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  1. A. Active Reading for Better Retention .
  2. Active Levers
  3. Active vocabulary
  5. Active Vocabulary
  7. Active vocabulary to remember
  8. Active vocabulary to remember
  9. Active vocabulary to remember
  10. Active vocabulary to remember

1. Joseph Rotblat … part in the development of the first nuclear bomb during World War II.

a) take

b) took

c) has taken

d) will take


2. The computer … the fastest growing technology since the beginning of human history.

a) has been

b) have been

c) had been

d) will be


3. New techniques in agriculture … food in future.

a) will provide

b) provide

c) was providing

d) have provided


4. Scientists usually … technical problems better than ordinary people.

a) understands

b) are understanding

c) understand

d) understood


5. When we entered the conference hall, they …. the necessity of research.

a) are discussing

b) discuss

c) has discussed

d) were discussing


6. Many designers of radar … the atom before the war.

a) was exploring

b) explored

c) has explored

d) explores


7. Scientists sometimes … many problems in research.

a) face

b) faced

c) will face

d) had faced


8. I … in the laboratory yesterday.

a) will work

b) was working

c) worked

d) has worked


9. Modern distance education … around at least since the 1840s.

a) was

b) were

c) will be

d) has been


10. Nowadays science and technology gradually … an integral part of society.

a) are becoming

b) became

c) will become

d) had become


11. When a scientist conducts a research, he … the unknown.

a) had explored

b) explores

c) explored

d) will explore


12. Technology usually … people to complete more tasks in less time.

a) allowing

b) have allowed

c) allows

d) will allow


13. Our research … years of work in future.

a) takes

b) is taking

c) has taken

d) will take


14. The inventions of the transistor in the 1940s and the microprocessor in the early 1970s … the way for the personal computer.

a) opened

b) had opened

c) will open

d) opens


15. I … the information in the Internet at 2 o’clock yesterday.

a) has looked for

b) was looking for

c) looked for

d) will look for


16. At present the specialists of Research and Development department … a number of installations.

a) tests

b) are testing

c) had tested

d) tested


17. Research in industrial chemistry … a lot of materials up to now.

a) creates

b) will create

c) has created

d) had created


18. There … many developments in satellite technology for these years.

a) is

b) was

c) has been

d) have been


19. Many ancient civilizations … astronomical information long ago.

a) collected

b) will collect

c) have collected

d) are collecting


20. Some scientists believe that by the end of this century our life … completely digitized.

a) was

b) shall be

c) will have been

d) has been


21. At present many computer specialists … to create fifth-generation computers.

a) have worked

b) are working

c) worked

d) will work


22. Scientists … on atomic power for some time, before they invented the bomb.

a) was working

b) has worked

c) will work

d) had worked


23. At this time tomorrow morning they … the possibilities to begin a new project.

a) shall discuss

b) are discussing

c) will be discussing

d) have discussed


24. Since the Web was first introduced, the number of sites and search engines... at an unbelievable rate.

a) have grown

b) is growing

c) shall grow

d) grow


25. Research scientists … on an interesting problem for obtaining power from atom now.

a) are working

b) has worked

c) worked

d) have work


26. The speaker just … the role of genetics in the development of medical science.

a) mentioned

b) has mentioned

c) mentions

d) have mentioned


27. They … these results last year.

a) received

b) has received

c) receive

d) receives


28. They always … to use the most efficient methods of research.

a) tries

b) try

c) has tried

d) was trying


29. He … his device a week ago.

a) was improving

b) had improved

c) improved

d) improves


30. He … his device before they examined the properties of the materials.

a) improves

b) will improve

c) has improved

d) had improved


31. Newton … the law of gravity in 1666.

a) establishes

b) had established

c) has established

d) established


32. Newton … his law of gravity by 1670.

a) have established

b) had established

c) establishes

d) will establish


33. My friend had prepared his report before we … to you.

a) spoke

b) are speaking

c) had spoken

d) have spoken


34. He … his report yesterday.

a) is preparing

b) prepares

c) prepared

d) had prepared


35. He … results of his research a month ago.

a) was publishing

b) have published

c) publishes

d) published


36. My friend already … the results of his discovery.

a) had published

b) has published

c) publishes

d) was publishing


37. He … the article before you spoke to me.

a) had translated

b) has translated

c) translates

d) is translating


38. He … the article by the time you come.

a) was translating

b) translates

c) will have translated

d) has translated


39. The explorers will have conducted a study of the Artic before the winter ….

a) has come

b) had come

c) came

d) comes


40. The scientists … plasma since the late 1920s.

a) have studied

b) has studied

c) study

d) was studying


41. The scientists … this problem before first plasma was produced.

a) didn’t studied

b) hadn’t studied

c) isn’t studying

d) aren’t studying


42. We just … the analysis of the mixture.

a) has finished

b) finishing

c) finished

d) have finished


43. Phosphorus … in the dark.

a) have shined

b) were shined

c) shines

d) shining


44. In 1669 the alchemist Hennig Brandt … phosphorus.

a) discovers

b) had discovered

c) discovered

d) will discover


45. The students usually … to the shop to practice mechanics.

a) go

b) goes

c) went

d) gone


46. We usually … thermometers to measure temperatures.

a) have used

b) uses

c) use

d) used


47. Scientists rarely … research outside the laboratory.

a) are conducting

b) had conducted

c) will conduct

d) conduct


48. As a rule a skilled engineer … Higher Mathematics.

a) shall know

b) knows

c) had known

d) known


49. Science and engineering sometimes … synthetic materials in the development of electronic instruments.

a) uses

b) use

c) is using

d) have used


50. Sometimes scientific inventions … fatal results.

a) is having

b) will have

c) has

d) have


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