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1. Syntax is a part of grammar which deals with sentences and combinability of words. The core of syntax is the study of the sentence. Syntax embraces on the one hand the structure of the sentence, that is, its components, their structure and the relations between these components, and on the other hand structural and communicative types of sentences. Taking into account the levels of language we may say that syntax deals with phrasemic (phrases), proposemic (sentences) and superproposemic (text) language levels.
Phrases are combinations of more notional (and auxiliary) words. Like separate words, phrases have a nominative function. But unlike words they have complex nomination: they stress more than one characteristic of a thing, action, quality. In other words, it has a function of polynomination. A peculiar characteristic of word-combination is called predication which shows the relation of the action of state to the surrounding word, its reality or unreality, obligation, time of action and etc. That is why the sentence is called as a predicative unit.
Superproposemic level comprises separate sentences, forming a textual unity. These unuties are also elements of syntax. They are formed by the syntactic process is called cumulation, which is cased on the connection of thoughts in the communicative process. The unit of superproposemic level is called a proposeme or a sinim, its function is to form a textual unity.
Syntax gives the analyses of the sentence, its constituent parts (phrases) and the units which sentences form.
2. Syntactic form of the word is a form which is determined by the combinability of the given word. It demonstrates the connection between syntax and morphology. There are 2 forms of non-objection:
1) nominative
2) objective case
Syntactic meaning is based on the syntactical distributional classification of words are worked out by American linguists (Bloomfild, Friers, Harries). The main syntactic meanings were given by these scholars are those of a noun, verb, adjective and adverb. Words outside this position are considered as function words of different syntactic values.
Syntactic function is the syntactic properties of the word. They can be divided into 2 groups:
1) method of combining with other words;
2) function in the sentence (ex. A noun can function as a subject or an object, function of object is an attribute). It may combine in the sentence with adjective or verb.
Syntactic relations are those of syntagmatic nature. They are immediate, linear relations between parts of a syntactic unit.
There are 4 types of syntagma:
1) predicative syntagmas: subject + predicate
2) objective syntagmas: verb + object;
3) attributive syntagmas: attribute + noun;
4) adverbial syntagmas: verb (adjective or adverb) + its adverbial modifier:
to read fast, very bright, too late.
Syntactic position is a position of a word in a syntagma. There are 2 types of position:
1) preposition
2) postposition
Syntactic valiancy is a combinability of the word within a phrase. The main word of a phrase is called the head of nuclear. The words which are combined with are called adjuncts (октант).
The term “valiancy” previously was used in relation to the verb as a center of predication. Now this term is also applied to other parts of speech as well as to the parts of the sentence.
There are different types of valiancy:
· according to their direction syntactic valiancy can be:
1) left hand: 2) right hand:
· according to their nature syntactic valiancy can be:
1) obligatory must be realized for the sake of grammatical and semantic complexion of the semantic structures
2) optional valiancy is not necessarily realized for the sake of grammatical complexion and depends on the semantics of the utterance.
3. A phrase is a combination of 2 or more words which makes a grammatical unit, has many syntagmatic and semantic relations between these words. But it is not an analytical form of some word.
The core element of the phrase may belong to any part of speech.
If a phrase is given separately outside of a sentence it may be called a word-group or a word combination.
If there is no semantic and syntactic relation between the words in the group, such a group can not be named a phrase.
A specific type of a phrase is called a syntactic construction.
Difference between a phrase and a sentence:
1) different functions: polinomination and predication
2) phrase can undergo grammatical changes without destroying its identity:
3) in sentences things are entirely different
A sentence is a minimal syntactic unit used in communication. Sentences may be regarded from the point of view of their structure and their communicative value. They also have some intonation pattern and peculiar characteristics.
From the point of view of their structure, sentences can be:
1) simple – contains only one subject-predicate unit
2) composite - contains more than one subject-predicate unit which is called a clause. In their tern, according to the clauses sentences can be:
· compound sentences
· complex sentences.
Complete or incomplete (or elliptical) sentences are distinguished by the presence or absence of word-forms in the principal positions of two-member sentences. Elliptical sentences are typical for conversational English.
In speech sentences cannot occur separately, they are connected semantically and topically and syntactically. This process by which these unities are formed is called cumulation. Thus, the unities which are formed can be called cumulemes. In written speech these unities usually coincide with paragraphs which are also can be characterized by their internal organization of their own: modality, actual division, predicativity. Paragraphs are connected into larger elements of the syntax – a text. So text can be described as an element of syntax as well as a sentence – the basic unit of predication.
1. Syntagmatical relations may be of 2 types:
1) equipotent (coordinative)
2) dominational (subordinative) – exists between syntactically unequal words:
According to the nature of a head-word the phrases with dominational relation can be divided into:
1) noun phrases
2) verbs phrases
3) pronominal phrases.
In such phrases specific syntactical relations exist, they are represented by:
· agreement
· government
· enclosure
· attachment
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