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Demon Invasion Rewards

Читайте также:
  1. Anglo-Saxon Invasion
  2. Changes and rewards of voluntary work.
  3. Demon Invasions
  4. Demonic Imps
  5. The Anglo-Saxons invasion

Everyone gets a gold reward, and people above rank 100 get an additional reward.

Rank Rewards

Last Hit: Ancient Artifact (700k gold)
Rank 1: 4* or 5* card:

Aranyani, Arbiter of War, Arctic Cephalid, Ancient Oni, Azula, Behemoth, Cerato, Dire Snapping Turtle, Fire Demon, Fire Kirin, Giant Mud Larva, Goddess of Order, Marsh Devourer, Moor Ripper, Night Elf Ranger, Taiga Cleric, Taiga General,
Treant Healer, NEW: Griffon Dancer, NEW: Serpent Shamanka,
NEW: Goblin Engineer, NEW: Flame Empress

Rank 2-3: Magic Banquet (27k exp, worth 125 gold packs of experience, ~1.25mil gold)

Rank 4-5: Ancient Artifact (700k gold)

Rank 6-10: Savory Feast (16,000 exp, worth 75 gold packs of experience, ~750k gold)

Rank 11-29: Rare Relics (300k gold)

Rank 30-50: Feast (7,000 exp, worth 33 gold packs of experience, ~330k gold)

Rank 51-75: Treasure (100k gold)

Rank 76 - 100: Delicious Food (1,800 exp, worth 8 gold packs of experience, ~80k gold)


Merit Rewards

In addition to rank rewards, each player is rewarded gold based on how much merit they get. Amounts can be found in the pictures below:



Types of Decks:

Headless Horsemen / Wood Elf Archer Decks


Headless Horseman (HH) - This is your primary damage dealer. Because HH/WEA decks are built around each card having 1 attack each, abilities like Backstab are very useful because it essentially increases the card’s attack for it’s one and only hit. It also stacks with Concentration, causing each HH to hit for 575 half the time, and 1380 for half the time, for an average attack of 978. Dodge actually ends up being bad for these decks because the next attack won't have backstab, and when the next card makes it into position, it won't have backstab either. HH (and all 3* cards) cost 1325k gold to level to level 10 if using gold packs. 194k if using feasts. Each HH adds 18 seconds to your attack cooldown. Your HH/WEA deck should be about two-thirds Headless Horsemen.



Wood Elf Archer (WEA) - This is your secondary damage dealer. It’s only useful abilities are Snipe, and it’s regular attack. In case you’re a beginner and do not know, Wood Elf Archer, and all cards with 2 of the same attack, will use both versions of the attack every turn, so Wood Elf Archer will do 210 snipe damage. Advantages to WEA are that are it is consistent (always does 555 total damage), it doesn’t dodge, if it gets played after a HH dodges it can snipe, and most importantly, it activates the Revival rune (more on that below). Costs 508k gold to level to level 10 if using gold packs. 58k if using feasts. Because of the low costs, I recommend leveling 2-3 WEA before you start on your HH.



Headless Horsemen / Wood Elf Archer Runes

Revival - When 2 Wood Elf Archers are dead, increases attack for the next 4 cards by 120. This bonus increases to 288 on a HH when Concentration works, 300 when Lore is working, and 588 when both are working. Total Additional Merit is 480 - 1764. The upper range on the possible bonus is why it’s so important, and why it’s worth using a few WEA in your deck in place of a few HHs.




Leaf - Only activates once you have enough HP to make it past round 14, but will eventually add a total of 960 damage/merit per attack. This rune will be used in almost all of your DI decks.


Lore - This rune is a 5* rune and can be found in the temple exchange for 20 gold shards. It will take quite a bit of gold to reach this, so it’ll be a goal for higher level players, but it will dramatically increase the effectiveness of HH/WEA decks at higher levels. With all 3 runes, many players aren’t able to build a better deck for Deucalion until a very high level, and even fewer are able to beat HH/WEA for Pandarus. The bonus doesn’t multiply with Concentration, but it does add to it. Total max attack on a Headless Horseman with Revival, Lore, Backstab, and Concentration is 3405.


Fire Forge - Only works for HH/WEA decks against Dark Titan because other demons use abilities and not attacks to kill your cards, but more on that below.




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