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  1. The TV Blackout by Art Buchwald

We have met lots of new people at the conference this week. We have had lots of interesting talks and sometimes heated (жаркий) discussions with во many of them. However, John Black’s life story has impressed all of us most. Of all the people I have ever met in my life he is, no doubt, one of the most in­teresting personalities, John Black is an old man. He is an environmentalist and works in forestry. He has lived a very interesting and dramatic life.

John Black was born into a very large and poor Scottish family. He has tried all kinds of Jobs. He was a miner, a worker at a plant, a docker. As a sailor he went to the Far East and then travelled to the Middle East. He has learnt to speak five or six foreign languages. Ye says that he has walked in every public park of every civilized or uncivilised country of Europe and Middle East. He has slept in the poorest beds of the poorest hotels in the best cities of the richest countries and sometimes even in the finest streets of these cities or in the forests of these countries. In his travels about the world he has eaten almost everything eatable and he has used every means of trans­port includlng animals.

He says he has had little schooling, but he has done a lot of walking around - and he has read a lot too. In the days of the Second World War he happened to be in France and he was fighting against fascists in the ranks of the French Resistance.

After the war he moved to Scotland and settled there. He said: “Seven of the wonders I have seen but the only place is my Home and the forests I love so much”.


5. Сравните пары предложений, скажите, чем они отличаются, и
переведите их.

1. The pupils have answered all the questions. The pupils have been answered all the questions. 2. The students have left the laboratory. Some students have been left in the laboratory to finish the experiment. The expedition has been sent to Central Asia. The expedition has been sent all the necessary equipment. 4. This experiment has completed the series of experiments, started last year. The experiment had been completed by the end of the year. 5. This plan has changed our opinion about this engineer. This plan has been already changed by the head engineer. 6. The temperature has been very high. The tem­perature has been maintained at 20°C since the beginning of the experiment. 7. This new apparatus has already brought much pro­fit. This new apparatus has been brought to the laboratory.


6. Определите, какой формой (активной или пассивной) выражено
сказуемое, и переведите предложения.

1. Next year by this time we shall have constructed the new House of Culture in our city. 2. By the end of next summer the navigation along the new canal will have been opened. 3. By the time of your coming we shall have finished our work. 4. By the first of October all the materials will have been systematised.


Ответьте на вопросы.

1. How many students have been admitted to the Institute this year? 2. What weather has been reported for tomorrow? 3. What hydroelectric station has been built on the Enisei? 4. What has been photographed by the automatic laboratory in space? 5. What synthetic materials have been produced from che­micals? 6. When had his first story been published? 7. Why had our plans been changed? 8. By what time had the story been for­gotten by everyone? 9. When have the best results been obtained? 10. Has he been shown her photo?


8. Заполните пропуски пассивной формой глагола-сказуемого из первого
предложения. Переведите предложения. Обратите вни­мание на место

отрицания " not " в пассивных формах.

1. Our engineers have built a new power station. The sta­tion... on the Angara. 2. Builders have founded a settlement for the workers. The settlement.... in the locality of the power station. 3. The power station has supplied the settlement with electrical energy. The settlement... with light. 4. Our school has organized an excursion to places of historical inte­rest. The excursion.. for the children. 5. The Oxford Univer­sity has trained many famous English people. They... at diffe­rent colleges of Oxford. 6. I have not found my watch. It... yet. 7. The children have not forgotten their teacher's words. His words... by any one. 8. The builders have Constructed this bridge this month. The bridge... over this river. 9. It isa long time since I have visited that town. That town... for a long time. 10. They have never told the truth to the boy. The boy... the truth. The truth... to the boy.


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