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SWOT-analysis of company Toyota Motor Europe

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For more detailed analysis of characteristics of the company in the markets of Europe and recommendation form conclusions about the direction of future work, the author considers it expedient to carry out a SWOT - analysis of the company Toyota Motor Europe. SWOT analysis is one of the most important stages of the marketing planning and consists in identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the company, potential external threats and opportunities for companies and their assessment on the strategically important competitors. SWOT analysis can be conducted for the activities of the company in General and for specific products, market segments and geographical areas. SWOT-analysis to determine the causes of effective or ineffective work of the company on the market and is a compressed analysis of marketing information, on the basis of which the conclusion is, in which direction the organization should develop its business. Developed subsequently, the company's marketing strategy must be designed to maximize the use of its strengths as well as emerging market opportunities, and compensate for weaknesses, avoiding negative impacts of hazards.


The table below provides a consolidated conclusions of the author in the framework of

the SWOT-analysis of the company, Toyota Motor Europe

S trengths W eaknesses  
• Recognizable brand, whose name is synonymous with the highest quality and continuous improvement; • The Toyota Production System (TPS): - Первокалассная куьтура personnel management, with the ability to critically evaluate the factors necessary for the preservation of excellence; - Complete elimination of losses in production due to the system of “just-in-time (JIT), -First-class interior information system and the system of coordination of work of dealers; • Numerous capital reserve to ensure the company funds for investment in R & d, as well as giving the opportunity to Finance strategy expansion of business in new markets with high potential; • Competitive advantage in innovative technological development (the first automaker in the world to launch the mass production of automobiles with a hybrid engine); • Moderate price policy; • Creativity of advertising campaigns and other aspects of the marketing strategy; • Social responsibility; • Contribution to environmental protection; • Lack of experience of work in the European segment of mini cars in comparison with the experience of aggressive local competitors; • Lack of experience of work with consumers, generation X (born. 1965-1980), having established preferences in terms of products of European manufacturers; • The concentration of major производствнных facilities in Japan and the USA, which inhibits the action of “economies of scale” in the countries of Europe;    
O pportunities T hreats
  • The most a good opportunity to increase our market share to Toyota is the decline in the production volumes European competitors (Eurozone crisis); • The consequences of the world financial crisis (and the subsequent crisis in the Eurozone) facilitate re-distribution of preferences of Europeans towards hybrid and just small cars, which are considered by them as a cost-effective solution; • Positive experience Aygo models and Jaris in Europe can be used to promote these cars in other markets; • Fluctuation of the prices for energy carriers• The most a good opportunity to increase our market share to Toyota is the decline in the production volumes European competitors (Eurozone crisis); • The consequences of the world financial crisis (and the subsequent crisis in the Eurozone) facilitate re-distribution of preferences of Europeans towards hybrid and just small cars, which are considered by them as a cost-effective solution; • Positive experience Aygo models and Jaris in Europe can be used to promote these cars in other markets; • Fluctuation of the prices for energy carriers.   · • Stiff competition in the strategically important European market for small cars; • Europe's ageing population; • A fall in demand for shipping cars due to the fall in the number of large families, the global demand in осномном on compact models of the product line; • Failures in the production system (TPS), a review of parties cars; • Fluctuation of the prices for energy carriers.


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