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-ng - / ŋ / ring, ding, sing, song. -nk - / ŋk/ wink, sink, stink, bank.
sin sing sinner Singer
ran rang win Wing
ton tongue thin Thing
Son, sun sung ban bang

Listen to the words on the cassette. Write the words you hear.

Listen to the sentences on the cassette. For each one write the word you hear.

· Stop sinning/singing.

· He ran/rang home.

· I think they will ban/bang it.

· She’s a terrible sinner/singer.

Listen and practice this conversation.

A: I want to watch television at ten to seven.

B: What’s on?

A: An American programme about a family on a farm.

B: Is that the programme where the mother got married again?

A: Yes, and the son ran away from home last summer. His mother imagined he came home again, but it was only a dream.

B: well, I want to watch the nine o’clock news.

A: OK. No problem. My programme ends at half past seven.


Listen and practice this conversation from a TV programme.

A: Good evening. My guest tonight is the young singer, Kay King.

B: Good evening.

A: Kay, what were you doing earlier today?

B: I was recording a song called ‘Bells are ringing”.

A: Did the recording go well?

B: Yes. Sometimes everything goes wrong, but today nothing went wrong. I think ‘Bells are ringing’ is going to be the top song this spring.


Listen and practice this television announcement.

Britain has won the European Golden Song Contest for the ninth time. The winning song is ’Bells are ringing’ sung by Kay King. Last year’s winners, Sweden, came second. Their new song is called “Bing Bang Bong”. Runners-up were Denmark with the song “It’s Spring Again, I’m Young Again”.

For each line first listen to the whole line, then circle one word (part of word) that is said twice.

  /m/ /n/ /ŋ/ /l/ /r/
  Pam pan pang pal Par(agraph)
  Mum Mon(day) mung mull Murr(ay)
  some sun sung Sull(y) Surr(ey)
  Tim tin ting till Tyr(anny)
  my nigh   lie rye


Read out these tongue-twisters and learn them by heart.

· Can you can a can as a canner can can a can?

· I thought of thinking of thanking you.

· Mommy made me eat my M&Ms.

· Missis King is bringing something pink for Mister King to drink.



Unit 13 Sounds /θ/ /ð/

Listen and practise the difference.

thick sick path Pass
think sink mouth Mouse
theme seem moth Moss
thumb sum worth Worse
thing sing tenth tense

Listen to the words on the cassette. Write the words you hear.

Listen to the sentences on the cassette. For each one write the word you hear.

· Be careful! He’s thinking/sinking.

· What’s the matter? Your thumb/sum doesn’t look right.

· There’s a path/pass high up in the mountains.

· Every mouth/mouse is different.

· That moth/moss was shown in a television programme.

Дата добавления: 2014-12-18; просмотров: 55 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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