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Question - question

Читайте также:
  1. Answer the following questions.
  2. Ex.39 Comprehension questions
  3. Lt;question> Қайсысы адамның сыртқы бейнесінің белгілеріне жатпайды
  4. Lt;question> Қатынасқа түскен із қалдырушы және із қабылдап алушы беткейлердің шекарасынан тыс пайда болатын іздер қандай іздер
  5. Lt;question> Адам өлтірудің заңда берілген анықтамасын көрсетіңіз
  6. Lt;question> Алудың тінтуден айырмашылықтарының бірін көрсетіңіз
  7. Lt;question> Жаратылыс тану және техникалық ғылымдар криминалистиканың қай бөлімімен тығыз байланысты
  8. Lt;question> Криминалистика заң ғылымдарының ішінде қандай ғылыммен барынша тығыз байланысты
  9. Lt;question> Криминалистиканың қандай бөлімі қылмыстық іс жүргізумен барынша тығы байланысты
  10. Lt;question> Оқиға болған жерді қарау нәтижелерін бекітетін негізгі құжатты атаңыз

e.g. – Will you help me?

- What shall I do?

Question-response dialogue is usually taught in schools. Above mentioned 4 lead-response units should be taught and their peculiarities should be taken into account.

The use of dialogues in language teaching has a long tradition.[1] Stereotyped dialogues and dialogues in unnatural language have been recently replaced by more natural dialogues, which illustrate how sentences are combined for the purpose of communication in clearly defined (specific) social context.

In dialogue activities not only accurate expression is important but also the appropriate use of language forms in a specific social context. Therefore the interlocutors (learners) should take into consideration:

§ who is speaking to whom

§ about what

§ for what purpose

§ where and when.

It is also important to heighten learners’ awareness of how dialogue is structured, of ways of opening, maintaining and classing a conversation, and of the strategies used by the speakers to negative meaning so that their efforts at communication achieve the desired result.

Using dialogues to help students develop their conversation skills is common practice in most English classes. One of the main advantages to using dialogues is that students are given a rubric as a basis on which they can then build. Once they have become comfortable using a dialogue, students can then go on to have related conversations building on their familiarity with the dialogue and the vocabulary specific to the situation.

Dialogues can be used in many ways in a classroom. Here are a few suggestions for using dialogues in the classroom:

§ To introduce new vocabulary and help students become familiar with standard formulas used when discussing various topics

§ As gap fill exercises for students as a listening exercise

§ Use dialogues for role-plays

§ Have students write dialogues to test key vocabulary and language formulas

§ Have students memorize simple dialogues as a way of helping them improve their vocabulary skills

§ Ask students to finish a dialogue.


Language is a tool of communication, yet none of us has such a perfect command of it, not even in our native language, that we do not encounter communication problems. Communicating through a language we may get stuck in a sentence constitution, use words that mean sth. else to our partner or we may simply not know what to call sth. or formulate sth. We often say “I don’t know how to put it into words” and not only in a foreign language, but also in our native tongue.

To overcome these difficulties there are a number of communication strategies:

· Retracing (when getting stuck in a sentence structure: “Sorry, I’ll start again”)

· Rephrasing (“Let me put it in a different way”)

· Substitution:

o by a general word (thing, person)

o by a pronoun (this it, they, sth)

o by a subordinate (“free” for an “oak-tree”, “meat” for “mutton”)

o by a synonym (“discuss” for “debate”)

· description by means of:

o general physical properties (colour, size)

o specific features (it has 4 legs)

o interaction (functional characteristics)


· demonstration (here, look at this…)

· gesture, mime, sounds

· appeal for assistance (Pardon? Will you say that again? What do you mean by that? etc)

These strategies may lead to some errors. The learners should be made aware of the strategies used in their native language, and how they might employ them in the target language. Activities designed to practice strategies, in particular, paraphrasing, describing, rephrasing and substitution, help to foster confidence in learners ability to communicate even with limited resources.



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