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Читайте также:
  1. Alice and Paul are talking in the University coffee-bar. Read their conversation and name the advantages of computers.
  2. Deflem, M. Sociology of Law: Visions of a Scholarly Tradition / M.Deflem. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010 – 360 p.
  3. Kazakh Abylaikhan University of International
  4. Kherson State University
  5. Sochi State University
  6. Text. Higher education in our country and my University.
  7. The University of Balamand
  9. University

This University was opened in Moscow in 1962. It is housed in new buildings in the South-West of Moscow.

The University was organized to help the new developing countries to train specialists needed for the development of their own industry. Young people from different countries who want to be trained in various branches of science are admitted to the University. It trains them for five years. Natives from more than seventy countries are admitted every year. Their fares to Moscow and back to their native countries after graduation are paid by the state. Students are paid stipend, have hostel accommodation. All of them are supplied with warm winter clothes and given textbooks. As all the lectures are delivered in Rus­sian, which the students are unable to understand, the first year may be spent at the Preparatory Faculty where the Russian language is taught as the main subject. There are students who master it in nine months sufficiently well to be able to understand a question when addressed in fluent Russian and be well understood themselves.

Special studies in mathematics, physics, chemistry and other subjects are arranged for students who are insufficiently pre­pared to study at a higher school.

The Engineering Faculty provides courses in mechanical engi­neering, power machine building, civil engineering, geology, and exploration and exploitation of mineral deposits.

What are the students required? Every student is required to work hard, he is not allowed to miss a single day of his study. Lectures and classes start at nine in the morning. As a rule, the students have three subjects a day. At three o'clock class­es end, but many students stay in the University building and spend there some hours more. Some visit the library, others go to study rooms and laboratories where they will always find a teacher to give them help.


11. Переведите предложения, обратив внимание на то, какой па­дежной формой русского существительного переводится подле­жащее.

1. The temperature at which water freezes to ice is taken as 0°C. 2. Books by our classics are asked at any library. 3. Young workers are taught new methods of work. 4. Astronomy is taught to schoolchildren. 5. Workers are paid twice a month. 6. Much attention is paid to education in our country. 7. Newspapers are delivered to all parts of the country. 8. All the collective farms are delivered books on agronomy. 9. The children of Sparta were given a military education. 10. The boy was told to be back at home at 6 o'clock.

12. Переведите следующие предложения (помните, что сказуемые в них не могут быть выражены в русском языке глаголом в стра­дательном залоге).

1. All the letters are answered by the secretary. 2. This question must be answered by every student. 3. The telegram was answered immediately. 4. His room cannot be entered from the kitchen. 5. The settlement cannot be approached from the river. 6. The city was approached by the enemy from two sides. 7. The story was listened to with great interest. 8. This instrument is preferred to all others because of its great reliability. 9. Youare required to the director immediately. 10. Lectures are always followed by practical work.


13. Переведите следующие предложения, обращая внимание на глаголы, требующие после себя определенных предлогов:

to look at - смотреть на; to listen to - слушать что-л.; to look for - искать что-л., кого-л.; to speak about smth - говорить о чем-л.; to look after - присматривать за; to take сare of – заботиться о ком-л.; to look through – просматривать; to send for - посылать за; to work at - работать над; to refer to - ссылаться на; to wait for - ждать кого л.; to pay attention to – обращать внимание на.

1. Не was listened to with great pleasure. 2. The documents were sent for a week ago. 3. This poet is much spoken about. 4. The child was looked for everywhere. 5. Her children will be taken care of. 6. You are always waited for.
7. The picture was attentively looked at. 8. This book is often referred to. 9. The work of this student was paid attention to. 10. This plan was carefully worked at. 11. She looked after her little sister, when her mother was at work. 12. He looked through the morning news­papers at breakfast.


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