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Practice connected reading. Translate into Ukrainian.

Читайте также:
  1. A) Read and translate the text.
  2. Action Research and Reflective Practice
  3. B) translate the phrases below in order to better understand Text A underneath
  4. B. Translate the sentences.
  5. Business Letter Practice
  6. Complaint Letters Practice
  7. Copy out the sentences with the active words and word-combinations from the chapters. Translate them into Russian.
  8. D. Translate into English.
  9. E-Mail Practice
  10. Ex 10. Translate the following sentences. Note the pattern.

Transport document, world of documentary business, subject to many changes, different forms, bill of lading, inland waterway transport, air waybill, consignment notes, negotiable transport documents, endorsing the document, security in the goods, carriage of goods, shipment origin, routing instructions, commodity class and rate, liable to normal loss like through evaporation, changes or additions to ensure,clause specifies the details, substitute or exchange.


П. Read and translate the text:

Transport document: the freight bill

When items are transported either domestically or internationally the delivery must be accompanied by the relevant documentation. The amount of documentation varies depending if the shipment is within country. There are three documents that are of greatest importance; the bill of lading, freight bill, and the shipment manifests.

The freight bill is the carriers invoice to the shipper for all the charges that the carrier has incurred. The carrier’s freight bill will include the details of the shipment, the items being shipped, the consignee, the origin and destination, as well as total weight and total charges.

Some carriers can ask for prepayment from the shipper if the value of the items being shipped is less than the total expected freight charges. If the charges are not prepaid then the carrier can present a freight bill on collect. This implies that the carrier will present the freight bill on the day of delivery.

Waybill (TTN) - the main document, a kind of passport carriage, a document confirming the contractual obligations between the cargo owner or its agent (forwarder) and the Carrier. Used to account for material resources and confirm the facts of the transportation.

Waybill consists of two sections:

commodity, which determines the relationship between the shipper and consignee and the employee to write down inventory for consignors and consignees in posting them;

transport, which determines the relationship between shippers transport customer organizations with the owners of vehicles, to transport cargoes, and the employee to account for the transport and settlement of shippers or consignees organizations owned vehicles for services rendered by freight.

Waybill for carriage of goods by road is made by the consignor for each consignee separately for each haul the car from filling all necessary details.

In centralized exporting goods from the railways stations, ports, marinas, airports, transportation is made waybills drawn up jointly with the employees of organizations that own vehicles, stations, railways, docks and airports.

At a time when the same car at the same time carried a few loads in the address of one or more recipients, waybill is issued for each shipment of cargo and each consignee separately.

Waybill is issued in four copies:

- The first remains with the shipper and is intended for disposal of inventories, second, third and fourth copies, certified by the signatures and seals (stamps) the shipper and the signature of the driver handed over to the driver;

- The second shall be the consignee and the driver is intended for posting in TMC receiver of the cargo, the third and fourth copies, certified by the signatures and seals (stamps), the consignee shall be the owner-organization of vehicles;

- The third instance, which serves the basis for calculations, the transport organization has made to account for shipping and send the payer contracting;

- The fourth is attached to the waybill and forms the basis for consideration of transport work and the payroll driver.

The shipper may prescribe as necessary for additional copies waybills, whose number is determined by agreement between the shipper and the motor company.

By the nature of subsistence goods, for not being stock-taking of inventories, but the records held by means of measuring, weighing, measuring geodesic, waybill is issued in triplicate:

Is the first and second transfer to the owner of the vehicle. The first copy is the basis for calculations of the organization that owns the vehicle with the shipper and is attached to the bill, the second - is attached to the waybill and forms the basis for consideration of transport;

The third copy retained by the shipper and is the basis for consideration of traffic carried.

Depending on the characteristics of the goods to the bill of lading may be attached to other documents, following the load.

In granting a shipper of documents defining the quality of goods and the relationship between supplier and buyer (certificates, bills, invoices, etc.), the driver must take these documents and pass them along to the consignee. In this case the consignee shall not be entitled to claim delivery of the documents.

Vocabulary notes


freight bill – рахунок за перевезення вантажу

relevant -- важливий

manifest – декларація, накладна

obligation – зобов’язання

to charge -- навантажувати, завантажувати

render – оплата, сплата

triplicate – одна із трьох копій

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Парадокс счастья | Понятие удовольствия | Transportation in Ukraine | Lexical and Grammar Exercises | Exercise 1. Complete the sentence. | Practice connected reading. Translate into Ukrainian. | Practice connected reading. Translate into Ukrainian. | Exercise 1. Complete the sentence. | Practice connected reading. Translate into Ukrainian. | Exercise 1. Complete the sentence. |

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