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Listen to the recording again and give the English equivalents from the tape for the following Russian expressions.

Читайте также:
  1. A. Listen to the description of the drilling process and fill in the missing words (no more than THREE words). The first word is given as an example.
  2. Again the soldier looked him up and down. The officer could hear him panting. The smile came into his blue eyes. The soldier worked his dry throat, but could not speak.
  3. An American View of Russian Education
  4. An English restaurant
  5. An Example of a Difference between Russian and Western Operating Company Structure
  6. Answer the following questions and do the given assignment.
  7. Answer the following questions.
  8. Answer the following questions.
  9. Answer the following questions.
  10. Answer the following questions. Work in groups of four.

1. быть задолго до (прихода) поезда

2. такси приехало вовремя

3. пассажирский поезд

4. едва успеть

5. дорожные работы на автомагистрали

6. схватить сумки

7. накопитель (в аэропорту)

8. паспортный досмотр

9. успеть на поезд

10. приняться за (йогурт)

11. взять с собой, чтобы перекусить

12. ждать неизвестно сколько времени

Fill in the prepositions where necessary.

1. … because the train was late I had missed … my coach … Reading.

2. We stepped …... the coach … Heathrow.

3. It was 19 minutes … take-off time.

4. I put my bags … the X-ray machine.

5. We did have to wait … a while to land … Brussels because we were late, and we had to circle … the airport … a few minutes.

6. They just snaked all … the arrival area.

7. The passport officers were very, very careful trying to keep the terrorists … … Brussels.

8. I was really getting worried … this time but when I got … … the passport control, a local representative was waiting … me.

9. So we got … the train and waited … 30 minutes … they found another train to take us … … Namur.


Follow-Up Activities

5.1. Use the outline of the story and describe the woman’s journey to Namur.

Personalisation. Speak about your difficult journey. Use some of the new language you have just learned.



Text Title: Journey to Stratford

Cassette: From Synthesis, by W.Fowler, J.Pidcock

Pre-Listening Vocabulary

Go through the words below and clear up any difficulties.

a coach - автобус

Anne Hathaway’s cottage [ÈhQT«weI]

Comprehension Check

Jenny Collins, a young tourist guide, is explaining the arrangements for an excursion the next day to a group of tourists. Listen to the tape and make notes of all the important details

1. get up 7. lunch

2. breakfast 8. visit

3. coach arrives 9. tea

4. length of journey 10. return hotel

5. stop en route 11. restaurant open

6. arrive at Stratford 12. general advice


Langauge Focus

Fill in the missing articles, prepositions and postpositions.

1. … because we have … long journey … … us.

2. So please take … note … all … times.

3. … but we’re going to stop … … hour and … half … … way, … Oxford, to give you … chance to see … colleges.

4. We’ll be there … g… g o’clock.

5. We’ll arrive … Stratford … time … lunch.

6. We’ve booked lunch … you … … Shakespeare Restaurant … … High Street … g o’clock.

7. We’ll be … … … Hotel … g.

8. Please, don’t leave cameras or other personal belongings … any value … … coach.


Follow-Up Activity

Imagine you are one of the tourist group. You’ve just returned from Stratford. Write a letter to your friend, describing your journey.





Text Title: The Association of Travel Agents

Cassette: From Success at First Certificate,

by R.O’Neill, L.Arthur., S.Menne, R.Nolasco

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 96 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Listen to the tape again to find the answers to these questions. | Follow-Up Activity | Go over the list of words. Make sure there are no difficulties in understanding their meanings. | Complete the following sentences from the recording choosing the right intensifier from the box below. One of them can be used more than once. | Listen to the tape again and fill in the gaps in the sentences below. | Pre-Listening Vocabulary | Caernarfon | Pre-Listening Vocabulary | Pre-Viewing Tasks | Listening Exercises |

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