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In the same text find the verbs in Present Simple. Recollect the rule for Present Simple of the 3-rd person singular.

Читайте также:
  1. Company presentation
  2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the past simple or past perfect.
  3. Ex. 39 Read the proverbs. Explain the rules of reading.
  4. Ex.2 p.23 Complete these sentences using the correct form (Past Simple or Past Continuous)of the verbs in brackets.
  5. Ex.2p.14 Complete these sentences using the correct form (Present Simple or Present Continuous) of the verbs in brackets.
  6. Ex.5. Complete the sentences (Active or Passive). Use Past Simple.
  7. Ex.7. Fill in prepositions as in the text and make your own sentences with the following verbs.
  8. Ex11. Rewrite the sentences in Future Simple Passive.
  9. Exercise 12. Put the verbs into future perfect or future perfect continuous.
  10. Exercise 8. Put the verbs in brackets into the future perfect or the future perfect continuous.


2.6 Study the organization chart of the company with functional structure:


2.7 Read the following sentences of six people talking about their work. Decide which of the six departments listed above they work for:

1) Every six months we produce a report showing how the company is doing. During the passed month we have been busy with our accountant preparing the results that will be included in our next report.

2) I am a member of a team of the engineers. We have just finalized the design of our new portable computer. This model will be more powerful and more adaptable than our previous one. We are constantly looking for new ideas and experimenting with new products.

3) Before selling our latest product our department must decide in which regions it will be most successful and what types of consumers we want to reach.

4) Communication is a key aspect of my department’s work. We answer inquiries made by our customers and we are also in contact with the press to inform them of our new products and changes within the company.

5) We have been having problems with the quality of certain electronic parts made in our factories. So several members of the department have got together to talk about improvements of some of our manufacturing techniques.

6) Our company is going through a difficult period and we have had to reduce the number of employees in several departments and to review salaries throughout the organization.


2.8 Study the following organization chart of a company with matrix structure and describe it according to the following points:

1) Who heads the company?

2) How many departments (functions) are there in the company?

3) Are they aссountable to one and the same person?

4) How do you think, can this matrix structure be modified according to the project it works on? Why?




3. What is management?

The obligations of any manager can be described like this: to plan one’s business, to motivate the staff, to control the employees’ performance. It’s clear that managers have a lot of obligations and are responsible for different things.

The amount of responsibility of any individual in a company depends on the position that he occupies in its hierarchy.

For example the CEO has overall responsibility for running of the business. The marketing manager is responsible for the marketing strategy of the company and for the proper work of the marketing department.

People that are accountable to managers are called subordinates.

To lead people, managers must use their authority, which is the right to take the decisions and give the orders that will allow their subordinates to reach certain objectives. Managers often delegate authority. This means that employees at lower levels of the company hierarchy can participate in decision making.

– величина, количество, объем

authority – власть, полномочие, авторитет

be accountable to – быть подотчетным кому-либо

CEO – Chief Executive Officer – исполнительный директор, главный администратор

employees – служащие, работающие по найму

hierarchy – иерархия

objectives – цели

obligation – обязательство, обязанность

performance – эффективность работы

position – позиция, положение, должность

responsibility – ответственность, обязанность

running of the business – ход бизнеса

subordinates – подчиненные



delegate authority – делегировать полномочия

depend on – зависеть от

give the orders – отдавать приказания

lead smb under oneself – вести кого-либо за собой, управлять кем-либо

motivate the staff – осуществлять мотивацию персонала

participate in decision making – участвовать в принятии решений

reach certain objectives – достигать определенных целей

take the decisions – принимать решения

3.1 Answer the questions:

1. What does the amount of responsibility of any individual in a company depend on?

2. What are the managers responsible for?

3. How do you understand the term ‘authority’?

4. Can the authority be delegated?

5. How can the employees participate in decision making?

3.2 Match the words from the text with their synonyms:

1) responsibility 1)job

2) position 2) obligation

3) subordinate 3) goal

4) authority 4) inferior

5) objective 5) power

6) performance 6) achievement

3.3 Translate the sentences using the phrases from the text:

1. Менеджеры отвечают за своих подчиненных.

2. Полномочие – это право принимать решения и отдавать приказания.

3. Менеджеры должны делегировать полномочия.

4. Рядовые работники должны участвовать в принятии решений.

5. Он занимает важную должность.

6. Мистер Грэй подотчетен исполнительному директору.

7. У менеджера по маркетингу пять подчиненных.


3.4 In the text above find the verbs in the form of the Infinitive (V0). Pay attention to the correct translation of the subordinate clause with the infinitive.

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