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These runes basically serve the same purpose as the healing runes, and so have a similar level of priority, depending on your deck. They add stability to your deck by adding survivability to your cards. There are 3 key runes for this, one that adds dodge, one that adds resurrection, and one that adds ice shield. There’s almost no downside to these runes, other than that sometimes other runes are more useful, or you may not have the cards to activate them. These are activated when you have cards in the cemetery already, so are useful in saving your stack if it’s about to fail. Like healing runes, they probably won't add to your max merit, but will add to your MPM due to improved stack stability. These are particularly useful for Dynamic Stacks, but can be used in both Static and Dynamic.



Dirt - a 5* Swamp rune. Adds Resurrection to your cards when you have 2+ swamp cards in the cemetery. Resurrection adds a lot of stability to a deck, especially if it saves your last recycler from dying. Swamp isn’t a very common kingdom of card for DI (aside from cerato), so this isn’t commonly used in DI decks, but when it can be, it is very useful. Only requires 2 cards in the cemetery, so it is pretty reliable.



Nimble Soul (NS) - a 5* Forest rune. Adds dodge to your cards when you have 3+ forest cards in the cemetery. Nimble Soul is particularly useful in dodging demons with a very high attack, such as Plague Ogryn due to Hot Chase (+140 dmg per card in your cemetery)



Arctic Freeze (AF) - Gives a high level of Ice Shield when 3+ cards are in the cemetery. It is more reliable than dodge, and aside from damaging abilities, basically guarantees your card’s surval from attacks. Tends to be useful in Mars decks where you make use of a lot of Arctic Liches and other tundra cards.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 100 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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