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The Ancient University

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Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, one of the highest cultural achievements of our state, became one of the most brilliant phenomena of the Ukrainian culture and the Ukrainian spirit.

Its history begins at Kyiv Brotherhood School. On October 15, 1615, the woman Hlashka Hulevichevna presented her land in Podil in Kyiv to a monastery, hospital and school for children of “all positions and ranks”. Iov Boretskyi, a well-known Ukrainian lightener, became its first rector.

The guardian of the school was Kyiv Brotherhood which supported it both financially and intellectually: almost all Kyiv scientists of that time were its members. Zaporizhian Cossacks led by hetman Petro Sagaidachnyi joined the Brotherhood with the whole army. Some time later the school was united with the Lavra School of metropolitan Petro Mohyla: it was declared a higher educational establishment and was named Kyiv-Mohyla, in honor of its patron Petro Mohyla, the most educated man in Ukraine of that time. Hetman Ivan Mazepa, a protector of art and education in Ukraine, did much for the development of the Academy.

Until 1661 the Academy was the only institute of higher education in Eastern Europe. Kyiv-Mohyla Academy provided a very wide education. The Church Slavonic, Greek, Latin, Polish, French and German languages were studied at the Academy. The curricula comprised poetics, literature, philosophy, geography, mathematics, physics, and from the end of the century also economics and history. Graduates of the Academy became writers, publishers, translators, prominent diplomats and the men of church.

Talented statesmen - hetmans Samoilovich, Ivan Mazepa, Pylyp Orlyk were its graduates. The founder of the Russian Academy, Mykhailo Lomonosov, the first professor of medicine of Russia Konstantin Schepin, the honorary member of twelve foreign academies Danylo Tuptalo, the prominent portrait painter D.Levitskyi and the architect Hryhorovych-Barskyi studied at the Academy at different times.

In 1817, the academy was closed by a tsar’s decree. It is impossible to estimate the losses to Ukraine caused by this action. The library, the picture-gallery together with the most valuable archives disappeared.

Kyiv-Mohyla Academy only resumed its work in 1991, already as the independent and international University “Kyiv-Mohyla Academy”. Three faculties work now at the University: the humanities, social and natural sciences.

The International Sociological Centre is being created together with the American-Ukrainian Ecological Center, the French-Ukrainian Laboratory of Humanitarian Studies, the Information-Computing Centre, scientific and educational laboratories. A very strong teaching staff is gathered at the Academy. Leading scientists from different countries of the world deliver lectures at the University.

An art gallery, a drama school, and a choir are opened at the Academy. Students have organized the Students’ Brotherhood and yacht club.

An international meeting of UNESCO experts was held in May 1993 at the Academy. Consequently UKMA was granted international university status.


Comment upon the following proverbs and sayings:

Little knowledge is a dangerous thing. – Недовчений гірше за вченого (буквально: Маленькі знання – небезпечна річ).

Business before pleasure. – Закінчив діло – гуляй сміло.

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. – Треба не тільки працювати, а й розважатися (буквально: „Багато роботи і відсутність ігор роблять Джека тупим хлопцем”).

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 91 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

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