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Exercise 5. Find in the text the sentences containing the word combinations and phrases given below. Translate them into Ukrainian. Make up sentences with these word combinations.

Читайте также:
  1. A) Complete the table with personal and professional abilities. Use the list below. Give the reasons.
  2. A) Read and translate the text.
  3. A). Form abstract nouns from these verbs
  4. A). Form abstract nouns from these verbs
  5. A. Listen to the description of the drilling process and fill in the missing words (no more than THREE words). The first word is given as an example.
  6. A. Read the paragraph below and choose the most appropriate words/ phrases in bold. Where could you read this extract?
  7. ACT 1. Preview (with sound on). Watch the preview to complete the sentences below. Choose your answers from the Word Box. Write the correct word on each blank line.
  9. Answer the following questions and do the given assignment.
  10. Answer the questions using the words and word-combinations in brackets.

statutory regulation to sign a job contract

legal entity private-law matter

civil code to violate the rights

to determine a person’s rights wrongful acts

welfare of children to hear a case in court


Exercise 6. Match the words and their definitions.

law - law connected with the sea or navigation


legal - something is received (property, title, etc.)

as heir


obligation - something that has a real existence


property - agreement to do work


inheritance - connected with law; in accordance with law


maritime law - duty


job contract - things owned; personal belongings


legal entity - a set of rules and regulations


Exercise 7. Find Ukrainian equivalents to the following words and word combinations.

1. private law 1. правові відносини

2. lawsuit 2. визначати

3. lawyer 3. вести, розглядати справи

4. jury 4. страхування

5. legal relations 5. приватне право

6. to handle matters 6. майнові права

7. to violate the rights 7. майнові відносини

8. property rights 8. юрист, адвокат

9. inheritance 9. суддя

10. insurance 10. суд присяжних

11. цивільна справа

12. збірник законів

13. порушувати права

14. спадщина

15. судова справа


Exercise 8. Translate the following words and word combinations into English or Ukrainian.

A statutory regulation; правові відносини; юридично рівні особи; legal entity; related non-property relations; майнові права; спадщина; to define; to involve; види діяльності; позичати гроші (у когось); to lend money; підписувати трудову угоду; адвокат; private-law matter; вести справу; to violate the rights; цивільна справа; wrongful act; to suffer; морське право; шлюб; розлучення; welfare of children; ownership; права наймання на роботу; передача власності після смерті; insurance;

договірне право; sale of goods; negligence; деліктне право; навмисне обвинувачення; libel; слухати справу в суді; prosecution.


Exercise 9. Pick up pairs of synonyms.

Case; civil suit; to define; duty; autonomous; to violate law; legal; to handle a case; contract; principal; code; a body of rules; to deal with; judge; to confuse; property; to regulate; insurance; legally; to legalize; legal entity; wrongful.


Criminal; to permit; guarantee; ownership; justice; a set of laws; main; to try a case; to break law; obligation; private-law matter; to determine; independent; lawful; agreement; statute; to concern; to mix up; to administer; lawfully; thing; matter.


Exercise 10. Pick up pairs of antonyms.

Legal; prosecution; public; obligation; to borrow; to violate law; marriage; employment; sale; wrongful.


Lawful; unemployment; to obey law; right; defence; illegal; private; to lend; divorce; buying.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 138 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

GLOSSARY | Exercise 12. Read the text. Choose the best answers. | GLOSSARY | Case-lawlaw as settled by precedent (or earlier cases); law established by precedent or judicial decision: Common law systems are based largely on case law. | BRANCHES OF LAW | GLOSSARY | Right property law | Exercise 9. Pick up pairs of synonyms. | Exercise 13. Answer the following questions on the text. | GLOSSARY |

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