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Читайте также:
  2. Pre-reading
  3. Pre-reading
  4. Pre-reading task
  5. Pre-reading task
  6. Pre-reading task
  7. Pre-reading task
  8. Pre-reading tasks
  9. Pre-reading tasks

Read the following comments on teaching materials. Choose the ones you agree with. Explain your choice. Be as specific as possible.

#1 a. “I have noticed that the coursebook I use doesn’t seem to deal with ‘real’ English.” (Italian secondary school teacher)

b. “My demand is becoming a reporter of the English football and I need, so, much familiarity…” (Danish upper-intermediate student on full-time intensive course in British school)

c. “I have 5 children in the class with hardly a word of English between them. I really find it hard to keep them busy while I am teaching the others.” (British primary school teacher working in Inner London)

#2 a. “The textbook my institute has written says that you use ‘please’ and ‘would’ for simple requests and ‘would you mind’ for more polite requests. I have heard lots of other things such as ‘could you possibly…’” (Yugoslav evening institute teacher)

b. “I get very confused with all these noughts and zeros and nothings in your language…” (Argentinian part-time student on low intensity course in Britain)

#3 a. “It’s a very nice book and very lively, but in the section on ‘processes’ for example all the exercises are about unusual things for our country. We are a hot country and also have many Muslims. The exercises are about snow, ice, cold mornings, water cisterns; writing and publishing EFL books and making wine. I can tell you I can’t do making wine and smoking pot in my country!” (experienced schoolteacher from the Ivory Coast)

b. “Previous materials were not based on life in Brazil which is why I don’t think they worked very well...” (Brazilian teacher of English in school)

c. “Sir…what is opera?” (Iraqi student in mixed nationality class using materials designed to practise reading narrative)

#4 a. “I like to learn lists of words and then do exercises to practise. In this book there are new words in texts, but you can’t practise them enough. Then you forget them.” (Romanian 10th grade student, commenting on the new textbook – which he otherwise liked!)

b. “I can’t use this book – it’s very crowded with its double columns; I just can’t see the point of any page and I’m sure the students can’t …” (British teacher on an intensive language course in a British language school: referring to Collins Cobuild English Course 1)

c. “This picture … is dog or is … funny animal …” (Spanish student, using teacher-made worksheet)

#5 a. “I wish I could just write materials and not teach at all …” (British teacher at Technical School in the Middle East)

While giving your comments make use of the following phrases: In my opinion/view; to my mind; to my way of thinking; I am convinced that…; it strikes me that…; it is my firm belief that…; it seems to me that…; as far as I am concerned…


Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 89 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Preparing for Effective Student Teaching | Follow-up | THE PROBLEM OF CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT | Working with a partner, fill in the other forms of the words in the chart. | A. Active Reading for Better Retention . | Do the following sentences into English. | Helping Students to Learn Autonomy | Clear sense of direction | I. READING | II. VOCABULARY |

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