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  6. Active vocabulary to remember
  7. Active vocabulary to remember
  8. Active vocabulary to remember
  9. Additional Vocabulary

suppose [sa'pouz] (v) — guess, think — думать, считать

- All the neighbours supposed that he was a clerk.

□ You'll be there, I suppose.

arrive (v) — 1. reach a place, come — приехать, прибыть

He arrived home on Monday.
2. наступить

□ At last the day arrived,
(v) — 1. be afraid of — бояться

□ You should not fear these men.

2. (n) страх

□ A sudden fear came over him.

wrong (adj) — mistaken, improper — неправильный, не тот

□ He has six wrong answers in his test.

□ We took the wrong train.

be wrong — быть неправым

- Can you prove that I am wrong?

bring up (v) — educate, rear — воспитать

- They brought up ten children.

turn (v) 1. move round — вращаться вокруг

- The Earth turns round the Sun.

2. поворачиваться, оборачиваться, (перен.) обращаться к

- Не turned to look at me.

□ He gave up his work and turned to painting.

struggle (v) 1. (against/with) fight — бороться, сражаться

He struggled with difficulties.
2. (n) борьба, сражение

- Не gave in without struggle.:

sink (v) — go down (the horizon or the surface of liquid) - погружаться -- Wood doesn't sink, it floats.

- The Sun was sinking in the West.


(adapted) by Somerset Maugham


They became engaged when he was home on leave.

He returned to Burma* and she was to join him in six months. But one difficulty followed the other, so in the end it was seven years before she was able to start.

He made all the arrangements for the marriage which was to take place on the day of her arrival and went down to Rangoon* to meet her. He paced the quay*. He hadn't seen Mabel for 7 years, she was a total

stranger. He felt that he couldn't carry out his promise. He was awfully sorry, how could a man refuse a girl after she had travelled six thousand miles to marry him? An idea struck him. He would write her a letter and she would understand the rest. There was a boat at the quay on the point of starting to Singapore*, he wrote a hurried letter to Mabel and without any luggage boarded the ship. The letter Mabel received ran as follows:

Dearest Mabel, I am away on business and don't know when I'll be back. It would be much wiser if you returned to England. My plans are very uncertain.

Your loving George.


But when he arrived to Singapore he found a cable waiting for him:

Quite understand. Don't worry. Love. Mabel.


He had to think fast. He was able very quickly to find out that her name was on the passenger list of the ship that was now on its way to Singapore. There was not a moment to be lost. Fortunately there was a French boat sailing next day to Saigon*, he took it. At Saigoft he would be safe and surely by now she would be able to take the hint.

When he was signing his name in the visitor's book in Saigon a telegram was handed to him: "Love. МаЬеl.


He sailed to Hong Kong* immediately, but dared not stay there; he went to Manila*, but there he didn't feel safe either. He had to hide in some place where he wouldn't be able to run straight into Mabel's arms. He went to Yokohama*. At the Grand Hotel a cable* awaited him.

So sorry to have missed you at Manila. Love. Mabel.


No, he was not so easy to catch like that. He had already made his plans. He went to Cheng-tu*. It was four hundred miles away. It could only be reached by road and the road was very difficult. A man would be safe there. He could rest at last: Mabel would never find him there. The consul happened to be a friend of his and he stayed with him. The weeks passed lazily one after the other.

One day the heavy doors of the Consulate opened and Mabel stepped out of a chair borne by four coolies. She looked neat and clean as usual. George grew pale as death. She went up to him with a smile.

"You haven't changed at all", she said, "I was afraid that you'd go fat and bald after seven years. I've been so nervous. It would be terrible if after all these years I simply wouldn't be able to bring myself to marry you".

She turned to the Consul. "Are you the Consul?" "Yes". "That's all right. I'm ready to marry him as soon as I've had a bath". And she did.


1. Burma — Бирма. Before 1948 a British dependency.

2. Rangoon — seaport city, capital of Burma.

3. quay [ki:] — landing place for ships where they can be unloaded or loaded.

4. Singapore — a seaport on the Malay Peninsula.

5. Saigon [sai'goun] — a city in Vietnam.

6. Hong Kong ['hon/kon] — a former British colony in South East China.

7. Manila — a great seaport on Manila Bay.

8. Yokohama — a seaport on Tokyo Bay.

9. Cheng-tu — a province in South West China.
10. a cable — a telegram.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 111 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав


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