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emperor (n) — император
empire — империя
rule (n) — 1. править, руководить
□ The king ruled the country for 30 years.
2. rule (v) - правило
□ You should know this rule..
as a rule — usually, generally — обычно, как правило
□ As a rule I have coffee in the morning.
bold [bould] (adj) — brave, courageous — смелый
□ He was as bold (brave) as a lion.
bow [bau] (v)— кланяться, опустить голову
- He stood with a bowed head at the funeral.
bow (n) — лук, самострел way (n) 1. road, path — дорога, путь
□ I met him on the way.
2. direction — направление
□ Which way is the house from here?
3. a manner or method — способ, манера, образ действия
□ What's the best way to do it?
be in the way — мешать, стоять поперек дороги
- I couldn't get through the gate because your car was in the way.
by the way — между прочим
- By the way he is always right.
in a way (in some way(s)) — в некоторой степени; в чем-то
- In a way I can see what you mean though I disagree with you.
pole (n) — столб, шест
- He looked out of the window and saw a flagpole in the yard.
place (v) put — помещать, ставить, класть
□ He placed the book on the shelf.
shout (v) — кричать
□ I can hear you, there's no need
to shout, pass (v) 1. move — миновать, проходить
- No one is allowed to pass the gate of the camp.
2. give by hand — передать, передавать
- Please, pass me the salt.
3. spend time — проводить время
□ How shall we pass the evening?
4. succeed in — выдержать экзамен
She passed her driving test.
shoot (v) (shot) — 1. стрелять
□ He shot at a bird but missed it.
2. снимать фильм
П The film was shot in California.
respect (n) admiration, honour — уважение
□ He is held in the greatest respect by his friends.
in all respects — во всех отношениях; in some respect — в какой-то степени
□ The new job is better paid and more interesting in ail respects,
spy (v) (on smb) — 1. шпионить
□ He spied on his neighbor.
spy (n) — шпион
□ Believe me, I'm not a spy.
refuse (v) — отказывать, отказываться
- He refused to marry her.
lead (v) (led) — вести, привести к
□ This road leads to the city.
□ He led the army.
lead someone to do something — склонять к чему-либо, заставлять
□ What led you to believe I was ill?
punish (v) — наказывать
- Motorists should be punished severely for dangerous driving.
face (v) — 1. стоять лицом к кому-либо, чему-либо
- The house faces the park.
2. встречать смело
- She couldn't face her problems.
face music — держать ответ
□ After failing the exam he had to face the music,
face to face — лицом к лицу
□ A lot of people prefer discussing business matters
face to face, miss (v) — 1. промахнуться, не достичь цели
□ Не shot at me but missed.
2. be late — опоздать
□ Again I missed the bus.
3. скучать
□ Her children have gone to Australia and she missed them very much.
miss the point — не понимать сути
□ Will you say it again, I missed the point,
rush (v) - hurry — мчаться, торопиться
Дата добавления: 2015-09-10; просмотров: 71 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав |