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HEALTHY AND HAPPY – Active Vocabulary

Читайте также:
  1. A. Active Reading for Better Retention .
  2. Active Levers
  3. Active vocabulary
  5. Active Vocabulary
  7. Active vocabulary to remember
  8. Active vocabulary to remember
  9. Active vocabulary to remember
  10. Active vocabulary to remember


Disease, ailment, illness, sickness, malady


An allergy (to) Appendicitis Asthma AIDS Bronchitis Cancer A chill A cold Chickenpox Concussion Diarrhoea Diabetes A fever (The) flu / influenza Food poisoning Hay fever A heart attack Indigestion Insomnia Malaria Malnutrition Measles Mumps A nervous breakdown Pneumonia Rheumatism Scarlet fever Stomach ulcer A stroke Tonsillitis Tuberculosis Typhoid Travel-, motion-, air-, car-, seasickness   A headache (A) toothache Earache, backache, stomach-ache, heartache

To be ill with a disease (Compare: to be sick), To be down with a disease, To be laid up with a disease

To fall ill with a disease / To be taken ill with a disease / To come (go) down with a disease

An acute, common, serious, sudden, rare, chronic, mental, incurable / untreatable; fatal / terminal disease

To be prone to minor ailments


A contagious / infectious / catching disease

To spread / to pass on / to give / to carry a disease

To catch / to pick up a disease (from smb)

Isolated cases of – There is a lot of it about – An outbreak of – To reach epidemic proportions

Feeling unwell:

To feel out of sorts / To feel a bit funny / To feel off colour / To feel under the weather;

Ant: to be as fit as a fiddle

To feel run down, Compare: To be worn out

To look faint / feel faint / be faint

To be sickening for smth

Not to feel up to doing something


To ache – To hurt – To be painful – To be sore

To feel a dull ache in smth

To be in pain, Ant: To be out of pain

An acute / severe / sharp, constant, dull, steady, sudden, shooting, slight pain

To feel pain rather like pins and needles


To be aching all over / to be all aches and pains


To suffer from smth, Compare: To suffer smth (a heart attack)

To hurt / injure smth badly / seriously / severely

To cause / bring on pain

To affect (heart, lungs…)


A bad / heavy / nasty cold; Ant: A slight cold

To develop / get a temperature /

To feel feverish / To have a (slight, high, constant) fever / To run a temperature


To shiver / To feel shivery

To shiver all over with cold

A bout of (the shivers) / a fit of (coughing) / an attack of asthma / a touch of (rheumatism)


Inflammation sets in

To be inflamed (by / with an infection)

To be allergic to smth / To have an allergy to smth

To lose consciousness / pass out / faint (from hunger)

HEAD To have a (splitting) headache, To feel giddy / dizzy, To suffer from giddiness / dizziness

EYES Eyes are running, sore, swollen, itchy, inflamed;

NOSE To have a cold in the head – To sneeze, The nose is running, The nose is stuffed up

THROAT To have a sore throat, It hurts to swallow, Swollen glands

CHEST To cough; To have a bad / heavy, dry, persistent cough; To suffer from chest pains, heartache, a pain in the chest; To be short of breath, Compare: To be out of breath; A fit of coughing, To cough away all night

STOMACH Stomach-ache, To lose appetite, A pain on eating, A pain in my side, Indigestion, Diarrhea, Constipation, To feel nauseous / to feel sick, To vomit / to throw up

SKIN To come out in (a rash) / To break into (sweat); Tomatoes bring me out in a rash; Spots, rash, bruises, blisters, cuts, wounds, inflammation, swelling; To itch

JOINTS Painful, stiff, hot to the touch, To swell up (Swollen joints)

ANKLE Sprained, twisted, broken / fractured

MUSCLES Aching, Pulled

Asking about health:

To ask after smb: How is N. keeping? How is N these days? What’s wrong with N.? What’s the trouble with N? Where does it hurt? What seems to be the matter? To show sympathy:   I am sorry to hear that! Oh, no! Poor old N.! How upsetting / awful! I know how it feels. Give him my regards! We wish you speedy recovery! To give advice:   Why don’t you lie down? Would you like an aspirin? Would you like me to call the doctor? Let me know if there is anything I can do. Tell him to take things easy. I hope he soon gets over it / feels better



Doctor / physician/ medical man General Practitioner (GP) Surgeon Optician Paediatrician / children’s doctor Gynaecologist / women’s doctor Psychiatrist Dentist Midwife Nurse Pharmacist

Making an appointment with a doctor:

To call a doctor

To make / fix / to ask for an appointment with smb

To have an appointment with smb,

To keep an appointment Ant: To break / cancel / miss an appointment

To be by appointment only (Consultation is by appointment only)

Surgery hours are from 9 to 5.

To check one’s schedule

To be fully booked

To fit smb in


To consult / to see a doctor

To go for a check-up / to have a check-up

Annual check-up

To come at the appointed time

To arrive at the waiting-room

Surgery / Consulting-room

Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 87 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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