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Перепишіть текст та перекладіть його рідною мовою.

Читайте также:
  1. Ex. 1 Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.
  2. I READING Текст №3 My grandfather
  3. I.1.2. Божественное — человеческое в авторитетных текстах ислама
  4. II. Речевая деятельность человека. Создание текста. Коммуникативные качества хорошей речи и способы их достижения
  5. III READING Текст №1 Harrods Christmas sale
  6. III. Реферирование текста.
  7. IV READING Текст №9 There is conflict over its abilities
  8. Microsoft Word - текстовий процесор, що випускається фірмою Майкрософт, входить до складу офісного пакету«Microsoft Office».
  9. Process Control Block и контекст процесса
  10. V READING Текст №7 Construction works

So, what's management? Well, it's essentially a matter of organizing people. Managers, especially senior managers, have to set objectives for their organization, and then work out how to achieve them. This is true of the managers of business enterprises, government departments, educational institutions, and sports teams, although for government services, universities and so on we usually talk about administrators and administration rather than managers and management. Managers analyse the activities of the organization and the relations among them. They divide the work into distinct activities and then into individual jobs. They select people to manage these activities and perform the jobs. And they often need to make the people responsible for performing individual jobs form effective teams.

Managers have to be good at communication and motivation. They need to communicate the organization's objectives to the people responsible for attaining them. They have tomotivate their staff to work well, to be productive, and to contribute something to the organization. They make decisions about pay and promotion.

Managers also have to measure the performance of their staff, and to ensure that the objectives and performance targets set for the whole organization and for individual employees are reached. Furthermore, they have to train anddevelop their staff, so that their performance continues to improve.

Some managers obviously perform these tasks better than others. Most achievements and failures in business are the achievements or failures of individual managers.


1.9. Дайте відповіді на запитання.

1.9.1. What is the essential task for managers independent of business structure?

1.9.2. In what way do managers make people responsible for performing their jobs?

1.9.3. If you're not a good communicator or motivator, can you still become a manager? Support your answer.

1.9.4. Why do managers have to measure the performance of their staff?

1.9.5. What causes failures in business?

Варіант №2


Вставте замість крапок наступні сполучники за змістом: when, as, hardly … when, while, before, since, after, until, by the time, as long as, as soon as та речення перекладіть рідною мовою.

2.1.1. Sam got married last year, his brother had got married two years …

2.1.2. The storm broke … the climbers were running for the shelter.

2.1.3. I expect the executive will have come to work … nine o'clock.

2.1.4. You are welcome to stay at our company … you like.

2.1.5. I can't do any shopping … the washing machine is repaired.

2.1.6. I have … opened the door …the cat got out.


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