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Structure of political system

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Theoretical questions.

1. Objects of political science - what does political science study?

Political Science offers a multi-disciplinary and methodologically comprehensive theorisation for the most critical part of social relations, the Politics - all things concerning State, Power, Social Justice and Rule of Law. Ultimately, Politics has vital connection to

- Philosophy

- Ethics

- Anthropology

- Jurisprudence

- Economics

- Natural Science (saying at least for environmental reasons, if not more)

This rational use of multidisciplinary approach provides a methodology which combines separate attitudes to the object and subject of Politics - descriptive of behaviour and descriptive of ‘Politics’ itself.

General objects of political science

• Political relations

• Political systems and institutions

• Social groups and individuals (though are also agents of the political process).

• Processes of Globalisation and Integration

The definition for the object of study of Political Science, put briefly is an evolvingprocessof social relationsin dynamic systems. Relations social have two fold natureof experience - one of household matters, another of outside matters - external and internal


Pericles, about Athenians: ‘We are free and tolerant in our private lives; but in public affairs we keep to the law ’.

So, if Politics is manipulative and focused on power and gives relevance to public over private, to national interest over that of individual and so on (with certain implications for the ‘Common Good’)

Political Science has an objective of critical and comprehensive understanding of the interference of public and private in society.

2. Subjects of political science - ‘who does politics’, who has got the agency in politics?

‘Agency’ in Politics ensures the dynamism of political process, dialectically separating ‘poles’ of power.

Who has got ‘agency’?

- Individuals

- Identities

- Classes

- Social groups (minorities, majorities)

- States, Political institutions

- Ethnic groups

- Religious and demographic groups, etc.

It is critical to note that all subjects, even those having only a small degree of agency have got their own private interests (relevantly political and economic interests)

Conflictual essence of relations. “The ancients were well aware of the class nature of politics. Oligarchy was a conspiracy of the rich to rob the poor and democracy a conspiracy of the poor to rob the rich”. McClelland (2008).

Structure of political system

As the political system is a difficult, hierarchical formation so far as inevitably there is a question on its subsystems and structuralelements. Answering it, G.Almond, in particular, allocates as such subsystems «... Three wide classes of objects: 1) specific roles andstructures, such as legislative and executive powers or bureaucracy; 2) carriers of roles, such, as separate monarchs, legislators and managers; 3) concrete public events, decisions or execution of decisions». These structures, carriers and decisions can be in turn, are in more details classified depending on, whether they are included in politicalprocess or "input", or, in administrative process or "exit". And, analyzing an internal structure of political system, Almond puts in the forefront not so much structures how many existing between them of communication of their interaction, carried out by them inpolitical system of a role. Is usual within the limits of political systemallocate following three подсистемы:? Institutional (set of political institutes);? Information-communicative (set of communications);? Standard-reguljativnaja (set of moral, legal and political rates). The dynamic characteristic of political system is given through concept «political process». Descriptions of political process in the western political science, as a rule, are strongly formalized, as they should meet two main requirements: to be operational and verified, to make possible transition from the substantial description of process to creation of formal model (scheme) of process in mathematical or tablichno — the graphical form. From here, political process is a process of transformation of the information, its transfer from "input" on "exit" (D.Iston). Thus, it is a question practically of data of political process to «to transfer of senses, significant for functioning of political system», that is, to political communications. K.Dojch has expressed even opinion that political communications could become political science centre then political systems would be treated as extensive communication networks. In the book «management Nerves:» he offers model of political communications and the control information-cybernetic model of political system in which frameworks allocates four blocks, connected with various phases of passage information-communicative потоков:? Reception and information selection on system "input" (by means of external and internal receptors);? Handling and an information estimation;? Decision-making;? Realisation of decisions and feedback from system "exit" to "input


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