Exercise 1: Give English equivalents and make a sentence using the equivalents
Читайте также: ACT 1. Preview (with sound on). Watch the preview to complete the sentences below. Choose your answers from the Word Box. Write the correct word on each blank line. Add your sentence and your questions, please (5 questions at least) ADDITIONAL GRAMMAR EXERCISES An English restaurant Analysis for this excerpt: There are idioms in this sentence. «State pair» – in this sentence means favorite glasses, which aunt Polly used to wear only when she went out. Answer the questions using the words and word-combinations in brackets. Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences. Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences. As the subject of the sentence At our department we study different subjects, among them English, economics, marketing, management, accounting, computer technologies, psychology, etc.
Exercise 1: Answer the questions
What changes has British economy undergone recently? What are the qualities that attract investors? What matters to people when they want to invest money? What is “the square mile” famous for? What does “discretion” mean in your opinion? What do most people think of money and investing? In what way has the role of the banks changed?
Exercise 2: Say whether the statements are true or false?
Wealth and poverty contradict each other. Great Britain is still the greatest manufacturing industry. Qualities that attract investors now are the same as they used to be earlier. Atmosphere of stability and a feeling of personal trust are not enough to attract investors. The City of London is declining in importance for the world of high finance. The British have a reputation for habits of secrecy. Wages are most commonly paid by cheque. The advent of cash dispensers has changed the attitude of ordinary people to banks and their services. Bank charges are too high, which infuriates customers.
Exercise 3: Translate the sentences that start
“The same features that contributed to the country’s decline………” “As regards trust, the city has the reputation ………….” “Although more than half of the British population … … … … “It is often difficult for people to do anything about …. ………..”
Exercise 4: Insert prepositions and some expressions
_____ its relative economic decline known popularly ____ the “Footsie” the reason ____ this features that contributed ____ the country’s decline the preference ____ continuity and tradition ______ change the emphasis ___ personal contact __ _____ ___ demonstrated ability what matters ___ them is … ____ regards stability to point ____ long and uninterrupted history adaptations ___ modern conditions a thing ___ the past to have a reputation ___ habits ___ secrecy to be thought ___ as undesirable ___ other aspects ___ public life to become an advantage ___ financial dealings to entrust money ___ insurance companies and pension funds ___ invest it ___ the stock market to be unaware ___ what goes ___ in the world ___ ”high finance” ___ most people, money is just the matter ___ the cash ___ their pockets increasing habit ___ paying wages ____ cheque banking profits rose ____ 50% while charges ____customers rose __ 70%
Exercise 1: Give English equivalents and make a sentence using the equivalents
связанные между собой понятия несмотря на экономический спад индекс акционных цен Лондонской фондовой биржи вносить свой в клад в падение страны как великой промышленной и политической державы что имеет значение, так это… … … стабильность и чувство личного доверия «Квадратная миля» (неофициальное обозначение лондонского Сити) самая высокая концентрация страховых компаний, коммерческих банков, акционерных банков и фондовых брокеров свидетельствовать о долгой и непрерывной истории адаптация к современным условиям делец из Сити в шляпе-котелке чувство непрерывности характеризовать, представлять что касается доверия традиция хранить конфиденциальность свободный выбор, осмотрительность, благоразумие доверять деньги пенсионному фонду не осознавать, что происходит в мире крупных финансовых операций вопрос наличности в карманах растущая популярность выплаты зарплат чеком наступление эпохи банкоматов счет в Департаменте национальных сбережений строительное общество доходы банков увеличились на 50 % сборы с клиентов увеличились на 70% время открытия банков
Exercise 2: Make collocations. Translate collocations and practice with you group mates:
to be known
hard to find
to be
one of the main indicators of world stock market prices
to be
money to the insurance companies
to contribute
to the country’s economic decline
to attract
to invest
by 50 %
to have
one of the largest concentrations of smth
to point to
as undesirable in other aspects of public life
to start
horror stories
to be epitomized
for habits of secrecy
to have a reputation
by the many old buildings
to be thought of
over 200 years ago
to become
as the “Footsie”
to entrust
for the phone calls and letters
to prefer
an advantage
to carry
to use National Savings accounts
to rise
long and uninterrupted history
to get charged
a lot of money
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