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Marketing Bank
A Marketing Bank is a a single location where you store all of the marketing stuff that you need, and that you are often asked to provide to others. Our team’s suggestion is to building your marketing bank and save yourself tons of time, because you’ll always know where to look for that logo, program description, color palette, etc. You can also send your designers, partners and volunteers right to it, so they have a direct templates and the material to work with, saving even more time. You can store your bank online (dropbox, link on the website)and offline (shared drive), ideally where others can access it remotely.
Important things to include in your marketing bank:
· Logos, in various sizes and colors (.png format)
· Photos with captions, sources, and any restrictions.
· Bios and Head Shots
· Editorial and design guidance for designers
· Templates
· Facts and Stats
· Your Links and links to other partners
· Text info - mission, goals, vision, history key points
a. Fonts and styles
Out ream suggests using generic fonts to avoid decrease complexity of information on the website. Helvetica, Arial, Generic Gothic, Verdana are just few of the popular choices, so you might just want to stick to one of them or even create your own font considering these styles.
Our team also suggests being consistent in your online marketing. Target audience is more likely to remember you when they can associate you with certain details including fonts, images, color schemes, and graphics.
b. Content
For PIVOT, core content products take the form of annual reports, online blog posts, articles, success stories, webcasts, podcasts, video materials, in-person events, research reports.
If you think about it, you’ll quickly realize that non-profits have been using this type of marketing for years. However, it’s not just about doing content marketing; it’s about doing it well.
c. Search Engine Optimization
Before working on your content, create semantic core - list of keywords, characterizing the type of activity and the goods and services offered, and at the same time meeting the demands of the target audience. Example are: prevention, abuse counseling, drug addiction, etc.
Basically, semantic core is used in tags and headings and it’s usually what your target audience is looking for when they search the web. It’s always good to have these words on webpages.
d. Trends
You can also use and adopt your semantic core with Google Trends (google.com/trends). This is a free web tool used by many marketers to see what and where people are searching for something. It’s not 100% accurate but, at least, it can give us a general idea about the search topic. The following data provides an example of relative relationship between 3 keywords within the United States in 2013.
By using and studying such data, it becomes possible to determine the seasonality of your business. You can also get a better understanding what type of information is in demand and even why some posts are more shareable than others.
Website Analysis
In order to make the website commercially effective and more pleasing to the eye, our team created a sample website (pivotsample.snappages.com) based on our suggestions on current PIVOT website (jcasac.com). Of course, changing the name from ASAC to PIVOT requires acquiring a new domain name which includes present company name. Available domains can be easily found on 3-rd party websites. Some of the suggested and yet available domains are: pivotme.com, pivotlive.com, pivotcommunity.org and many others.
Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 65 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав |