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V. Переведите текст с английского языка на русский.

Читайте также:
  1. I. Дистрибутивный анализ. Дистрибутивная структура языка на фонемном уровне.
  2. I. Намеренное изобретение и Божественное создание языка.
  3. I.1.2. Божественное — человеческое в авторитетных текстах ислама
  4. III. Проблема реконструкции индоевропейского праязыка.
  5. IV. Аспекты изучения языка в лингвистических традициях.
  6. Process Control Block и контекст процесса
  7. XX век Задания B7. Ана­лиз текстовых ис­то­ри­че­ских источников
  8. Акцентологические нормы современного русского языка.
  9. Алогизм, абсурд, парадокс в рекламных текстах

Air Cleaners.


An air cleaner, also known as an air purifier, is an appliance that cleans the air by removing impurities. An air cleaner can clean the air in a single room, a whole house or an industrial workspace. Air cleaners are employed in situations where the air typically becomes unhealthy due to smoke, pets or pollutants such as molds, or when a work situation would otherwise be dangerous to the human operator, as when working with hazardous materials.

Air cleaners employ a variety of technologies to remove impurities from the air. The easiest to understand is the simple filter.

Portable or room-sized air cleaners can also employ filters. These can remove impurities of different types, depending on the filter technology used. The finer (more tightly spaced) the filter material is, the smaller the airborne particles, that it can remove from the air, are. HEPA filters, or High-Efficiency Particulate Arresting filters, are currently the finest and can therefore remove the most impurities. However, gases and other pollutants will not be captured by HEPA filters.

Activated charcoal, in an air cleaner can be used to remove gases and odor-causing small particles that a HEPA filter will not affect.


VI. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

1. What is an air cleaner? An air cleaner is an appliance that cleans the air by removing impurities.

2. Can an air cleaner clean the air only in a single room? Yes, it can

3. In which situations are air cleaners employed? Air cleaners are employed in situations where the air typically becomes unhealthy due to smoke, pets or pollutants, or when working with hazardous materials.

4. Do air cleaners employ a variety of technologies to remove impurities from the air? Yes, they do.

5. What are HEPA filters? HEPA filters are currently the finest and can therefore remove the most impurities.


Задания для самостоятельной работы


Вариант 5


I. Сопоставьте слова.

1. heating 2. refer to 3. connect 4. humidity 5. maintain 6. environment 7. mold 8. harmful 9. device 10. install a. связывать, соединять b. вредный c. устанавливать d. устройство e. обозначать f. влажность g. поддерживать, обслуживать h. среда i. отопление j. плесень



I, 2-e, 3-a, 4-f, 5-g, 6-h, 7- j, 8-b, 9-d, 10-c


II. Переведите слова и словосочетания с английского языка на русский.

Air-conditioning – кондиционирование воздуха, climate control – контроль климата, pressure – давление, occupants -жильцы, air flow – поток воздуха, comfortable - удобный, keep a home free – обезопасить дом от, preservation – сохранение, equipment configurations - комплектации оборудования, vary - различаться.

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