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Перепишіть текст за фахом та перекладіть його рідною мовою.

Читайте также:
  1. Ex. 1 Прочитайте и письменно переведите текст.
  2. I READING Текст №3 My grandfather
  3. I.1.2. Божественное — человеческое в авторитетных текстах ислама
  4. II. Речевая деятельность человека. Создание текста. Коммуникативные качества хорошей речи и способы их достижения
  5. III READING Текст №1 Harrods Christmas sale
  6. III. Реферирование текста.
  7. IV READING Текст №9 There is conflict over its abilities
  8. Microsoft Word - текстовий процесор, що випускається фірмою Майкрософт, входить до складу офісного пакету«Microsoft Office».
  9. Process Control Block и контекст процесса
  10. V READING Текст №7 Construction works

The top managers of a company have to set objectives and then develop particular strategies that will enable the company to achieve them. This will involve allocating the company's human, capital and physical resources. Strategies can often be sub-divided into tactics – the precise methods in which the resources attached to a strategy are employed.

The founders of a business usually establish a "mission statement" – a declaration about what the business is and what it will be in the future. The business's central values and objectives will follow from this. But because the business environment is always changing, companies will occasionally have to modify or change their objectives. It is part of top management's role to balance today's objectives and needs against those of the future, and to take responsibility for innovation without which any organization can only expect a limited life. Top managers are also expected to set standards, and to develop human resources, especially future top managers.

They also have to manage a business's social responsibilities and its impact on the environment. They have to establish and maintain good relations with customers, major suppliers, bankers, government agencies, and so on. The top management, or course, is also on permanent stand-by to deal with major crises.

Between them, these tasks require many different skills which are almost never found in one person, so top management is work for a team. A team, of course, is not the same as a committee: it needs a clear leader, in this case the chairman or managing director.


2.9. Дайте відповіді на запитання.

2.9.1. What is the main task for top managers?

2.9.2. How are mission statement and central values and objectives of a business connected? Why do they need to be occasionally modified or changed?

2.9.3. Why does any organization need innovations?

2.9.4. Why do top managers need to handle a business's social responsibilities and its impact on the environment?

2.9.5. How is top management work for a team?

Варіант №3

Вставте замість крапок наступні сполучники за змістом: when, as, hardly … when, while, before, since, after, until, by the time, as long as, as soon as та речення перекладіть рідною мовою.

3.1.1. Sharon waited in the car … Sam was filling the petrol tank.

3.1.2. You can keep this receipt … you like.

3.1.3. … he saw the police, he started running.

3.1.4. My parents got married twenty years ….

3.1.5. I will let you know my decision … Friday.

3.1.6. Wait here … I come back.


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