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Exercise 1. Complete the sentence.

Читайте также:
  1. A complete failure
  2. A) Complete the table with personal and professional abilities. Use the list below. Give the reasons.
  3. ACT 1. Preview (with sound on). Watch the preview to complete the sentences below. Choose your answers from the Word Box. Write the correct word on each blank line.
  5. Analysis for this excerpt: There are idioms in this sentence. «State pair» – in this sentence means favorite glasses, which aunt Polly used to wear only when she went out.
  6. Characterize the attitude of the British to sport. Complete the given passage, making use of the following word combinations from the box. Extend the statements.
  7. Choose from one of the endings to create a verb that completes the sentence. Pay attention to tenses and spelling!
  8. Choose one word or phrase from the box to complete each sentence.
  9. Circle the correct option for each sentence.
  10. Complete each sentence with a word from the box. Use each word once only.

1. Public transport ………………………………………………………………………

2. Passender transport ………………………………………………………………………

3. Public transport modes include ……………………………………………..

4. Most public transport runs to a scheduled timetable……………….

5. Public transport services……………………………………………………….

Exercise 2. Translate these sentences into Ukrainian paying attention to the active vocabulary of the text.

1. Intermodal passenger transport, also called mixed-mode commuting, involves using two or more modes of transportation in a journey. 2. The goal of mixed-mode commuting is often to combine the strengths (and offset the weaknesses) of various transportation options. 3. A major goal of modern intermodal passenger transport is to reduce dependence on the automobile as the major mode of ground transportation and increase use of public transport. 4. Mixed-mode commuting often centres on one type of rapid transit, usually rail, to which low-speed options (i.e. bus, tram, or bicycle) are appended at the beginning or end of the journey. 5. Trains offer quick transit into an urban area, where passengers can disembark and access a similar array of options to complete the trip. 6. Most modes of transportation have always been intermodal; for example, to get to the airport people have always needed drive or be driven (e.g. take a taxi) or to take public transport (if available), and to get to an inter-regional railway station people have needed take local transport such as a bus, tram, or urban rail.7. Today world automobiles are engineered and built in such a manner that they are able to withstand heavy loads for long periods of operation. 8. The passenger’s safety and comfort must be con­sidered as much as the car’s reliable performance and ability to travel on the highways. 9. The automobile must have great power for riding, have depend­able clutch and brakes, have good riding qualities, good lights, depend­able starting and ignition systems, low fuel consumption, as well as long service life

Exercis e 3.Translate these sentences into English.

1.Пасажирське сполучення між окремими населеними пунктами постійно розвивається. 2. Зміцнення транспортних та економічних зв’язків між сусідніми населеними пунктами призвело до виникнення більш великих суспільних об’єднань. 3. Для сучасної України значення транспорту велике, тому що саме транспорт з’єднує різні регіони у єдину країну. 4. В цьому сенсі транспорт є одним з відомих країностворюючих факторів. 5. Транспорт -- комплекс, який здійснює перевезення людей та вантажів. 6. Автомобільний пасажирський транспорт є складовою частиною єдиної транспортної системи країни, та її успішне функціонування в більшості залежить від координації роботи з іншими видами транспорту.

Exercise 4. Answer the following questions on the text:

1. What do you know about publc transportation system?

2. How often do you use route-taxi?

3. What is the level of public transport in Lutsk?

4. Is automobile transport more important than railroad one?

5. Do you like travelling by coaches?

6. What are zero-fare (free) services?

7 What are public transport services?

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 64 | Поможем написать вашу работу | Нарушение авторских прав

Парадокс счастья | Понятие удовольствия | Transportation in Ukraine | Exercise 1. Complete the sentence. | Practice connected reading. Translate into Ukrainian. | Exercise 1. Complete the sentence. | Practice connected reading. Translate into Ukrainian. | Exercise 1. Complete the sentence. | Practice connected reading. Translate into Ukrainian. | Exercise 1. Complete the sentence. |

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