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Power system

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Without 1. power nothing on a rig operates. Machinery must have an energy source to make it go. On virtually every drilling rig, the power comes from internal-combustion engines, which are called prime movers. Further, they often use diesel 2.. Because of the way diesel engines operate, they deliver more turning force, or torque, than gasoline engines. As a result, many industries, including the 3. _industry, use diesels.

A 4. may need from two to four prime movers, depending on its size. The bigger the rig, the deeper it can drill and the more power it needs. Thus, big rigs have three or four prime movers. Together, they develop 4,500 horsepower (about 3,300 kilowatts) or more. In comparison, a powerful car engine may put out only 300 horsepower (220 kilowatts) or so; most develop even less.

This power must 5. to the rig's components to make them work. For example, at the same time as the rotary table needs power to turn the bit, the mud pump needs power to 6. drilling mud. What is more, to provide maximum power to a component, the 7. must also be able to combine the power of two or more engines. Two common methods transfer power on today's rigs and allow the driller to combine engine power: mechanical transmission and electrical transmission.

transfer; mix; drilling; fuelt; circulate; driller; rig; power


(Baker R. “A Primer of Oil Well Drilling”, 2001, Austin, Texas)

Define whether the following sentences are true (T) or false (F).

T / F 1. Diesel engines are used in drilling industry mainly because of its operation regime.
T / F 2. In fact, power is generated by in­ternal-combustion engines almost on all drilling rigs.
T / F 3. The rig height is in proportion to well depth.  
T / F 4. There are two main ways of power transmission.  
T / F 5. As a rule, big rigs have three prime movers.  


3. Lab. Assignment:”Power Systems and Instrumentations”.

Terms and Vocabulary

automatic cathead автоматическая шпилевая катушка
auxiliary вспомогательный, дополнительный
brake тормоз
cathead шпилевая катушка
catline канат для работ со шпилевой катушкой
clutch муфта
console пульт управления
fast line ходовой конец (талевого каната)
friction cathead фрикционная шпилевая катушка
makeup cathead, breakout cathead шпилевая катушка для свинчивания бурильных труб
reeve оснащать (талевую систему), продевать канат (через блок), надевать (на шкив)
shaft вал, ось, шток
sheave шкив; блок; ролик, каротажный ролик, колесо с желобчатым ободом
slip скольжение, травить канат
spool шпулька, бобина
winch лебедка

4. Read the text “Hoisting system components” and do exercises.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 107 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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