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  9. Маркетинговый микс (marketing-mix)

Marketing is the term given to the different activities involved in distributing goods from the manufacturer to the final customer. The combination of the different elements of a company’s marketing plan, such as Product conception and development, Promotion, Pricing and Packaging is known as the marketing mix (4Ps).

Marketing includes different functions: market research, development of the pricing policy, product launch, packaging, distribution to the customers, after-sale service.

Advertising is an important element of marketing function. There exist media advertising (TV, radio, magazines, newspapers, posters) and non-media advertising (promotions, public relations, special offers, client testimonials). Advertising via Internet is rapidly developing (virtual billboards, banners, direct e-mails).

A company can advertise in a variety of ways, depending on the advertisement budget and type of the target audience.

Branding is also part of the marketing strategy. Strong brand = awareness + unique promise of value + delivery of value. Brands maybe local, national or global.

In marketing at present there is shift from selling into educating and creating relationships with the customers. Customer’s loyalty is paramount. Loyalty is equal to customer ownership (and it means profits). Customer education delivers on loyalty. It means that after-sale service changes, it becomes more elaborate and it is connected with customer training.


Words and phrases:

after-sale service – послепродажное обслуживание

awareness – осведомленность

banding – продвижение торговой марки

banners – баннеры

brand – торговая марка

client testimonials – рекомендательные письма, выдаваемые компании ее клиентами за отличную работу (распространено в Америке)

direct e-mails – прямая рассылка электронных писем

final customer – конечный потребитель (товара или услуг)

manufacturer – производитель

marketing mix – «маркетинговая смесь», комплекс маркетинга (комбинация четырех P) – разработка продукта, промоушн, установка цены, упаковка.

media – СМИ (средства массовой информации)

paramount – первостепенная важность

product launch – выброс новых товаров на рынок

target audience – целевая аудитория, круг потребителей

value – ценность, стоимость

virtual billboards – виртуальные доски объявлений


6.1 Answer the questions:

1. How do you understand the term marketing?

2. What is 4Ps?

3. Name several functions of marketing.

4. What kinds of advertising do you know?

5. What is branding?

6. What famous brands do you know?

7. What are the characteristics of a strong brand?


6.2 Find English equivalents of the following Russian words and phrases:

распределение товаров, концепция и разработка продукта, маркетинговое исследование, выброс нового товара («запуск» товара) на рынок, установка цены, промоушн, связи с общественностью, послепродажное обслуживание, реклама через СМИ, реклама через Интернет, электронные письма, сильная торговая марка, осведомленность (о торговой марке), сдвиг от продаж к обучению клиентов, самое главное – это преданность клиентов.


6.3 Match the words from the first column with their equivalents from the second column:


1. manufacturer a) market, push

2. customer b) trade name, trademark

3. brand c) client, consumer

4. promotion d) producer, maker

5. advertise e) encouragement, backing

6. loyalty f) supreme, principal, dominant

7. paramount g) contacts, interactions

8. relationships h) devotion



6.3 Look at the table below and characterize the different phases of the product life cycle according to different parameters: sales volume, profitability, type of customers, state of the market.

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