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Find all the modal verbs used in the text, compose several sentences with modal verbs.

Читайте также:
  1. Ask general questions to the sentences.
  2. B) Make up sentences of your own using these idiomatic expression. Ask about the Smiths, mother, father, brother.
  3. B) Make up sentences of your own using these idiomatic expressions. Ask about Cecily, Alice, Sam, Sally, Sandra.
  4. B) Make up sentences of your own using these idiomatic expressions. Ask about Charles, Rose, James.
  5. B) Make up sentences of your own using these idiomatic expressions. Ask about Gary, Gil, Peggy, Grig, Gert, Grace, Gregory, Gordon.
  6. B) Make up sentences of your own using these idiomatic expressions. Ask about Ken, Kate, Kirk, Kay, Kim, Kiki, Kit.
  7. b) Make up sentences of your own using these idiomatic expressions. Ask about Pat, Pete, Percy, Poll, Peg, Pam.
  8. B) Make up sentences of your own using these idiomatic expressions. Ask about Thad, Theo, Martha, Kenneth, Arthur, Thornton, Thorp, Theodore.
  9. B) Make up sentences of your own using these idiomatic expressions. Ask about Tom, Tim, Mart, Ted, Tess, Tina.
  10. b) Use five of the collocations in Ex.18a and make sentences about your ideal house.

4. What is my style?

A style can be defined as ‘the way we act when we are able to do things our own way’. We have preferred styles and over time we develop patterns of behavior.

Understanding behavior patterns makes it possible for us to interpret our own actions and the actions of others. It may be helpful in different situations. For example if you are in a situation where you have to give critical feedback to a colleague, you and others who know you can predict how you will react.

This does not mean that you react according to your style 100% of the time. But your preferred style does affect your daily behavior.

People’s behavior can be understood by looking at two dimensions: assertiveness and expressiveness. Assertiveness is the degree to which a person’s behavior is forceful or directive. Assertive behavior is aimed at taking control in a situation. Expressiveness is the degree to which a person’s behavior is emotionally responsive or expressive. Expressive behavior includes showing emotions and forming interpersonal relationships.

Compiling two dimensions produces four styles. Each of the four styles can be described based on the degree of assertiveness and expressiveness used.

Direct = High assertiveness, low expressiveness
Spirited = High assertiveness, high expressiveness
Considerate = Low assertiveness, high expressiveness
Systematic = Low assertiveness, low expressiveness

Some people have only one dominant style. There are other people who use a variety of styles.

Direct – works independently, takes charge, likes control, gets results, is pragmatic, likes competition.

Spirited – generates excitement, is outgoing, gets caught up in dreams, is spontaneous, seeks personal recognition, has good persuasive skills.

Systematic – makes decisions based on facts, asks for specific details, is analytical, likes a task-oriented environment, stays calm and rational, is disciplined with time.

Considerate – listens actively, works cohesively with others, considers others’ feelings, is patient, values personal relationships, has good counseling skills.


assertiveness – уверенность в себе

considerate - уважительный

direct – прямой

directive – руководящий, управляющий

expressiveness - экспрессивность

forceful - влиятельный, убедительный

spirited - энергичный

systematic – систематичный


based on – на основе

by looking at two dimensions – здесь – с учетом двух параметров (критериев)

can be described – может быть представлен (может быть описан)

compiling two dimensions – чередование двух параметров

considers others’ feelings – считается с чувствами других

daily behavior – повседневное поведение

do things our own way – поступать по-своему

does affect – действительно влияет (does – употребляется здесь для усиления смысла)

emotionally responsive – эмоционально отзывчивое

forming interpersonal relationships – построение межличностных отношений

gets caught up in dreams – попадает в сети мечтаний

gets results – добивается результатов

give critical feedback to smb – критично отозваться о ком-либо, покритиковать кого-либо

has good counseling skills – обладает даром советчика

has good persuasive skills – обладает даром убеждения (умеет убеждать)

is aimed at – нацелено на

is disciplined with time – пунктуален

likes a task-oriented environment – любит четко поставленные задачи

likes competition – любит соперничество

makes it possible – дает возможность

over time – со временем

patterns of behavior – образцы (шаблоны, модели) поведения

preferred styles – предпочитаемые стили

seeks personal recognition – ищет личного признания

takes charge – берет на себя ответственность

taking control in a situation – управление ситуацией, обеспечение контроля над ситуацией

works cohesively with others – сотрудничает с другими

4.1 How do you think what style suits better for a:

1) general manager

2) sales manager

3) human resource manager

4)account manager?

Characterize your own dominant style or the style of the person you know, using the phrases from the text. Please name as many traits of the person you are speaking about as you can.

4.3 Recollect the degrees of comparison: positive degree, comparative degree, superlative degree. Form the comparison and the superlative degrees of the following adjectives from the text:

assertive, expressive, analytical, rational, pragmatic, spontaneous, calm, patient.


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