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Social paradigm, social life and social-cultural characteristics of a political actor

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The social paradigm explains the political phenomena with influence of external factors (social, economic, cultural). The policy depends on the level of economic development, cultural traditions. The social paradigm unites various theories which essence is reduced to aspiration to explain the nature and an origin of policy through social factors, first of all through the defining role of this or that sphere of public life, this or that public phenomenon, through the acquired (social-cultural) properties of the subject social actions. Adheres to these positions, for example, the Marxist concept according to which the policy is determined by the movement of economic processes and acts as a superstructure over economic basis of society. The policy is the concentrated expression of economy: a private property – social classes – the organization of political life – the state. The concept of "rule of law" according to which the right is considered as the generating policy reason is distributed in the western political science. Supporters of this concept believe, what not politicians, namely the right by which have to be guided both the state, and the individuals who are able to provide a socio-political compromise in society. From their point of view, process of social development represents no other than history of domination of these or those laws replacing each other. From here primary activity of political scientists in the analysis of political life has to be reduced only to research of precepts of law. Culturological approach also belongs to kinds of a social paradigm. His supporters consider the content of political processes under a valuable and standard point of view. As a result of the politician appears as a product of conscious motivations and forms of behavior of the person. Thus as the political values defining nature of behavior of people, a form of political behavior call the following types: ideological which cornerstone moral, moral conviction of individuals in the value of this or that political system and the principles proclaimed it is; structural, relying on commitment of individuals to norms of a political regime; personal, connected with belief of individuals in personal qualities of political leaders. A choice of these or those values and consequently, and forms of political behavior is defined by social-cultural characteristics, individual properties of the person. The social paradigm in essence coincides with sociological approach and interprets policy through influence on it of other spheres of life of society: economies, social structure, right, culture, etc. The theories explaining the policy nature through influence, influence of other spheres of public life belong to a social paradigm: economies, ideologies, spiritual sphere.

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