Читайте также:
You can find cilia in the nasal cavities.
Mucous membrane moistens the air in the nasal cavity.
Air passes through the larynx.
5. We inhale oxygen & exhale carbon dioxide.
6. There are two lobes in the left lung & three lobes in the right lung.
1. Read & translate the text:
Breathing is of vital importance for preservation of life. Any interruption of brething for along period may cause death. Air enters through the nose and the nasal cavities. A mucous membrane and cilia warm and moisten the air and filter out foreign bodies.
Then the air passes the pharynx (throat), where the adenoids and the tonsils are located. The pharynx serves as a common way for food and air. Food reaches the esophagus, which leads into the stomach. Air reaches the larynx (voice box) and then trachea and bronchial tree (bronchi). The bronchial branches are called bronchioles. Each bronchial has an alveolus (air sack) at the end. There are over 700,000,000 alveoli in the lungs. The thin walls of alveoli allow for the exchange of gases between them and the capillaries. The blood absorbs the oxygen from the alveoli and gives carbon dioxide (carbonic acid gas) away, which is exhaled (breathed out). Then oxygen is carried to all parts of the body along with a protein (hemoglobin) in erythrocytes.
This process occurs in the lungs which occupy the major part of the cavity on both sides of the chest. The pleura envelopes each lung. It is a double-folded membrane. The two lungs are not equal in size. The right lung is divided into three lobes and is a bit larger. The left lung is divided into two lobes. The diaphragm separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal one and helps in the process of breathing (inspiration-breathing in and expiration-breathing out).
2. Find in the text English equivalents for these word combinations: бути життєво важливим, будь яке переривання дихання, відфільтровувати інородні тіла, проходити крізь горло, служити єдиним шляхом для їжа та повітря, достигати шлунка, тонкі стінки альвеол, обмін газів між альвеолами та капілярами, доставлятись в усі частини тіла, займати більшу частину, по обидва боки грудної клітини, бути неоднаковими за розмірами, поділятися на дві долі, відділяти грудну порожнину від черевної, допомагати у процесі дихання.
3. Finish the following sentences:
4. Find the English equivalents for the Latin terms:
l. Nasus. 2. Cavum, i n. 3. Mucosus, a, um. 4. Nasalis, e. 5. Membrana, ae/. 6. Oxygenium, i n. 7. Carbo, onis m. 8. Thoracalis, e. 9. Abdominalis, e.
(a — oxygen; b — abdominal; с — thoracic; d — carbon; e —cavity; f — nose; g — mucous; h — nasal; i — membrane
5. Fill in the blanks with the words given below, and translate the following sentences:
1. A patient has difficulty in.... 2. When one breathes normally not all... are opened. 3. The respiratory system consists ofj the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea (windpipe) aIid...
Each bronchus leads to a separate.... 5. When one..., the external intercostal muscles contract and lift the ribs. 6.... passes from the blood into the lungs and is breathed out. 7. The tonsils are masses of....
(a — breathes in; b — lung; с — bronchi; d — alveoli; e — breathing; f — lymphatic tissue; g — carbonic acid gas (carbon dioxide))
6. Answer the following questions:
1. What can any interruption cause?
2. What do we need cilia for?
3. Where does the exchange of gases take place?
4. By what means is oxygen carried to all parts of the body?
5. What is the difference between the two lobes of lungs?
6. What membrane separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal one?
7. Translate the sentences into English:
1. Людині потрібен кисень, щоб дихати, чи не так?
2. Легені розташовані в грудній клітині.
3. Ми вдихаємо повітря через ніс.
4. Плевра це оболонка, яка огортає кожну легеню.
5. Запалення плеври – це плеврит, чи не так?
6. Ліва легеня поділяється на дві долі, а права на три.
7. Альвеоли мають тонкі стінки.
8. Match up the beginning of the sentences and its appropriate endings:
1. External respiration involves taking oxygen into the body and
2. From the nose and mouth, air flows
3. The trachea divides
4. The respiratory tract is lined with
5. The mucus in the respiratory tract is continually moved
6. During heavy exercises, the depth and rate of ventilation
7. The larynx is also known as
8. Each of the two lungs is surrounded
9. The pleural cavities are filled
10. Air flows into the lungs when
(a) by cilia; b) increases dramatically; c) by its pleural cavity; d) into the larynx & windpipe;
e) the chest wall & diaphragm move to increase the volume of the thorax; f) getting rid of excess carbon dioxide; g) with fluid; h) into the right and left bronchi; i)the voice box or Adam’s apple; j) a layer of sticky mucus)
Our lesson is over, you have worked hard & your marks are…
Your homework or next lesson is to learn the new words, read the text & speak about the respiratory system.
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