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ЗАДАНИЕ 1 Выберите один вариант ответа

When you own a house you have to pay a local tax on property called ____.

1) mortgage 2) income tax

3) value added tax 4) customs tax


ЗАДАНИЕ 2 Выберите один вариант ответа

A ____ is a place where a river goes over an edge of a rock and falls.

1) oasis 2) coast

3) waterfall 4) beach


ЗАДАНИЕ 3 Выберите один вариант ответа

One of the teaching methods, ____, is based on having students work in groups, talking to each other and listening to all points of view in the discussion.

1) memorizing 2) collaborating

3) explaining 4) questioning


ЗАДАНИЕ 4 Выберите один вариант ответа

The system which focuses on how mental activity enables people to function and survive is called ____.

1) structuralism 2) functionalism

3) behaviorism 4) gestaltism


ЗАДАНИЕ 5 Выберите один вариант ответа

Terry can’t wait in queues, because he is very ____.

1) impatient 2) unpatient

3) patient 4) a patient


ЗАДАНИЕ 6 Выберите один вариант ответа

Do you get ____ shoes at the sales?

1) some 2) something

3) anything 4) any


ЗАДАНИЕ 7 Выберите один вариант ответа

Your flat is ____ hers.

1) bigger 2) biggest

3) as big as 4) big


ЗАДАНИЕ 8 Выберите один вариант ответа

Her parents have ____ small farm in ____ Yorkshire.

1) a; the 2) the; -

3) the; the 4) a; -


ЗАДАНИЕ 9 Выберите один вариант ответа

He is brave enough to go ____ the forest alone.

1) across 2) in

3) through 4) throughout


ЗАДАНИЕ 10 Выберите один вариант ответа

Metal parts in aircraft must be ____ strong ____ light in weight.

1) both; and 2) either; or

3) neither; nor 4) so; that


ЗАДАНИЕ 11 Выберите один вариант ответа

At 5 o’clock yesterday we _____ the results of the experiment.

1) are discussing 2) discussed

3) have been discussing 4) were discussing


ЗАДАНИЕ 12 Выберите один вариант ответа

____ the language they were speaking I couldn’t understand anything.

1) Not knowing 2) Not having known

3) Knowing 4) Not to know


ЗАДАНИЕ 13 Выберите один вариант ответа

He wants ____ his behavior. Everybody ____ his wish.

1) to apologize of; approves on 2) to apologize for; approves of

3) to apologize off; approves about 4) to apologize at; approves with

ЗАДАНИЕ 14 Выберите один вариант ответа

____ I smoke here? – I’m afraid not. You ____ abstain from smoking here.

1) Must; may 2) Should; must

3) May; should 4) Can; may


ЗАДАНИЕ 15 Выберите наиболее подходящий вариант ответа

You: I went to Jack’s party yesterday.

Helen: Oh! ______________

1) Never mind Jack’s. 2) I appreciate Jack.

3) What was it like? 4) It’s Jack’s!


ЗАДАНИЕ 16 Выберите наиболее подходящий вариант ответа

You: Bye, Dad! I’m off to college now.

Dad: ______________

1) Why off? 2) Where off?

3) Have a nice day! 4) I’m afraid college is off.


ЗАДАНИЕ 17 Выберите наиболее подходящий вариант ответа

Fred: __________________________

You: There’s a good programme at 8 p.m.

1) Does TV have good shows? 2) What’s on TV tonight?

3) Do you know what goes at 8? 4) Does anything good go tonight?


ЗАДАНИЕ 18 Выберите наиболее подходящий вариант ответа

George: What a nice house you have!

You: __________________________

1) Make yourself at home. 2) Feel yourself home.

3) Come in and feel yourself. 4) Come and don’t feel a guest.


ЗАДАНИЕ 19 Выберите один вариант ответа

The ____ is a relic of the Scottish clan system.

1) kilt 2) tartan

3) Mac 4) Ness


ЗАДАНИЕ 20 Выберите один вариант ответа

____ is devoted to the US achievements in space exploration.

1) The NASA Museum 2) The Smithsonian Institution

3) The Museum of Modern Arts 4) The Whitney Museum of American Art


ЗАДАНИЕ 21 Выберите один вариант ответа

The national flag of Canada has a red ____ on the white field.

1) star 2) rose

3) maple leaf 4) maple tree


ЗАДАНИЕ 22 Выберите один вариант ответа

____ (1743 – 1826), an outstanding American democrat, the author of the Declaration of Independence.

1) George Washington 2) Abraham Lincoln

3) Benjamin Franklin 4) Thomas Jefferson


ЗАДАНИЕ 23 Расположите части делового письма в правильном порядке

1) Messrs Dickson and King

28 Newgate Street London

2) Dear Sirs

3) We are manufacturers of telephone answering machines and are seeking a European manufacturer of compatible goods with a view to entering into a commercial partnership. We would like to offer our services as commercial agents for your products in the United States, in exchange for your representation of our goods on the European market. Please find enclosed a brochure describing our company.

4) Panorama Ltd

114 Grand Boulevard

Los Angeles California 90041

19 September 2009

5) Yours truly

Mr F Patel

Marketing Manager


ЗАДАНИЕ 24 Перед Вами конверт. Соотнесите информацию под определенным номером на конверте с тем, что она обозначает.

J. Barbour & Sons 45 Saunders Str (1) Dublin (2) CI4 8PB (3) Mrs K White Human Resources Manager (4) Regional Railways Co 62 (5) Waterloo Road London (6) NW81 5RZ

A) the street name in the mailing address

B) the ZIP Code in the mailing address

C) the addressee

D) the town the letter comes from

E) the addressee’s company name

F) the ZIP Code in the return address


ЗАДАНИЕ 25 Определите, к какому виду делового документа относится представленный ниже отрывок

Name: Janet Martin Address: 12 Harcourt Road London SW1 England Tel: (071) 5436789 Date of birth: 27th February 1968 Marital status: Single Nationality: British Education: 1984-86: Greenfields School – Yorkshire (3 A-levels) 1986-89 Capital Business School, London MBA, specialized in International Business Languages: English – mother tongue German – fluent French – spoken Italian – good working knowledge Russian – with the help of the dictionary Professional experience: Summer 1987: Grane Engineering – Assistant to the Personnel Manager, responsible for a study on work methods 1989-2010: United Telecom – Assistant to the Marketing Manager Hobbies: Skating, Photographing, Jazz Further qualifications: Driving licence Good computer skills

1) Application 2) Curriculum Vitae

3) Advertisement 4) Advice


ЗАДАНИЕ 26 Выберите слова или сочетания слов для заполнения пропусков так, чтобы они отражали особенности оформления служебной записки

To: Sales Manager

(1) ____: George Collins

(2)____: The quotation for the goods

The (3) ____ of Pharmaceuticals Co will visit us on 18 June to place a new order for our equipment. Please get ready with the detailed quotation for the goods specified and the recent catalogue to give him an indication of the materials available.

(4) ____.

A) Subject B) G. C.

C) Marketing Director D) From


ЗАДАНИЕ 27 (выберите один вариант ответа)

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