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The new era assigns new challenges and duties on the modern teacher. The tradition of English teaching has been drastically changed with the remarkable entry of technology. Technology provides so many options as making teaching interesting and also making teaching more productive in terms of improvements. Technology provides a lot of options in order to make English teaching method more interesting, besides this characteristic as well, this modern technological tool helps students to get involved and learn according to their interest. It has been tested effectively and is accepted in teaching English in the modern world.
Modern technologies are quiet useful for them.The use of internet has brought many sea changes in English teaching.The contemporary students are upgrading their knowledge by surfing on the net a lot. If the teacher is able to share something new and inspiring, students would pay more attention and concentration to English. Mp3 players play a great tool in keeping the audioscripts of any important matters. One can get back these things any moment. Sharing of important ideas through community services would enhance teachers one more level up. Innumerable english learning videos are available through well-known search engines and websites. If one makes use of these, English teacher can make his lecture/teaching more effective and inspiring one. Instead of continuous teaching using black board, if one uses visual aids like projectors(lcd),IW(WHITE BOARD) would be more useful for any teacher.
Some problems of using multimedia. Multimedia technology is an assisting instrument to achieve the projected teaching effect, while if totally dependent on multimedia devices during teaching, the teachers may be turned into slaves to multimedia and cannot play the leading role in teaching. The notion of Creative Education is to be fully comprehended that modern educational technique serves as an assisting instrument rather than a target and that should not dominate class. They are substitutes to effective teaching and learning.
It also result in lack of communication between teachers and students, replacement of teachers’ voice by computer sound, and teachers’ analysis by visual image and students have few chances for speaking communication,…students are made viewers rather than the participants of class activities.
Due to over-demonstration and pre-arranged order, the course ware lacks real-time effect and cannot give feedback.
Thinking capacity should be the major objective in teaching and using of multimedia technology and it should not take up the students’ time for thinking, analyzing and exploring questions.
A good teaching happens when students have the opportunity to think on their own way in the process of learning and this is possible by the actions of the teacher who should use the modern technology but in the right way.
37.Do you think that student’s motivation is important in learning a foreign language? Speak on the kinds of student’s motivation.
Motivation has been defined in different ways: it is what makes us act; it is a desire to work towards a goal or to reach an objective. If motivation is present, learning can be facilitated; but without it, effective learning becomes difficult. Motivation is the key to all learning.
Lack of motivation is perhaps the biggest obstacle faced by teachers, counselors, school administrators, and parents. Behavioral problems in the classroom often, or always, seem to be linked to the lack of motivation. Intelligent students are often out-performed by less bright students with high motivation. If a child is motivated enough he/she can accomplish learning of any scale.
Intrinsic motivation. The main idea of motivation is to capture the child's attention and curiosity and channel their energy towards learning. Intrinsic motivation is motivation from within the student. An intrinsically motivated student studies because he/she wants to study. The material is interesting, challenging and rewarding, and the student receives some kind of satisfaction from learning. To have an intrinsically motivated student is the goal of all motivational development.
Extrinsic motivation. An extrinsically motivated student studies and learns for other reasons. Such a student performs in order to receive a reward, like graduating or passing a test or getting a new shirt from his or her mother, or to avoid a penalty like a failing grade.
Here is a description of one of extrinsically motivated students. She is a very good student, and actually shows signs of being intrinsically motivated, but in general she is inclined to put forth the minimal effort necessary to get the maximal reward. When she is given an assignment in class, she often tries to chat with her friends or fails to get started, but if the teacher says this will be taken up and graded, she.is often the first one to finish. Her intrinsic motivation shows when the material is of great interest to her, or something she feels strongly about. Also, if the teacher can get her curious about something, without her being distracted, she works hard at it.
She performs well if she is given a task where she has control, the task is very clear, and she is involved in the dynamics of the class. It seems thatwhen intrinsic motivation is low or absent, extrinsic motivation must be used. Although extrinsic motivation can, and should, be used with intrinsically motivated students, too. If students aren't given a reward or credit for their efforts, and no feedback is given to the student, then most students' intrinsic motivation would begin to decrease.
38.What is the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation?
Intrinsic motivators include fascination with the subject, a sense of its relevance to life and the world, a sense of accomplishment in mastering it, and a sense of calling to it.
Students who are intrinsically motivated might say things like the following.
• “Literature interests me.”
• “Learning math enables me to think clearly.”
• “I feel good when I succeed in class.”
Advantages: Intrinsic motivation can be long-lasting and self-sustaining. Efforts to build this kind of motivation are also typically efforts at promoting student learning. Such efforts often focus on the subject rather than rewards or punishments.
Disadvantages: On the other hand, efforts at fostering intrinsic motivation can be slow to affect behavior and can require special and lengthy preparation. Students are individuals, so a variety of approaches may be needed to motivate different students. It is often helpful to know what interests one’s students in order to connect these interests with the subject matter. This requires getting to know one’s students. Also, it helps if the instructor is interested in the subject to begin with!
Extrinsic Motivation. Extrinsic motivators include parental expectations, expectations of other trusted role models, earning potential of a course of study, and grades (which keep scholarships coming).
Students who are extrinsically motivated might say things like the following.
• “I need a B- in statistics to get into business school.”
• “If I flunk chemistry, I will lose my scholarship.”
• “Our instructor will bring us donuts if we do well on today’s quiz.”
Advantages: Extrinsic motivators more readily produce behavior changes and typically involve relatively little effort or preparation. Also, efforts at applying extrinsic motivators often do not require extensive knowledge of individual students.
Disadvantages: On the other hand, extrinsic motivators can often distract students from learning the subject at hand. It can be challenging to devise appropriate rewards and punishments for student behaviors. Often, one needs to escalate the rewards and punishments over time to maintain a certain effect level. Also, extrinsic motivators typically do not work over the long term. Once the rewards or punishments are removed, students lose their motivation.
39. What are learning styles and strategies? Give a definition and some examples for each one.
Learning style is an individual's natural or habitual pattern of acquiring and processing information in learning situations. A core concept is that individuals differ in how they learn.[1] The idea of individualized learning styles originated in the 1970s, and has greatly influenced education.[2]
Proponents of the use of learning styles in education recommend that teachers assess the learning styles of their students and adapt their classroom methods to best fit each student's learning style. Although there is ample evidence for differences in individual thinking and ways of processing various types of information, few studies have reliably tested the validity of using learning styles in education.[2] Critics say there is no evidence that identifying an individual student's learning style produces better outcomes. There is evidence of empirical and pedagogical problems related to the use of learning tasks to "correspond to differences in a one-to-one fashion".[3] Well-designed studies contradict the widespread "meshing hypothesis", that a student will learn best if taught in a method deemed appropriate for the student's learning style.
Learning strategies are used by students to help them understand information and solve problems. A learning strategy is a person's approach to learning and using information. Students who do not know or use good learning strategies often learn passively and ultimately fail in school. Learning strategy instruction focuses on making the students more active learners by teaching them how to learn and how to use what they have learned to solve problems and be successful.
The Learning Strategies Curriculum has the necessary breadth and depth to provide a well-designed scope and sequence of strategy instruction. The curriculum is divided into strands, or categories of skills.
One strand addresses how students acquire information. It includes strategies for learning how to paraphrase critical information, picture information to promote understanding and remembering, ask questions and make predictions about text information, and identify unknown words in text.
A second strand helps students study information once they acquire it. It includes strategies for developing mnemonics and other devices to aid memorization of facts as well as strategies for learning new vocabulary. These strategies help prepare students for tests.
A third strand helps students express themselves. It includes strategies to help students write sentences and paragraphs, monitor their work for errors, and confidently approach and take tests.
No single strategy is a panacea. For example, we have reading strategies that help students figure out what a word is, comprehend what they're reading, acquire vocabulary, and understand the structure of text. All of these strategies are essential for a well-integrated, balanced reading program. Likewise, an array of strategies in other areas is necessary for student success.
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