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10.1 Read the dialog:
Chairman – Good morning. I hope our agenda is known to everyone. Am I right?
Dave – Sure.
Randy – You are right, Henry.
Chairman – What can we do to improve our human resource policy?
Dave – It’s one of our most painful current problems…
Chairman – Right you are, Dave. The first issue is employees absenteeism. There is another issue – people leave. How can we cope with this? What are their motives?
Randy – I think it happens only because people don’t feel safe – they are in frustration, they are getting nervous…maybe they are looking for another job. They go to the rival companies… All our innovations – new ideas, equipment and software - …. I am sure it’s not easy for everyone to adapt to radical changes immediately.
Chairman – Exactly. We had to consult with our psychologist… People always resist changes, it’s their nature… It’s fear of unknown and concern of personal loss – loss of something you got used to… What can we do to retain our knowledge workers?
Dave – Young employees don’t create any problems, they are autonomous, mobile in job and career and they are always participative. According to my data its middle-aged employees who experience loss of security and even competency.
Randy – Yes, some of our people are uncertain about their skill base.
Chairman – I am absolutely sure that we can’t fire them now. It’s necessary to organize additional training. We have to create stimulating work environment and work out innovative compensation model. It’s important for all the employees to become technology focused.
Dave – We have to improve coaching, feedback and performance management. As for workplace conditions I think they are good………………………………………………..
Words and phrases:
absenteeism – прогулы
additional training – дополнительное обучение
agenda – повестка дня
coaching – тренировка
compensation model – модель компенсации (проценты от продаж, участие в прибыли, премии, fringe benefits и т. д.)
competency - компетентность
concern – здесь – беспокойство
cope – справляться
feedback and performance management – управление обратной связью (налаживание обратной связи) и контроль за интенсивностью труда
fire – увольнять
frustration – подавленность, чувство разочарования из-за невозможности изменить ситуацию
human resource policy – кадровая политика
leave – уходить (с работы), увольняться
middle-aged – средних лет
participative – участвующий, задействованный
resist - сопротивляться
retain our knowledge workers – сохранить квалифицированные кадры
rival – соперник, конкурент
skill base – профессиональное мастерство, квалификация
technology focused – здесь – разбираться в технологиях
uncertain – неуверенный
work out - разработать
10.2 Answer the questions:
1. What problems does the company face?
2. What caused the current issues?
3. What category of the employees resists changes?
4. Why are the people so concerned about the changes?
5. What is the primary task of the top-managers?
6. How do the young employees react to the innovations?
7. Did managers find any decision of the problem?
8. What did they suggest to improve the situation?
9. What is the chairman’s name?
10.3 Match the words from the first column with their synonyms or the corresponding definitions:
1. human resources a) non-attendance
2. agenda b) annoyance, disappointment
3. absenteeism c) personnel, staff
4. frustration d) competitor
5. rival e) schedule, plan
6. adapt to f) safety
7. competency g)get used to
8. security h) proficiency
9. fire I) dismiss
10.4 Compose sentences:
1. Повестка заседания известна всем.
2. Какова кадровая политика вашей фирмы?
3. Прогулы – это наша самая болезненная проблема.
4. Люди не чувствуют себя в безопасности. Они подавлены.
5. Приспособиться к радикальным переменам всегда нелегко.
6. Сейчас важнее всего сохранить квалифицированный персонал.
7. Он неуверен в своей компетентности.
8. Необходимо разработать новую модель компенсации.
9. Все служащие должны разбираться в технологиях.
10. Необходимо наладить обратную связь с персоналом и улучшить контроль за интенсивностью труда.
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