Читайте также:
Буйленко В.Ф.
Туристские организации можно классифицировать по следующим признакам:
– национально-территориальному: международные, региональные и национальные организации;
– общественно-государственному: государственные, общественные, частные;
– по сфере деятельности: транспортные, туристские агенты, туроператоры;
Расширение международного туристского обмена обусловило необходимость его международно-правовой регламентации: выработки различных правовых институтов и создания специализированных международных туристских организаций (511 знаков).
Режим доступа: 23.01.2015)
Make the annotation (70-100 words) of the following article in English
The boom in the airline industry that began about twenty years ago resulted in a corresponding boom in hotel construction. A future of this rapid construction of new hotels was the emergence of hotel chains as a dominant force in the accommodations industry. Indeed, some of the chains are owned by airlines; an outstanding example is the Inter-Continental chain, a subsidiary of Pan American Airways.
The hotel chains have several competitive advantages over individually owned and operated establishments. One of the most important of these is having the resources to spend more money on advertising. Television advertising, for example, is too expensive for most individual hotel operators. The chains, on the other hand, can spread the cost among all of their member units. The hotel chains also have advertising and public relations personnel on their corporate headquarters staffs, who give valuable advice and support to their fellow workers in the individual hotels.
Another advantage comes from the standardization of equipment and operating procedures. The chains publish detailed manuals that specify procedures to be followed even in such tasks as making beds and setting tables. While uniformity may not always be a desirable quality, the travelling public has an excellent idea of what kind of accommodations to expect. Even when the different hotels in the chain are not tightly controlled by a central office, it is customary to have an inspection system in order to guarantee that the overall standards are being met.
The most important and most obvious advantage is the increased efficiency in making and controlling reservations. A guest at one hotel, for instance, can receive confirmation of a room at another in a matter of minutes. When a chain is owned by an airline the traveller can make his reservations for flights and hotel rooms at the same time and place. The chains also make it easy to reserve a room by telephone, either through one nationwide telephone number or by local telephone service in key market cities. The telephones are tied in to computer or telephone systems, which make it possible to confirm space while the caller is still on the phone.
Many of the chains are, in fact, referral systems. In a referral system, the operators of individual hotels or motels pay a fee to a group that has joined together in a reservations system. In most cases, the establishment is inspected by the headquarters staff of the chain to insure that it meets the chain's standards. If it does meet those standards, it can then use the name and advertising symbol, the logo, as it is called, for the group. In effect, the individual operation has become a chain member (2277 знаков).
(Королева Н.Е. Английский язык. Сервис и туризм. English For Tourism: Учебное пособие / Н.Е.Королева – Изд. 5-е – Ростов н/Д:Феникс, 2011. – 407с.)
Translate into English.
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