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These cards have Reincarnation 1, Reincarnation 2, or Reanimation. They Keep cards coming back as they die. This can be used early on to revive your tank if it comes out too early and dies, to revive your snipers, or card healers, but is most notably used to revive your Guards for demons that use Curse / Damnation (Dark Titan and Mars) and clay pigeons for demons that use Snipe (Sea King and Plague Ogryn), as they will die regularly, usually every turn. Here are some examples:

Treant Healer (TH) - Probably the most common, and certainly one of the most useful, Reincarnators. Forest Guard is useful for increasing Reindeer Warrior’s HP (and other cards), and Reincarnation 2 allows him to reincarnate 2 cards, as opposed to 1, for the cards that use Reincarnation 1, such as Whitewing Pope and Dragon Knight.




Celestial Touchstone (CT) - Probably the best Reincarnation card. In addition to having a very large health pool that can survive more than 1 attack, it has dodge. This allows it to sit in tank position for an extra round or 2, in addition to the extra round or 2 due to its hp. This gives you time to set up the rest of your stack and draw the cards you need. It also has Reincarnation 2, which recycles 2 cards instead of 1.




Whitewing Pope (WWP) - A very unique Reincarnation card. Only Reincarnates 1 card at a time, but it has Ice Shield and a high hp pool. Because of Ice Shield, he can end up being your tank, which is worse than Cerato for most demons because his atk doesn’t get any larger. For that reason many people will say to never use him. On the other hand, the 4 wait makes him stabilize a lot of early decks, allowing you to make stacks that work against demons much earlier than people typically think. You can design stacks before level 40 that use WWP. The High HP and Ice Shield also makes him a great recycler for Deucalion, allowing him to survive an extra counterattack.

Dragon Knight (DrK) - Most of the time other reincarnators are going to be better, but Dodge can help to add stability against hard-hitting demons (such as PO), Resistance makes him a good early recycler for Mars, and the fact that he only reincarnates 1 card can sometimes be useful. On demons where reanimation is important, reincarnating only 1 card can leave something for your lep/TC to reanimate. It being mountain also helps activate Blood Stone, a very useful stabilizing rune. When more are released, he could become more useful with mountain only evos (like Mountain Force). Useful as a substitute for GM (below) in Bahamut decks.


Giant Mollusc (GM) - Not a particularly useful reincarnator, but because of it’s availability in the KW store, it can be useful for new players. When evolved with Resistance it can be used for an early resistance recycler for Mars or even Bahamut. However this recycler shines in one place: Bahamut. This is because he has Mountain Force, which allows you to take advantage of the Silence Force Glitch, as well as reincarnation, which allows a continous cycle.




Necroflayer (NF) - The only swamp reincarnator. Can be decent with Resistance for Mars, or as a reincarnator for new players. However because it’s HP is higher than cerato, it makes it difficult to guarantee his position. Unlike Treant Healer, it can’t be evolved with healing evos, such as regeneration, or healing. However because it is swamp, it can be useful if you need swamp only evos.


Leprechaun (Lep) - One of 3 Reanimation cards available. It’s 4 wait makes it fast to get out onto the field, and it’s dodge works similar to how it does on CT (with a higher chance of working) to help stabilize decks. Reanimation is often preferable to Reincarnation because it puts the target card on the field that turn. Sometimes you need both Reincarnation and Reanimation, and sometimes it’s better to have just one or the other. His healing also provides most of the healing you need for most demons, putting less requirements on your card healers



Taiga Cleric (TC) - The most available Reanimator. TC can drop from mazes, and you get one as a reward for reaching level 60. Additionally, his evolution fodder (Arctic Sea Dragon) is in the KW store, so this makes him a good candidate for your first resistant recycler, to be used in a Mars deck (where you need as much resistance as possible). Additionally, because he is Tundra, you can evolve him with Prayer, making him the ideal reanimation card as you get to a higher level. However, his 6 wait makes using him at lower levels difficult, as that 6 wait hurts the stability of many decks. If you don’t have Leprechaun, you probably won’t be able to build a stack until level 51 or 61.



Chaos Demon (CD) - Primarily an arena card that is seldom used for DI, but can be a last resort for new players if they have one. It’s actually not a bad early recycler for Mars and Bahamut, but Sacrifice hurts the stability of other decks too much usually. However, the one place CD is useful in DI is Pazuzu. This is because he has Immunity, so he’ll never die to frost shock. This guarantees that your reanimator (CD) will be positioned to the left of your reincarnator, which is always ideal since cards are pulled directly onto the field before they’re reincarnated into your deck.




Death Knight (DK) - by far the best plain reanimator. The combination of Reanimation, Resurrection, and high HP makes it a perfect reanimator for adding stability. High HP means it wont be sniped, and if it does come out too early, it can resurrect. Also because he’s swamp he can help activate Dirt, a great stability rune. Can often take the place of 2 reanimators like TC for stability purposes, allowing you to add more prayer cards, like Phantom Guardian (below) or damage dealer/sniper cards. If you want to make a deck more stable, Death Knight is almost always a great option. The only downside to DK is that there isn’t much incentive to evolve Death Knight other than higher hp. His evos wont do anything to add stability, the only useful DK evos just add a little bit of damage (e.g. Snipe)


3) Hero & Card Healers

These cards come in 2 types: Card Healers (Regeneration and Healing), and Hero Healing (Prayer). It just so happens that most of the cards that you’ll use for one also have the other. The main exceptions are cards like Leprechaun, where it’s primarily a recycler, but also does some healing too.


Statue of Light (SoL) - The most basic and available Healing card. Has a powerful prayer and regeneration. Arctic Guard can be useful for increasing HP of tundra guard cards, but Prayer and Regeneration are its primary use. Also, because SoL is tundra, it can be evolved with Prayer, making it one of the best healing cards, as well as the most available.



Goddess of Order (GoO) - The gold standard of healing cards. Really the gold standard of all support cards. Difficult to obtain, but with time, are accessible even to F2P players. Stronger Prayer and regeneration than SoL, but most importantly has Desperation: Reanimation. This doesn’t make it a recycler, but definitely adds stability to a deck, though if you have enough of them, this can be enough reanimation to reliably reanimate your reincarnation card so that you only need 1 other recycler. This stabilizing healing is necessary for long-to-stabilize static stacks, as well as dynamic stacks. However, since GoO isn’t tundra, a Prayer 5 SoL will outpace a GoO eventually in decks where increasing max rounds is more important than improving stability



Phantom Guardian (PG) - Though PG does have Guard, it’s more effective as a healer/prayer card. Because it’s tundra, it can be evolved with Prayer, or a total of 960 Prayer on one card. By far the most on any one card. Guard means that you can’t use it to its full potential in hero killer demon decks like DT, but it still can be used effectively in those decks. Because it doesn’t offer any stability abilities (e.g. regeneration/arctic guard), decks must already be very stable with the help of other cards before you can use PG. But if your deck is stable enough, and you don’t need the healing and arctic guard from SoL, it can be a suitable replacement for a prayer SoL. In some cases even a plain PG is better than a SoL.



These cards are needed for static stacks on Dark Titan and Mars. This is because every turn these demons do 1000 damage directly to your hero, and Dark Titan also casts Damnation, dealing 200 damage per card you have on the battlefield. A simple 2* Arctic Defender or 3* Ice Blademaster will work in most cases, but you can add some utility to 4* and 5* guard cards through evolutions. Guard cards are the subject of many “secrets” to DI decks that hit for incredible numbers. I won’t divulge those here, but with enough asking around you can find out. Here are some examples:



Ice Blademaster (IB) - simple 3* Guard card. SoL’s Arctic Guard increases her HP. This will be your standard go-to guard card for starter decks. Since it gets guard at level 0, it can be useful for leveling it to the level so that it has closest to the exact HP that you need to guard against.





Arctic Defender (AD) - simple 2* Guard card. SoL’s Arctic Guard increases his HP. This will be an alternate to IB, and can be useful when starting early because of how cheap it is to level. There are a few cases where Arctic Defender will give higher Merit Per Minute due to its cost. This is when the HP of your Guard doesn’t matter.




Omniscient Dragon (OD) - Obtainable through FoH and KW. Better than IB/AD in most cases, and also is the ideal Guard for Mars due to Resistance. Because it is 5* and forest, it can be useful if you need to evo it with forest-only abilities (such as Forest Force to take advantage of the craze glitch for forest tanks). Its high cost can be a downside though.



Goblin Warrior (GW) - Simple Swamp guard card, useful for swamp only evos (Such as Swamp Force, to take advantage of the craze glitch for swamp tanks). Can also be useful in general for having a guard card that can be evolved with less health than Omniscient Dragon. Obtained through events.



Santa’s Helper (SH) - Simple Tundra guard card, useful for tundra only evos (e.g. Prayer/Northern Force). Also has Arctic Guard by default. Can also be useful in general for having a guard card that can be evolved with less health than Omniscient Dragon. Obtained through events.




Lava Destroyer (LD) - One of the best guard cards. Is obtainable easily by f2p through the FoH store, but will take some time to buy all the required fragments, as it’s somewhat rare in the FoH store. Desperation:Reanimation, Resurrection, and it’s 1-wait make it a very stable card, helping add a lot of stability to decks, and in a lot of cases it can be a substitute for GoO. It is feasibly evolvable, but I wouldn’t plan on it anytime soon.



Phantom Guardian (PG) - in Healers section.


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