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  1. Active Vocabulary
  4. Active vocabulary
  5. Active vocabulary to remember
  6. Active vocabulary to remember
  7. Active vocabulary to remember
  8. Active vocabulary to remember

1. Categorisation: Children's and adult's books; travel books and biography; romantic and historical novels; crime/thrillers; detective stories; war/adventure; science fiction/fantasy; liter­ary fiction and genre fiction; non-fiction; pulp fiction. Absorbing; adult; amusing; controversial; dense; depressing; delightful; dirty; disturbing; dull; fascinating; gripping; moral­istic; nasty; obscene; outrageous; profound; whimsical; unput-downable.

2. Books and their parts: paperback and hardback; binding; cover; spine; jacket; title; epigraph; preface; the contents list; fly leaf; bookplate; blurb; a beautifully printed book; a tome bound in leather/with gilt edges; a volume with a broken bind­ing; a book with dense print/with loose pages; a well-thumbed book.

3. Reading habits: to form a reading habit early in life; to read silently/incessantly/greedily/laboriously; to read curled up in a chair; to read a child/oneself to sleep; to make good bed-time reading; to be lost/absorbed in a book; to devour books; to dip into/glance over/pore over/thumb through a book; to browse through newspapers and periodicals; to scan/skim a magazine; a bookworm; an avid/alert/keen reader.

4. Library facilities: reading rooms and reference sections; the subject/author/title/on-line catalogue; the enquiry desk; computer assisted reference, service; to borrow/renew/loan books, CDs and video tapes; rare books; to keep books that are overdue; books vulnerable to theft; to suspend one's member­ship; to be banned from the library.

5. Useful phrases:

to bring out / publish / put out a book — опубликовать произведение

to write a book — написать книгу

to ban a book — запрещать издание какой-л. книги

to copyright a book — зарегистрировать авторское право на какую-л. книгу

to dedicate / inscribe a book — посвятить книгу кому-л.

to edit a book — издать книгу

to expurgate a book — подвергнуть цензуре книгу (вычеркнуть все нежелательные для кого-л. места)

to pirate a book — нарушать авторские права на какую-л. книгу

to proofread a book — вычитывать / корректировать книгу

to review a book — сделать обзор какого-л. издания

to revise a book — вносить правки / корректуру в книгу

to translate a book — переводить книгу, делать перевод книги

to set a book in type — набирать книгу (в типографии)

a book appears / comes out / is published — книга выходит в свет

a book goes out of print — книга перестаёт издаваться

a book is sold out — книга распродана



In my book - it is a matter of principle, in my opinion. 'In my book, you don't complain about the staff to the boss until you have discussed it with them Inst.' Here, «book» is an imaginary book оf rules that everyone follows.


To bring someone to book - to make someone answer for his misdeeds.

We must bring these criminals to hook; they deserve severe punishment.


To throw the book at someone - to charge someone with as many offences as one possibly can. For example, a housebreaker who attacks the landlord can be charged with unlawful entry, trespass, malicious damage to properly, assault and battery. The book consists of the various sections of the Statutory Law under which the accused is charged.


To read someone like a book - to know exactly what someone is thinking, even before he has spoken. 'When Sally comes to my office, it is always to ask for money. No matter how carefully she leads up to the subject, I can read her like a book.'


To cook the books - to falsify the accounts for a dishonest purpose. I don't believe the company made anything like that profit. Peter has been cooking the books so that he can get a good price for the business.' A clever cook can conceal the basic ingredients of a dish by adding all kinds of spices.


To suit / not to suit one's book - to serve one's own interest - not to serve one's own interest. 'It may not suit his book to take the carpet back. He may not find another customer for it so quickly.'


To go by the book - to act in strict accordance with the rules and regulations, without taking personal factors into account. 'Edward would have been happier in the Civil Service than in business. Whatever the circumstances, he always goes by the book.'


A closed book - a subject about which one knows nothing, a mystery. 'Astronomy is a closed book to me.'


To speak volumes / to speak volumes for

(1) to be full of meaning. 'When the landlady showed Ralph his room, he was too polite to make any comment, but the expression on his face spoke volumes.'

(2) to do a person or thing credit. 'Jack failed his examination three times before he finally passed; that speaks volumes for his determination.'


Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 97 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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