is used for arena and FoH). This allows you to test one deck against a long list of other decks. I use this to test against a database of saved decks, and it shows the win rate against each deck, as well as a global average. So if I want to improve my arena deck, I run my test deck against all of the decks in my arena database. If I want to improve my 2*, 3* or 4* FoH decks, I run my test deck against all of the decks in my 2*, 3*, and 4* databases respectively. If you want help building a database to use for testing or just help in general with Crystark’s simulator, feel free to contact me via Line. (id: Lightja)


Crystark’s simulator can be a little daunting compared to Peppa’s because it requires you to input decks as text files, and requires you to use a console with command line inputs to run it. This really isn’t hard to learn, but it’s not as easy to figure out as simply clicking on buttons. If you get into simulating regularly, I highly recommend that you learn how to use it. Crystark does a fantastic job documenting how it is used on his wiki (where you can also download the simulator) on bitbucket: https://bitbucket.org/Crystark/ek-battlesim/wiki/Home


To supplement Crystark’s documentation on bitbucket, I’ll provide my own step-by-step guide with visual aids to help those visual learners out there. Set-up and start up tutorial begins on the next page.



1. Go to Crystark’s bitbucket page and download the.zip file with his simulator. Highlighted with an underline in the image below.




2. Extract the ‘ek-battlesim’ folder anywhere you want. This is how you access the simulator, so I suggest putting it somewhere you can access easily, such as your desktop. That’s where I put mine.



3. Create a new.txt file in the ‘ek-battlesim’ folder. Call it whatever you want. For now, i’ll just call it ‘deck.txt’. For now, instead of creating a new.txt file, open deck.sample.txt and save it as deck.txt. I’m not sure why, but I was having issues getting the simulator to recognize a freshly created file for some reason. I will resolve this with Crystark later. Clear out the newly saved ‘deck.txt’ to create a fresh.txt file.


4. In this new.txt file, ‘deck.txt’ replace whatever might be inside with what you see in the image below. For ease of copying, you can go to this link, which has the text for you to copy and paste. The important lines are ‘Player Level: xx’, which determines hero hp, and the lines starting with a card or rune name. Lines starting with ‘#’ are ignored and can be used to put comments/notes for yourself. They won't affect the simulator. If you just put the name of the card on a line and nothing else, the simulator reads that as a plain level 10 card with no evolved skills. If you put just the name of a rune and nothing else, the simulator reads it as a level 4 rune. Currently only level 4 runes are supported. If you want to input an evolved card, follow the format in the text file used for Leprechaun. The evo skill is the 4th skill. In this case, resistance. Not all skills require a number after them (such as Reanimation or Immunity), but for those that do, put a colon, “: “ next to the name of the skill with the associated value (NOT THE RANK!), so to use Snipe 7 as the evo skill, you’d type “Snipe:210”. You can go to www.ekfaq.com/cardlist to get cost/wait/hp/atk/skill information, or you can copy the base level 10 version from cards.supported.txt in the ‘ek-battlesim’ folder.

5. Once you’ve input your deck into ‘deck.txt’, save and close it, then run ‘openwindow.bat’ inside the ‘ek-battlesim folder. This will launch a console with a command line.


6. The console that pops up is where you input commands to run your simulations. I recommend checking out Crystark’s wiki to learn more about all the different commands and options, but for now we’ll run the command for testing against Dark Titan:


ek-battlesim -dk deck.txt -dm “Dark Titan”



7. When you run that command (and press enter), the simulator will run, and you’ll see input similar to what you see below. Crystark’s output has a bit more information than most simulators (such as % chance to hit round 50/100/150, and min, max, and average number of rounds), which is just another reason Crystark’s simulator is very useful. Now that you’ve run this test for Dark Titan, you should have a decent grip on how to test against all demons, and how to build the decks. If you still have questions, or want to learn about the other modes, you can either contact me on Line (id: Lightja), or consult Crystark’s wiki


Azh’s Online Simulator (Works for mobile)
- Link - Mobile Version

Azh has recently updated his online simulator to use Peppa’s EK Fanatics Simulator instead of JSDemonsim. This means it is up to date with all the latest cards and abilities. Also, it makes it much more user and beginner friendly because you can build decks using drop down menus to select cards, levels, and evo skills. The only thing not selected from drop down is runes, which are just typed out. So major props to Azh for making a mobile friendly platform for simulation, and also for updating it from using JS’ outdated sim to using a much more current simulator.




1. Go to: http://teamfrag.net:35515/decks and click ‘ SIGN UP




2. Register with your email. You dont have to confirm your email so it’s just used as a log-in and so you can use anything. Pick a password and your level, then click the ‘ Sign up ’ button. You can edit your level later if needed.




3. This will bring you to http://teamfrag.net:35515/deck. Now you need to input the cards that it tests with, so click ‘Show cardslist’


4. This will bring you to a big empty text box where you define the cards that you’ll test with. You want to include all cards that you might use. Below i’ll show you where you can copy+paste almost all of the cards. For any cards that aren’t in the document I’m about to show you, you can create manually. Aside from some skill names, it uses the same format as Crystark’s sim (should be easy to follow the same format as the cards in the document below). Azh updated this so that the cards are already listed here by default.


If the cards aren’t in the text box by default, you can copy+paste them from here: http://pastebin.com/P1sWBYJU



5. After you confirm that the cards are here, click the ‘ save ’ button. If you want to use evolved cards, you’ll have to add a new card with a new name, with the evolved stats and the evolved skill. The evo skill needs to be one of the implemented skills (shown at the top of the card list). If it’s an ability like Blizzard or something that wont work on a demon anyways, there’s no reason to include it. The only major ability that I know of that isn’t implemented is Dexterity (such as on Forest Rider). Upcoming versions may have all cards/abilities implemented




6. This will update your account with those cards so that you can use them freely in your decks. Now you should be on a page that says “Listing Decks”. Since we haven’t made a deck yet, it shouldn’t show anything but your level, an ‘edit user info’ link, a link back to the cardslist we just added, and a button for creating a ‘New Deck’. Click the ‘ New Deck ’ link.



7. On the ‘New Deck’ page we’ll input the information for our new deck. In the ‘Name’ field, put whatever you want. I just named this deck ‘Example’. In the ‘ Cards ’ text field, name all your cards, separated with a comma. Just like all the other guides, we’re going to use
Statue of Light,
Statue of Light,
Omniscient Dragon,
Omniscient Dragon



8. Similarly, In the ‘ Runes ’ field, name your runes, with each separated by a comma. Just like the other guides, we’re going to use “Leaf, Tsunami, Clear Spring, Spring Breeze” in our example deck.



9. In the ‘ Demon Name ’ field, put the name of the demon. There are no spaces in demon names, so your options are: SeaKing, PlagueOgryn, DarkTitan, Mars, Deucalion, and Pandarus.



10. Press the ‘ Create Deck ’ button.


11. This will bring you to the newly created page for your deck. It’ll show you the Name, Cards, and Runes. If you see anything wrong with the deck, click the ‘edit’ link and fix it. Our example deck should show you the same thing you see below. Once you’ve confirmed that it is correct, click the ‘ Back ’ link.




12. This will bring you back to the ‘Listing Decks’ page, where you’ll see the newly created example deck.



13. Once everything looks good, press the ‘ Sim ’ button.



14. Now it should show the results of the deck. They should be very similar to what you see below. You may notice that the results look very similar to Crystark’s output as well, and that’s because Crystark’s simulator is loosely based on JSDemonsim.







Looking for a volunteer to write the guide for this simulator. I personally don’t use it very much at all.





About This Section:

I’ll be redoing the decks used in this section. Currently they are all based on F2P cards obtainable at level 71, and are close to the ideal decks given those cards. Instead of giving those decks away, I’m going to sim at level 91, and use less than ideal cards (such as a tank without growth instead of Cerato), so that people will have an idea of what to aim for, but can use the Card Types and Rune Types sections to find alternatives to improve the deck, and it will force you to use the simulator to decide which cards are best, and in what amounts. Simulation is a skill that any serious EK/MR player should have. I’ll show the results (MPM, Cooldown, MPF) of the decks I currently have, but without the cards, so that people know what is possible.


I’ll Also be adding a low-level deck for each demon, to show at what level it is possible to do these demons with the right cards.


Demon Types


Depending on their skills, demons are typically considered to be one of two types:


Card Killer - These Demons specialize in killing cards, and they will usually kill all your cards before they take out your hero’s HP. Skills: Counterattack, Retaliation, Snipe, Toxic Clouds, etc.


Hero Killer - These Demons specialize in killing your hero. So they may kill your cards, but typically you’ll lose your hero HP before all your cards. With these demons you may almost build your full card stack, but if your guard cards come out too late, you can still die early.



When you draw cards from your deck in a desirable order, we typically call this a hit. In these instances, you’ll hit close to your max hit. (alternatively, when you get an undesirable card order, and only earn a small fraction of your max possible merit, we call this a miss) It’s important to note that regardless of demon, if you get a good hit/desirable draw, your hero hp will deplete before your cards. This is because of the unavoidable growing curse damage that starts at round 50. Guard cards will not protect against this damage


Dark Titan

Dark Titan is a very straight-forward demon. He’s the strongest Hero Killer demon, and only kills cards with his regular attack. Because that attack is 1800, he one shots the majority of non ice-shield cards. Most people say you can start stacking Dark Titan at about level 61, but it’s possible to do it a bit sooner, especially with Leprechauns and/or Light Paladin. The most important skills to pay attention to are Devil’s Curse and Damnation. With the two combined you will take up to 3000 hero damage per turn once you have 10 cards on the field. This means you’ll need 2 guard cards to cover the damage every turn. Also, because Dark Titan only kills cards with his regular attack, you shouldn’t use reincarnation cards, because putting your card cards back in your deck will leave you vulnerable to curse and damnation for at least 1 or 2 rounds. So you only want to use reanimation. The one exception to this is Light of Hydra, which has Quick Strike and Desperation: Reincarnation 4. This means he’ll refresh your stack if you get a bad card draw, but wont reincarnate every round.


Necessary Cards for a DT stack:

Tank: You’ll need a tank to take his melee hits and retaliation. Ideally, you’ll use a tank with Ice Shield, such as Cerato or Light Paladin. Because of Cerato’s Craze and ability to evolve an extra Craze or Bloodthirsty, he’s usually the best tank. Light Paladin is useful for low level players who wont last a lot of rounds because Wicked Leech grows fast, but has less overall growth in decks that last a long time. One of the main problems with Dark Titan is that since you can’t use Reincarnation cards, and Reanimation cards can’t reanimate each other, if your reanimators both come out before your tank, you wont get a good hit. For this reason, if you don’t have Light of Hydra, you might want to consider using two tanks. UPDATE: The Butcher is the new ideal tank. He’s basically a one for one replacement for Cerato, except that you don’t need to cover as much craze with force buffs for the craze glitch. This gives you more flexibility with your guards.

Recyclers: Because Dark Titan kills a guard or two card every single turn with Curse and Damnation, you’ll definitely need some Recyclers to keep your stack stable. Recyclers with Reincarnation are going to be a poor choice here because they’ll put your guard cards in your deck instead of on the field, leaving you vulnerable to Curse and Damnation. So you probably want only reanimation. Valid reanimators are Leprechaun and Taiga Cleric. Chaos Demon might be usable, but I’ve never really tried it. Leprechaun tends to be the preferred reanimator at the earlier levels because his dodge and regeneration adds stability, however at later levels, Taiga Cleric is preferred because it can be evolved with Prayer.

Card & Hero Healers: You need some cards to heal your tank, and to heal your hero to combat the growing curse that starts at round 50. The standard is Statue of Light. SoL is easy to acquire, and can be evolved with Prayer, making it the best support card in a lot of cases. Alternatively Goddess of Order, if you have it, can be better than a plain SoL in most cases, and occasionally even better than an SoL evolved with Prayer. This is because it has a higher rank of Prayer and Regeneration, and it’s Desperation:Reanimation skill adds a lot of stability to decks. Though if you have your pick of both, SoL with Prayer will usually be better. This is a difference that will vary between decks that you’ll need to sim to determine with certainty. Leprechaun is also worth mentioning here because he can take care of the card healing that you need.

Guards: To deal with Dark Titan’s Curse & Damnation, you need cards with the ‘Guard’ ability that will take the damage for your hero. The standard for starters are Ice Blademaster and Arctic Defender. These are easily accessible, low cost, and get the job done. Omniscient Dragon is another relatively easily accessible guard card that is very effective. Because it has 2800 hp, it alone can cover the damage taken with 9 cards on the field, though it’s still good to have more than 1 guard card usually. Lava Destroyer is a big no-no here because it can’t be reanimated. The other guard cards, Goblin Warrior and Santa’s Helper are used for kingdom specific evos. Goblin Warrior specifically is a very important card for Dark Titan, but that’s one of the secrets to building a good DT deck, so just ask around if you want to learn more about that. UPDATE: Phantom Guardian is a new guard that is ideal in a lot of ways. Though he can’t be used to his full potential, if evolved with prayer, the triple prayer of PG can still be very powerful for PG decks as a support for your guard that caters to the craze glitch.

Snipers / Clay Pigeons / Leechers: None of these cards are typically used in DT decks.


Headless Horseman/Wood Elf Archer

It’s a bit difficult to come up with the exact formula for DT. Because he actually attacks cards with his attack, he’ll probably miss one or two times to Headless Horseman’s 35% Dodge. Dark Titan does 1200 damage per turn, 1400 if you have 2 cards on the field, so the maximum cards that you’ll want to have in your deck is the same formula as Sea King, who always does 1200 damage per turn. It’s usually best to use a few cards less than that and assume he’s going to miss once or twice because of Headless Horseman’s Dodge. You want roughly 66% HH and 34% WEA in your deck.

Dark Titan is one of the first demons where you’ll be able to replace your HH/WEA deck.
Rune Forge can be used in addition to the usual 3 runes, Lore, Leaf, and Revival because your cards will actually take a hit.



Simple Dark Titan - 2x Taiga Cleric



Simple Dark Titan - Taiga Cleric/Leprechaun



Simple Dark Titan - 2x Leprechaun



Dark Titan Thoughts/Homework


1. Ask around and figure out how Goblin Warrior helps Dark Titan decks. (Spoiler: it’s the Craze Glitch)

2. Think about what the best Guard to support Goblin Warrior is? Since Goblin Warrior has only a maximum of 1400 hp, you need to cover at least another 1400 hp (or more) to ensure you don’t take too much direct damage. This leaves lots of options to try.

3. What’s the difference between your needs for Guards in a deck with Cerato vs a deck with The Butcher?

4. Why can’t you use reincarnators for DT? There’s one reincarnator that will work, figure out what that is.

5. Since you can’t use reincarnators, what are a few ways you can stabilize DT decks? Most of the time DT is straight up luck of the draw, but with the right cards you can improve your chances of getting a good draw.


Sea King

Sea King (SK) is probably the first demon you’ll successfully build a static stack for that will be better than HH/WEA decks. Most people say that you can start stacking against SK at level 51, but it is possible to stack it before that with the right cards. His lower than average ATK of 1200 makes it so that a lot of cards can survive a hit, allowing you more time to set up your stack. The most important mechanic you should be building your deck around is Devil’s Blade, which is a Card Killer ability. This is essentially the same as Snipe, but it does 2000 damage, which means it will 1-shot the card on the field with the lowest HP every turn. This means you’ll need to employ Clay Pigeons so that he doesn’t kill your important cards.



Necessary Cards for a SK stack:

Tank: Aside from that, you’ll need a tank to take his melee hits and counterattack. Ideally, you’ll use a tank with Ice Shield, such as Cerato or Light Paladin. However, Sea King is one of the few demons where you can employ Reindeer Warrior, a non-ice shield tank, as your tank. Because of Warpath, Reindeer Warrior can actually be one of the best tanks for Sea King. UPDATE: The Butcher is the new ideal tank. Even though Malevolent Dryad is also capable of tanking SK, The Butcher’s growth is higher, and that makes him a better tank. Also the fact that he has Ice Shield makes him a lot more stable than RW or Dryad.

Recyclers: Because Sea King kills a card every single turn, you’ll definitely need some Recyclers to keep your stack stable. Because clay pigeons typically have a wait of 2 turns (as opposed to guard cards, which have longer waits), and you typically have more than 1 or 2 clay pigeons, recyclers with Reincarnation are a viable choice, but you probably want both reincarnation and reanimation. Treant Healer is one of the most common and most effective reincarnators for SK. This is because he increases the HP of your other forest cards, such as Leprechaun or Reindeer Warrior. Increasing the HP of RW is obviously useful for stability, but for other cards, it’s useful because it makes Treant Healer the card with the lowest HP. This makes TH the target of snipe. This is useful because it will force TH to eventually end up at the end of your stack once you stabilize. This way when taking your clay pigeons out of the cemetery you’ll reanimate them straight onto the field versus reincarnating them into your hand. Whitewing Pope is usually considered to be a bad recycler because he can end up as the tank, and since he doesn’t have Craze, Bloodthirsty, or Wicked Leech, his atk will not grow, so he won't do as much damage as other tanks. However, I personally used WWP at very early levels to add stability to my deck, though at higher levels, WWP should be scrapped from your SK deck. It’s also a good idea to have at least 1 reanimator, often times 2, such as Leprechaun or Taiga Cleric. It’s better to have a reanimator pull your clay pigeon out of the cemetery than a reincarnator so that it comes directly onto the field. Leprechaun tends to be the preferred reanimator at the earlier levels because his dodge and regeneration adds stability, however at later levels, Taiga Cleric is preferred because it can be evolved with Prayer.

Card & Hero Healers: You need some cards to heal your tank, and to heal your hero to combat the growing curse that starts at round 50. The standard is Statue of Light. SoL is easy to acquire, and can be evolved with Prayer, making it the best support card in a lot of cases. Alternatively Goddess of Order, if you have it, can be better than a plain SoL in most cases, and occasionally even better than an SoL evolved with Prayer. This is because it has a higher rank of Prayer and Regeneration, and it’s Desperation:Reanimation skill adds a lot of stability to decks. Though if you have your pick of both, SoL with Prayer will usually be better. This is a difference that will vary between decks that you’ll need to sim to determine with certainty. Leprechaun is also worth mentioning here because he can take care of the card healing that you need. UPDATE: Phantom Guardian is now one of the best healers for SK. However you still need a certain amount of healing, so make sure that you can cover that before you change something (such as a SoL) to a PG. This is easier for SK than PO because of the lesser amount of healing that is required for SK. Because you don’t take hero damage from SK, he allows you to use triple prayer to its full potential.

Clay Pigeons: To deal with Sea King’s Devil’s Blade (aka 2000 damage snipe), you need low hp cards that will take the hit so your important cards can avoid it. Fire Mage is the standard here. It’s 2 wait, very low hp, and 65% resurrection chance make it an excellent candidate to be an effective clay pigeon. Blood Lotus Nymph is also a very good clay pigeon, for the same reasons. If you use both FM and BLN, FM will get targeted first because of its HP, allowing your BLN to hit SK with Mana Corruption. It is worth mentioning however, that because BLN only has 60% chance to resurrect, you are actually sacrificing some stability by using her, and it’s more than you’d think, but with that being said, BLN still usually ends up being better than FM. It’s also worth mentioning Treant Healer here. Because it gives Forest Guard to your other cards, it will be targeted before all your other forest cards as long as its level 10. This is a good thing, and thats why you should not level your Treant Healer past level 10 for SK (most of the time). Having TH be targeted will force him to end up at the end of your stack, so your reanimators get to your clay pigeon first, allowing it to be brought directly back onto the field instead of into your deck.

Snipers / Guards / Leechers: None of these cards are typically used in SK decks.


Similarities to Plague Ogryn

Sea King is very similar to Plague Ogryn. The only difference is that Plague Ogryn has Toxic Clouds + Hot Chase and Sea King has Chain Attack + Counterattack. You can mostly ignore SK’s chain attack, So the extra damage that Sea King does with those abilities is with counterattack, so you really only need healing for your tank. Also, Sea King has 1200 base attack versus Plague Ogryn’s 1500, and that added with Hot Chase means that Plague Ogryn will 1 shot most cards, while SK will not. Toxic Clouds does about the same damage to the tank as Sea King’s counterattack, but also does that same damage to all your cards, so you need quite a bit more card healing for Plague Ogryn decks. For this reason, all Plague Ogryn decks should work on Sea King (though they might not be ideal), but Sea King decks will not necessarily work for Plague Ogryn.


Headless Horseman/Wood Elf Archer


For HH/WEA decks on Sea King, he kills all your cards with snipe, so Fire Forge will not be useful, so the only 3 runes that work are Lore, Revival, and Leaf. To determine how many cards you should use, divide your HP by 1200, round up, then add one. So if you had 8400 hp, you’d get 8400/1200 = 7, round up to 7, and add 1 is 8. If you had 8410 hp, you’d get 8410/1200 = 7.1, round up to 8, then add 1 to get 9. You want roughly one-third of your deck to be Wood Elf Archers and the other two-thirds to be Headless Horsemen.


Sea King is one of the first demons where you’ll be able to replace your HH/WEA deck with a stacking deck.



Simple SK - 2x Taiga Cleric



Simple Sea King - Taiga Cleric/Leprechaun



Simple Sea King - 2x Leprechaun



Reindeer Warrior Deck


Reindeer Warrior must be level 15 with Parry 7, Parry 6, or Rejuvenation 6. Other ranks of Rejuvenation might work.


Sea King Thoughts/Homework

1. What are some possible clay pigeons for Cerato

2. What are some possible clay pigeons for The Butcher, and how are the requirements for Butcher clay pigeons different from Cerato clay pigeons?

3. What are some possible clay pigeons for Reindeer Warrior and Malevolent Dryad? The requirements for these clay pigeons should be about the same, why are they roughly the same while the Butcher and Cerato’s are different?

4. What are some good evos for 4/5star clay pigeons that already have force?

5. How much healing is needed for your tank?

6. How much healing is needed for all of your cards?

7. How can you change a deck around, or what cards can you include, to ensure that you’ll be able to use Phantom Guardian (PG) without sacrificing too much stability?




Plague Ogryn is the easiest demon that I would consider an “Advanced Demon”. Sea King and Dark Titan are beginner’s demons, and Plague Ogryn is the transition into harder demons. Plague Ogryn is a harder Card Killer demon than Sea King. She still has Devil’s Blade, the 2000 damage snipe, and in addition has a higher base attack of 1500, Hot Chase, to buff her attack damage even more, and Toxic Clouds, which does a lot of damage to all cards. Because of Hot Chase and the higher base ATK, she will likely one shot all of your cards that dont have ice shield, but dodge is useful here too, since you can dodge her attack. Because Toxic Clouds hits all your cards, you need a lot more card healing for Plague Ogryn than you need for other demons. You wont be able to build decks that are as strong for Plague Ogryn as they are for Sea King or Dark Titan, but you can come relatively close if you know what you’re doing.


Necessary Cards for a PO stack:

Tank: You’ll need a tank to take her melee hits and counterattack. Because of her higher attack, you’ll need a tank with Ice Shield, such as Cerato or Light Paladin. Light Paladin is more useful here than on DT and SK because of the 4 wait and fast attack growth through Leech. Because Wicked Leech’s growth will eventually slow down, so once your deck starts to last close to 100 rounds or more, you’ll definitely want to use Cerato. UPDATE: Since The Butcher was added, he is now the ideal tank. He has very high atk growth, and his strong ice shield and high hp make him last a good number of rounds while you get your healers out to heal the toxic clouds damage. Even still PO does a good job of killing your tank if you don’t get your support cards out fast enough. However for lower level players, Light Paladin might still be the best.

Recyclers: Because Plague Ogryn kills a card every single turn, you’ll definitely need some Recyclers to keep your stack stable. Because clay pigeons typically have a wait of 2 turns (as opposed to guard cards, which have longer waits), and you typically have more than 1 or 2 clay pigeons, recyclers with Reincarnation are a viable choice, but you probably want both reincarnation and reanimation. Treant Healer is one of the most common and most effective reincarnators for PO, just like SK. This is because he increases the HP of your other forest cards, such as Leprechaun. Increasing the HP of your other forest cards is useful because it makes Treant Healer the card with the lowest HP. This makes TH the target of snipe. This is useful because it will force TH to eventually end up at the end of your stack once you stabilize. This way when taking your clay pigeons out of the cemetery you’ll reanimate them straight onto the field versus reincarnating them into your hand. Whitewing Pope is usually considered to be a bad recycler because he can end up as the tank, and since he doesn’t have Craze, Bloodthirsty, or Wicked Leech, his atk will not grow, so he won't do as much damage as other tanks. However, I personally used WWP at very early levels to add stability to my deck, though at higher levels, WWP should be scrapped from your PO deck. It’s also a good idea to have at least 1 reanimator, often times 2, such as Leprechaun or Taiga Cleric. It’s better to have a reanimator pull your clay pigeon out of the cemetery than a reincarnator so that it comes directly onto the field. Leprechaun tends to be the preferred reanimator at the earlier levels because his dodge and regeneration adds stability, however at later levels, Taiga Cleric is preferred because it can be evolved with Prayer, but the healing Leprechaun provides is important enough that you’ll probably want at least one Leprechaun if you have one.

Card & Hero Healers: You need some cards to heal your tank’s damage from melee hits, all your cards damage from Toxic Clouds, and to heal your hero to combat the growing curse that starts at round 50. The damage from Toxic Clouds is significant enough that evolving cards with Regeneration is something you should consider for PO. The standard is Statue of Light. SoL is easy to acquire, and can be evolved with Prayer, making it the best support card in a lot of cases. Alternatively Goddess of Order, if you have it, can be better than a plain SoL in most cases, and occasionally even better than an SoL evolved with Prayer. This is because it has a higher rank of Prayer and Regeneration, and it’s Desperation:Reanimation skill adds a lot of stability to decks. That stability is especially important for PO. Leprechaun is also worth mentioning here because he can help take care of the card healing that you need.

Clay Pigeons: To deal with Plague Ogryns Devil’s Blade (aka 2000 damage snipe), you need low hp cards that will take the hit so your important cards can avoid it. Fire Mage is the standard here. It’s 2 wait, very low hp, and 65% resurrection chance make it an excellent candidate to be an effective clay pigeon. Blood Lotus Nymph is also a very good clay pigeon, for the same reasons. If you use both FM and BLN, FM will get targeted first because of its HP, allowing your BLN to hit PO with Mana Corruption. It is worth mentioning however, that because BLN only has 60% chance to resurrect, you are actually sacrificing some stability by using her, and it’s more than you’d think, but with that being said, BLN still usually ends up being better than FM. It’s also worth mentioning Treant Healer here. Because it gives Forest Guard to your other cards, it will be targeted before all your other forest cards as long as its level 10. This is a good thing, and thats why you should not level your Treant Healer past level 10 for PO (most of the time). Having TH be targeted will force him to end up at the end of your stack, so your reanimators get to your clay pigeon first, allowing it to be brought directly back onto the field instead of into your deck.

Snipers / Guards / Leechers: None of these cards are typically used in PO decks.


Headless Horseman/Wood Elf Archer

Plague Ogryn is unique for HH/WEA decks because of Hot Chase. Because she always directly hits your hero, Fire Forge will not be useful here (so ignore it in the picture). Also, because of her higher base attack + Hot Chase, she will kill you very fast. This means you can’t use 8 cards until level 91. 8 card decks are where, for SK and PO, HH+WEA beats pure HH. Since you’ll almost certainly have a deck that beats HH by level 91, you should only use HH for PO. PO does 1640 damage on her first hit, increasing by 140 per hit. You a number of cards equal to the number of hits you can survive.


PO will probably be the third demon where you replace your HH deck.


Simple Plague Ogryn - 2x Leprechaun





Simple PO - Whitewing Pope & 2x Taiga Cleric



Plague Ogryn Thoughts/Homework



Mars is one of the last demons you’ll finish building a deck for. This is because almost every card needs to be evolved for a Mars stack to be effective. Because of his Destroy ability, you need the majority of your cards to have resistance, and this is why HH/WEA decks aren’t as good as Demonic Imp decks for Mars. His Devil’s Curse makes him a hero killer, and any time he destroys a non-resistance card in front of him he’ll also attack your hero directly, so he can be a very fast hero killer if you use non-resistance cards. However, his curse if fairly manageable if you have mostly resistance cards. Because of Wicked Leech, traditional tanks wont work very well because their usual ATK growth will be leeched. The Holy Grail of Mars tanks is Light Paladin evolved with resistance because he can combats Wicked Leech by Leeching his attack back from Mars. However, because that is not an easily acquired card, most will have to make due with less effective tanks.


Necessary Cards for a Mars stack:

Tank: You’ll need a tank to take his melee hits and retaliation. Because of Wicked Leech, you’ll definitely need a tank with Ice Shield, such as Cerato or Light Paladin. Because of his Destroy ability, your tank also needs to have resistance, or else he could easily be targeted by destroy. Light Paladin with resistance is the holy grail of Mars tanks, but is a very difficult card to acquire. Because of this, you’ll probably have to settle for something a little less effective such as Cerato, Griffon Dancer, or Frostree-Folk. Cerato’s Craze ability will make him slightly better than the other two easily accessible options, however his extra atk from Craze will eventually be leeched away anyways, so it wont make a significant difference. Frostree-Folk is very easy to get to evolve because you can get him for 3500 honor from Kingdom Wars, or through fragments from the Fields of Honor store. Griffon Dancer is a DI reward, so you can get one from that, but it will likely cost you a good amount of gems if you don’t have any exceptional DI decks. Griffon Dancer is nice to have because you won’t have to evolve it since it has Ice Shield and Resistance by default, but it’s not the easiest card to obtain. You may have it from an event, but if not, I’d recommend going for Frostree-Folk until you end up with a resistance Cerato when you’re trying to get Craze or Bloodthirsty. If you can get your hands on enough Griffon Dancers to evolve, a GD with snipe would be a decent tank since that snipe damage can never be leeched.

Recyclers: Because Mars regularly kills guard cards and destroys non-resistance cards, you’ll definitely need some Recyclers to keep your stack stable. I recommend one card with Reanimation and one with Reincarnation. Similar to Dark Titan, you want your reanimator to be the one to pull your guard card directly back onto the field instead of onto the field directly. For this reason you need to get your reanimator evolved with resistance, but evolving your reincarnation card with resistance isn’t as important, and can even hurt your deck. If you have resistance on your reincarnation card, it could end up in front of your reanimator, putting your guard card into your deck rather than on the field. By not evolving your reincarnator with resistance, you ensure that eventually it’ll be destroyed and reanimated behind your reanimator. Taiga Cleric is certainly the easiest reanimator to get with resistance. You get one at level 60 as a level reward, and his alternate evolution card, Arctic Sea Dragon, appears in the Kingdom Wars store from time to time. Once you have a resistance reanimator and tank, you’ll be well on your way to making a working Mars stack.

Card & Hero Healers: You need one card to heal your tank, and to heal your hero to combat the growing curse that starts at round 50 and any extra damage you take from Devil’s Curse while not Guarded by your guards. The standard is Statue of Light. SoL is easy to acquire, and can be evolved with Prayer, making it the best support card in a lot of cases. Because it’s available in the Kingdom War store, you can easily evolve it with Prayer. You might think resistance is a better evo, and it is useful, but with the release of Prayer 7, Prayer usually ends up being the better evo choice once you have your resistance reanimator sorted out. Always sim to check first though. If you have too many non-resistance cards your stack will be unstable. Leprechaun is also worth mentioning here because he can take care of all the card healing that you need if you can get one with resistance. Though because Leprechaun is an event card, he’s a much more difficult card to get with resistance.

Snipers: Because your tank’s attack will be leeched, you probably will need snipers to deal your damage. Especially if you’re not using a resistance Light Paladin. Snipers with resistance are greatly preferred here because they’ll keep your non resistance cards, such as your guard cards from being destroyed. Arctic Lich is the only sniper card that by default has resistance. Lich is also nice because it’s tundra, and therefore can be evolved with Prayer. Any sniper that you can eventually evolve with resistance are viable options here, but you may have to deal with resurrection snipers such as Blood Lotus Nymph, Thunder Dragon, and Skeleton King.
Guards: To deal with Mars’ Curse, you need cards with the ‘Guard’ ability that will take the damage for your hero. The standard for starters are Ice Blademaster and Arctic Defender. These are easily accessible, low cost, and get the job done. Omniscient Dragon is another relatively easily accessible (KW store + Thief drops) guard card that is very effective. It deserves an extra mention here because it has resistance by default, so Mars can’t destroy OD, leaving your hero open to curse. Lava Destroyer is a lot more useful here than on DT because most Mars decks use reincarnation cards. Other guard cards, Goblin Warrior and Santa’s Helper can be used, but don’t do anything special here other than having a different HP pool. Santa’s Helper’s HP will be increased by SoL, which can increase a deck’s stability. Guard cards don’t need resistance, but having it by default on OD doesn’t hurt.

Clay Pigeons / Leechers: None of these cards are typically used in Mars decks.



Demonic Imps

If you use a Headless Horseman and Wood Elf Archer deck on Mars, he’ll hit your hero with Curse, and then attack you for 1200 damage (plus what he leeches from your HH) every turn, killing your hero very quickly. If instead you use resistance cards, like Demonic Imp, you’ll only take 1000 damage per round, and so therefore you can do a lot more damage on Mars with Demonic Imp decks. Because Demonic Imps have resurrection, you can get away with using a lot fewer cards as well. Also, since they have resistance, Mars will attack them directly, making Fire Forge a valid rune choice.

If you still have them from a very early Hydra, Goblin Cupids are an even better card for making entry level Mars decks, but if you’ve been playing that long you can probably make a better deck than that anyways.



Griffon Dancer + 2x Arctic Lich



Simple Mars



Mars Thoughts/Homework




Similarities to Pandarus


2xWhitewing Pope/Fire Kirin



2xWhitewing Pope/2xFire Kirin/Thunder Dragon


2xWWP/2xFFK/2xTD/2xGoddess of Order


Static Tanking Deucalion



Will come back to this section.


Deucalion Thoughts/Homework





Headless Horseman/Wood Elf Archer


Beating HH/WEA for Pandarus will be very difficult.



Moving Forward



Pandarus Thoughts/Homework



Äàòà äîáàâëåíèÿ: 2015-09-10; ïðîñìîòðîâ: 182 | Ïîìîæåì íàïèñàòü âàøó ðàáîòó | Íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêèõ ïðàâ

Demon Invasions | Craze Glitch | Demon Invasion Rewards | Demonic Imps | Dynamic Stacks | Recyclers | Clay Pigeons | Stabilizers |

lektsii.net - Ëåêöèè.Íåò - 2014-2024 ãîä. (0.12 ñåê.) Âñå ìàòåðèàëû ïðåäñòàâëåííûå íà ñàéòå èñêëþ÷èòåëüíî ñ öåëüþ îçíàêîìëåíèÿ ÷èòàòåëÿìè è íå ïðåñëåäóþò êîììåð÷åñêèõ öåëåé èëè íàðóøåíèå àâòîðñêèõ ïðàâ