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Principles and techniques of Suggestopedia.

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Suggestopedia is a teaching method which is based on a modern understanding of how the human brain works and how we learn most effectively. It was developed by the Bulgarian doctor and psychotherapist Georgi Lozanov. The term 'Suggestopedia', derived from suggestion and pedagogy. The main features of suggestopedia are:

Suggestopedic language classes are usually required to follow six main principles: teachers’ authority over students, infantilization of the students, double-planeness (the importance of the environment and the teacher’s personality), rhythm, intonation, and concert pseudo-passivity.
Lozanov accentuates that the teacher should have the authority over his/ her students. That is, in order for this method to be successful, students’ trust of and respect for their teacher should be accompanied.

Double-planeness refers to “unconsciously perceived stimuli coming from the environment and the instructor’ personality”. Lozanov suggests that the teacher should supply the learners of comfortable environment, like the soft chairs and dim lightning, language learning-related posters on the wall, etc.

“Infantilization” of students refers to “their confidence in the teacher and their willingness to return to a childlike state, as it is in childhood that memory capacities are at their greatest”. Infantilized students tend to yield all authority to the teacher and sometimes act out role of target language speakers.

The rhythm and intonation in the teacher’s reading help the students to concentrate on the contents. During the two (active and passive) concert sessions, the teacher is required to read the text by changing the reading rhythm, his/ her voice, and intonation to promote the students’ concentration.
The term “pseudo-passivity” describes “the state of relaxed alertness that is realized by doing the appropriate muscle relaxation, mind-calming and deep-breathing exercises in a yoga posture”. At the concert phase, sometimes at the beginning of class, the teacher invites the students to close their eyes and settle down their breathing to get a pseudo-passive condition. It is believed to lower psychological barriers and promote learning ability.

The lesson based on Suggestopedia consists of introduction, concert session, elaboration, and production.

1. Introduction: The teacher teaches the material in “a playful manner” instead of analyzing Lexis and grammar of the text in a directive manner.

2. Concert session (active and passive): in the active session, the teacher reads with special intonation as selected music is played. Occasionally, the students read the text together with the teacher, and listen only to the music as the teacher pauses in particular moments. The passive session is done more calmly.

3. Elaboration: The students sing classical songs and play games while “the teacher acts more like a consultant

4. Production: The students spontaneously speak and interact in the target language without interruption or correction.


Дата добавления: 2015-02-16; просмотров: 286 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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