What is the most immediate challenge facing student teachers?
Do you think it is possible to find the match between the student teacher and the cooperating teacher?
What are the main management skills that a student teacher can gain during his teaching experience?
Why is it important for a student teacher to balance the goals that they have for their students?
Is it true that the actual teaching represents only a fraction of a teacher's job? What are the other fractions the teacher's job consists of?
Is it necessary for a student teacher to balance theory and practice? If so, why?
Why is it often difficult for a student teacher to function as an authority figure?
Match the words with their definitions.
to collaborate
to implement
to be frustrated
to yield
way of behaving
to be defeated or disappointed
to give a result or profit
lasting for a short time
sympathetic relationship
to work in partnership
to carry into effect
3. Read the text carefully and decide whether these statements are true or false. Reason it out. Make use of the following phrases: judging from my own experience…; as far as I know…; therefore; taking into account that…; it is universally accepted that…; on the whole; it must be stressed that, I am into two minds,
Student teaching is in no way connected with the further successful career in teaching.
As the perfect match between the student teacher and the cooperating teacher is impossible, the student teacher shouldn’t even try to collaborate with his cooperating teacher.
Developing management skills during one’s student teaching can be very beneficial throughout one’s career.
As temporary guests in the classes, student teachers shouldn’t be very much concerned about setting realistic goals for their pupils.
Apart from actual teaching, teacher’s job includes many other activities.
Theory does not play an important role in student teaching.
It is often difficult for a student teacher to function as an authority figure because of the insignificant age difference.
4. Work in small groups. Discuss the strategies of overcoming common concerns of a student teacher. Make use of the chart given below:
Time/energy involved in preparing classes
Classroom management
Students' lack of communication skills
Students' lack of interest
Emotional and physical demands of teaching full-time
Set aside time each day to plan for classes
Have a plan ready for your first day
Assess where students skills are: give them practice
Use a variety of teaching approaches: learn students' names
Eat well, get enough rest, and maintain your support network
5. This is the way Chris O’Conner introduces herself as a student teacher. Imagine that your fellow-students are your pupils and you are to act as their student teacher. Be ready to introduce yourself in several minutes using the tips given below.
Hello, my name is Chris O'Conner. I am a student teacher. This means that I have finished all of my college classes and I am almost ready to become a full-time teacher. I am here so that I can practice what I've learned in my classes. I also want to learn from you about what works and what doesn't. I am a senior at the university and I've been a counselor at camp.
What a blast for the past three summers. Last year, I was a peer tutor in French and I occasionally give swimming lessons.
Because I will be trying some new approaches, I will rely on your feedback to let me how they are working. I want you to feel comfortable letting me know that "today's class was really fun," or " that group project was a waste of time." Preferably, you would let me know these things by writing a note or talking to me before or after class. Your comments can help guide our classroom activities.
Finally, I know that I will be spending a lot of time creating lesson plans, grading papers, and generally preparing for each day. I promise to put forth my best effort so that we can all get something out of this. In return, I expect that you will all show me an honest effort and that you will each try to do your best work. Also, I want to thank Ms. Rivera for allowing me to teach in her classroom. Does anyone have a question?
Useful tips:
Be sure to smile.
Write your name on the board. This helps the students remember your name and gives them a chance to write it down.
Pronounce your name slowly and clearly. If your name is unusual or difficult to pronounce, you may want to talk about the origin of your name.
Talk about your teaching experience or your motivation for becoming a teacher. Be creative.
Communicate your expectations. You are there to teach, but you also are there to learn.
Let your students know what you expect of them. This can help motivate them to do good work.
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