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Main conceptions of international relations

Читайте также:
  2. New media. Public Relations в Интернет-среде.
  3. The Contribution of Cicero, Augustine, Aquinas and of others into the theory of international politics.
  4. Понятие и особенности government relations (GR).
  5. Этические и правовые аспекты Public Relations.

international relations, study of the relations among states and other political and economic units in the international system.

International relations- a branch of political science dealing with the relations between nations.

There are 4 groups of subjects of international relations

1. National State. These are the main subjects of foreign policy. They come in different relationships with each other at the global and regional levels.

2. interstate associations. These include a coalition of states, military-political blocs (eg NATO), integrated organizations (eg the European Union), political associations (for example, the League of Arab States, the Association of American States). These associations with inter-state play in modern politics is extremely important.

3. Inter-state governmental organizations. This is a special type of association, which includes representatives of most countries in the world are often mismatched political interests. Such organizations are created to discuss issues of general importance for the coordination of the international community (eg UN).

4. Non-governmental / non-governmental international organizations and movements. They are active actors in world politics. These include the international association of political parties, professional associations (eg, the World Federation of Trade Unions, the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions), associations of young people, students, pacifist movements (eg, the peace movement).



Политологи выделяют 4 группы субъектов международных отношений:

1. Национальные государства. Это главные субъекты внешнеполитической деятельности. Они вступают в различные отношения между собой на глобальном и региональном уровнях.

2. Межгосударственные объединения. Сюда включают коалиции государств, военно-политические блоки (например, НАТО), интегрированные организации (например, Европейский Союз), политические ассоциации (например, Лига Арабских государств, Ассоциация американских государств). Эти объединения на межгосударственной основе играют в современной политике чрезвычайно важную роль.

3. Межгосударственные правительственные организации. Это особый тип объединений, куда входят представители большинства стран мира с нередко несовпадающими политическими интересами. Такие организации создаются для обсуждения проблем, имеющих всеобщее значение и для координации деятельности мирового сообщества (например, ООН).

4. Негосударственные / неправительственные международные организации и движения. Они являются активными субъектами мировой политики. В их число входят международные объединения политических партий, профессиональные объединения (например, Всемирная федерация профсоюзов, Международная конфедерация свободных профсоюзов), объединения молодежи, студентов, пацифистские движения (например, Движение сторонников мира).


89. Globalization: its concepts, reasons, positive and negative sides

Globalization is the process of international integration arising from the interchange of world views, products, ideas and other aspects of culture. The term globalization has been increasingly used since the mid-1990s. The main terminological aspects of Globalization theory was designed by R. Robertson in 1983. In 2000, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) identified basic aspects of globalization: trade and transactions, capital and investment movements, migration and movement of people, and the dissemination (распространение) of knowledge, environmental challenges such as climate change, cross-boundary (трансграничные) water and air pollution, and over-fishing of the ocean.

From the point of view of the nature of globalization there are following approaches: revolutionary globalism (hyperglobalism), evolutionary globalism (transformation) and skeptics.

Globalization from the perspective of conceptual comprehension:

-the theory of "open society" (Karl Popper);

-the concept of "end of history" (Fukuyama);

-"the world-system "concept of Immanuel Wallerstein;

-theory of the "clash (столкновение) of civilizations" (Samuel Huntington);

-geopolitical concept (Zbigniew Brzezinski);

-the theory of "glocalization" R. Robertson and W.Beck;

-concept of globalism (A.S. Panarin);

-the theory of "post-economic society" (VL Inozemtseva);

-multifactorial concept of globalization (A.I. Utkin).

The main causes of globalization: the transition from an industrial to an information society, to high technology; transition from centralized economy to its decentralization; the transition from the national economy to the world; the transition from the alternative selection to select the diversity (разнообразие); the use of new communication technologies: the Internet and satellite television.

Positive sides of globalization:
• Foreign direct investment by creating jobs and income helped to reduce poverty
• Increased trade and foreign investment have accelerated social transformation and strengthened the middle class
• New communication and information technologies have contributed to accelerate the dissemination of information in many areas of science
• Communication has become more accessible and cheaper.
• All of this helps people from different countries understand each other better.
• Globalization makes possible the manifestation of sympathy and assistance to each other, for example, in times of disasters - natural or man-made
• Issues such as human rights and social responsibility come to the fore (становиться на первый план)
• The protection of women's rights

The negative sides of globalization:
-Environmental degradation due to unrestricted industrial activities of transnational corporations

-Multiplication of profits
-Along with achieving a certain level of poverty reduction in many regions formed significant new economic disparities (раздичия)
-Priority is given to ensuring profits.
-Globalization helps eliminate state control over international financial flows.
-Technological advances, aggravated by the export of capital to the regions with the low cost of production caused by the rise of unemployment in rich countries

-Globalization has popularized the culture of consumerism.

-Preference is given technical and managerial skills and competencies in accordance with the requirements of the market, however, ignored the traditional academic disciplines
-Despite the fact that the boom in information technology has caused the growth of information, much of it is useless and meaningless
-Double standards exist in terms of human rights protection the modern world, where they are a tool of foreign policy of Western governments only when it suits them
-Globalization internationalized crime
-The spread of disease occurs much more rapidly, making it difficult to control these processes




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